Posts by TheGreatSara

    This began when I just got to level 38. I opened the nice little gift box, then opened the nice little jewelry box. When I went to equip the nice little earring that came along with the package, I noticed that one of my earrings was replaced with a copy of the shirt I was wearing.

    This did not stay for long, though. I decided to relog to see if that would fix it. It did. But I was curious about somethin'. Was it just a graphical error, or did it actually replace the earrings with my shirt? I sat there and waited for my Kaio-Ken to recharge so I could see.

    The results are weird. Even though my shirt gives me more Physical Defense, wearin' another copy of my shirt on my ear actually gave me less Physical defense. It basically cut my defense in half. It should also have given me more Strength, but I was down a point on that. So basically, my two shirts cancelled each other out, while the earrings that were replaced actually still have their effects, as I still had the same amount of maximum EP as I normally do. The only thing the clone of my shirt did was make me heavier, as seen with the increase of weight in the first image. I have no idea how this happened, or how long it's actually taken effect, but it was easily solved by relogging, which is good.

    Long story short, I got disconnected from the server. Then when I relogged, I was underneath the map.


    Don't worry, though. I just inched a bit forward an' I was back on land. Sure looked cool, though. Probably nothin' to worry 'bout.