Posts by Surge

    @Surge I'll make the team aware of this, if possible please submit a ticket at the help desk with step by step how to replicate the bug so we can fix this. I did notice this too when leveling my fighter in pre open beta but I thought it was only an animation bug, because sometimes the animation wouldn't go through but the attack would still connect. I tried to replicate the bug but for some reason I wasn't able to recreate it, so at this point I'm not sure if it's random or if its due to a certain cause. In order to fix bugs we need to know exactly why they happen so they can be investigated thoroughly.

    The bug happens when you have enough cooldown to be able to spam the move (I have 61 cd). You'll notice the first intital storm strike will hit. Then on the storm strikes to follow the animation usually wont go through but the damage was still being done. This was the case for the past couple months. Over the last few days I've noticed storm strike still behaves the same except now it's a bit worse. Now when the animation fails to go through no damage is being done at all.

    I'll go ahead and submit that ticket.

    Conditions to make bug happen:

    • Must have enough cooldown to spam storm strike repeatedly using storm strikes cooldown rp ability.
    • Full rp
    • Best tested in a group of 4 or more mobs.
    • I've noticed this bug around a few days ago. The animation for storm strike frequently is not working even though the skill has been activated and the cooldown starts.

    • I've also noticed that mobs within the area of effect are sometimes not being hit at all. It's not that the attack is missing them, they just aren't regestered as being in the aoe even though they are.

    It's definitely a creative build. The martial artist classes were just never correctly calibrated to excel with energy techniques. Personally I don't think this build will work well. It's like trying to use a turtle that focuses on physical attacks. As long as you're having fun with it that's all that matters.

    Ya I remember the scramble from tw. So level 60 earrings are the highest you can wish for with the tier 2 dragon balls, correct?

    I'm curious if your level affects the level of the earrings you can wish for? If I'm level 60 can I wish for level 70 earrings? (not sure if there are level 70 earings)

    I dont want to waste a wish. Any light that someone could shed on this matter would be great. Thanks in advance!

    Please don't make it daily. Dragonball hunting is annoying and tedious. 2 hunts a week on the same day with good drop rate as it is now is perfect! I made 3 wishes and collected 6 more balls after that this past hunt.(total of 18 balls between two hunts)

    Nobody wants to spend 2 hours a day scrounging for 1 or two balls a hunt with a crappy drop rate like in old TW.

    I don't understand how skill books have not been removed from the game. This is an mmo! One day I might feel like doing pvp. The next day I might want to do pve stuff. Our builds are constantly changing based on what content we are doing. It's insane we have to spend real money to change builds or spend a ridiculous price of 350 to 600kk which is the price range they have been selling for.

    Remove skill books and allow an npc to reset our skills for like 100k or something after level 30.