Posts by ExaltedGeico

    I agree with you, I too believe upgrading your chest should increase the chance of successfully blocking. It would give Turtles, and Cranes a better chance at winning duels, although I don't think it will make much of a difference in ranked.

    As for increasing dashes speed, or rp regeneration, I find that a bit unnecessary. Turtles, and Cranes already struggle to defeat MA's with speed restrain, if you give those classes a speed boost it will be damn near impossible for a spiritualist to stand a chance against them on ranked. And you can get rp regeneration by simply crafting boots with it, although you can argue certain classes like DW need the rp regeneration to stand a chance against SKs. I wouldn't mind Daneos adding rp regeneration to pant upgrades as much as I would him adding movement speed to boots.

    I don't really agree with the whole "Swordsman > Turtle for CC" thing since a Turtle has ranged auto-attacks, attack speed shackle, defense debuff, and most importantly "speed restrain" which lets ranged parties spam attack speed from afar without much risk.

    I wouldn't say "SM>>> Turtle for CC" but it does have certain pros that gives you a good reason to use place it on a CC party. Turtle isn't the only class it can replace in a CC party, for example if a SM has enough properties it can replace SK/DW as a tank during a boss fight thanks to glaring slash(anywhere from -70 to -100% damage). In my opinion the attack speed debuff + defense debuff are nothing compared to glaring slashes -30 Attack/defense properties, and speed restrain is unnecessary if the SM does enough damage to keep the agro.

    But it's not as good when it comes to tanking a horde of mobs as a namekian tank would be, and it's aoes aren't as strong as a turtle's. Unfortunately not many are capable of seeing what lies beyond SM's cons, so they don't bother using it, calling it a useless class.

    With the current speed cap Fighter's thunder is completely useless in pve, since max speed cap is so low. Now a days SM are a far superior choice in a CC party than fighters due to their similar damage and attack speed, but the difference is that they have better debuffs. A SM can also somewhat replace a turtle thanks to Burning attack although it doesn't work too well alone, if you have a karma with aoes + a really good dende to provide healing, you can clear hordes in no time.

    Here are the props, and cons of a BA over Turtle's kame:

    -No cool down with the cd rp meaning you could mix props with cd, and still be capable of launching one BA after another

    -Better aoe damage than fighters + One of the largest aoe in the entire game with a 20m splash

    -Less damage than a turtle

    While a turtle's kame have 9 second to 27 second cooldown with full cd gear, and their auto damage/debuffs are inferior to SM's glaring slash + MA con debuff. SM have the 29 cd buff, so with only a single 21-23 cd earring you can reduce BA's cd to nothing while wearing 26 props in total from your other accessories. As if right now SM> Turtle/Crane > Fighter in a CC party.

    Well even if you could get energy recovery to level 4 at level 37, I doubt that alone would allow you to take down a well geared 37 SK. They hit for a decent amount with their base damage alone.

    Even so, if a fighter with almost max and 120% resist rings it'd make it very hard to land a stun on them. That's why I'm satisfied with the current max res% cap on accessories.

    P.S. I do use A LOT of focus on fighters, and I still have a somewhat difficult time dealing with them.

    To be honest, I think the res% cap on accessory is fine as it is now. Especially since fighters have been resisting/dodging A LOT recently. If anything I believe Daneos should revert props to what it was back in the day.

    Oh alright than my bad I guess. When I saw "PvE Needs Fixing obviously!" I jumped to conclusions assuming they meant open world mobs. When it comes to fixing PvE's defense in UDs, and such, I strongly agree with you that it needs a tweak.

    I can understand that pve defense is a bit iffy, but that doesn't justify pve being broken. I remember you replied to me saying a Aoe class couldn't handle a group of papaya's mob without buffs. Which I quickly proved it wrong. "Im telling you that i have no problems with farming but you just dont get it.The point is NOT in ME or YOU the point is in overall pve game."

    And than you start talking about the issues with pve defense, which you should only be having issues in UDs, TMQs, and CC. Practically anyone with decent gear can grind, and beat map after map on the open world.

    Which than you try to link with Badass' post about pve mob's damage with this "Badass pointed out that mobs are stronger NOW,which you should know if u played few months ago." Which clearly in the post he says mobs were stronger before.

    You're not very good at supporting your opinion, and over all you don't know what you're talking about.

    Clearly you didn't even bother to read Badass' reply to Sirab. Call me crazy all you want, but you'll remain as ignorant as the day you first started playing this game.

    Anyways that practically ends our discussion.

    Ultra if you see it necessary to give yourself a handicap and not use Freeze, feel free not to use it. Pve won't be changed, it really isn't that difficult to grind anyways. If you have trouble grinding, too bad make a buffer.

    Also reread what Badass wrote, it's very clear he said they were supposed to be much stronger than what they are now(He was more than likely referring to TW/HK). I'm aware that pve was very easy a couple months back on DBO G.

    You dont have to teach me,i play turtle since 2012.

    You dont even need aoe stun as a turtle to get even faster farming.

    I'm confused to as how this supports your statement down below

    Its about being able to do solid grind WITHOUTH having your buffer on 24/7,if you are full pve AoE class you should be able to farm at lvl 70 with solid gear on papaya area right,with ONLY your buffs.
    What is the point of even having an pve char that cant farm withouth ulti/chef buffs?
    If you are going to respond me well I can farm with my turtle papaya easily,dont even bother to respond.
    You cant tell me that you can farm even 2 larger groups withouth having to take a 20 sec rest to continue.(ofc im talking with only your own buffs)

    If you're aware of the tactics of grinding quickly in Papaya as a turtle without buffs, I wouldn't see any reason you'd be arguing with me in the first place. From what I can understand your argument is that players can't grind without having ulti/cheff buffs constantly due to the difficulty of pve.

    If you knew how to effectively grind back in TW this shouldn't be difficult at all for you, therefore nullifying your argument over pve's difficulty. From what we've just been told by Badass, mobs used to be much stronger, there shouldn't be any complaints left over pve's difficulty especially since its supposedly easier now.