Posts by maiqe

    First, I would like to expose my annoyance because a week before the Cash Shop rework update, I bought a rare dogi for 500kk, after the update, it was valued at 5kk, I spent some time saving that money to buy something rare and you did that, as much as i understand your intent, its not fair to me but ok, i just wanted to vent.

    now my opinion is that you should put something that you only buy for Cash, but something that won't change the experience of other players.
    for example, exclusive dogis for donors and if possible it has (account binds) for example the 2021 Capsule. thus making the dogi exclusive to that person; Or even a different mount or pet.
    Have you thought about putting shelong as a pet to follow you? many people will donate to get a simple pet.

    You are a good admin, verdant. you have done a good job.


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