Posts by NakamaPower

    Don't understand half of what you're saying but I do agree that HTB should be usable on all other bosses. Just boss event where people spam just to be annoying

    Maybe I'll try explain it easier later..... ( previous message i wrote using many mental shortcuts), but you get to understand main part, they should make event boss immune, but not all bosses and hero.

    you just dont get that, why htb is usefull, I dont care about the boss event, annoying can be only for people who are not pantient, or have some other problems with psyche. (and i'm not telling it as the one who use htb on the boss event, i didn't do it even once). Why are u even nervous about that, when boss event just come to 50(players) x boss = also nothing cool. The whole event is just about deliver a quest, and no one give a f*k about taking pleasure from figithing a boss, just looking for a people to kill it "fast" - yeah fast..... that's the problem, faster than 1min? or faster than 30s? Ohhh omg, u get nervous cuz it takes alrady 5 min cuz of people's htb? really? ridiculous, and stupid of any who is angry about that. THIS IS GAME, not real life!

    and now about usefulness of HTB, MMO games is not ABOUT BE THE BEST, HAVING THE BEST TEAM, and doing the best strategy - ofc it's immportant, but MMO is about playing together, having fun, and trying to get the best results from "WHAT I HAVE", not forcing people to play until end of the world and even longer to finally get the team with which u can do an instance/dungeon ect. and here comes the usefulness of htb. When the team is not the best, and you need to save your team and let them heal, and get back to figithing a boss, you just use HTB as a pause in your fight. Now htb is useless for real. And im not gonna be happy about that.

    PS: I don't mind making boss event immune to htb, but now they made all of bosses and HERO immune, no fun at all during tmq.

    PSS: Example: UD2 - htb saved our ass a lot of times at lower lvl while figithing with the bosses there.

    yea great idea, now HTB is totally useless, no point of using it anymore. No knockdown, no htb, we have no any skill which can save our ass and let us survive, who the f*** had so great idea? Even can't get fun during tmq, using your nice animated skill at your enemy. Since HTB can be only used at players (cuz regular mobs even doesn't count) then i suggested to reduce greatly CD time of HTB.

    bzdury to ty gadasz, każdy obeznany gracz powie ci tak jak ja.... i nie mam zamiaru się kłócić, chcecie dalej grindować na 65 proszę bardzo. Nie moja sprawa. Fakt jest taki, że ja wbiłem 60-70 lvl w 4-5 dni grania a jak wam schodzi więcej to nie mój naprawdę interes.

    Ja też wiem co piszę, 60 lvl zacząłem na papayi, niewiele grindowałem robiąc questy i bez problemu 68/69, wiec ....... trzeba prawdzie spojrzeć prosto w oczy, jak kiepsko idzie wam z robieniem questów jak to wielu ziomków pisze, że nie ma questów przy 65 lvl a ja mu udowadniam ze wciąż są działające questy, które uaktywniają kolejne to już nie moja wina. Sry ale taka prawda. Niektórzy mi nawet piszą, że nie mają w ostatniej wiosce żadnych questów, a ja miałem bez problemu.

    Inna sprawa jest taka, że turtlem automatycznie wbije się więcej expa przy robienie questów, bo nie zawracam sobie głowy walką 1vs1 mob.

    PS: A jeszcze inna sprawa jest wykorzystywanie całego potencjału gry, a nie expienie na pałe, 65 do 69 wbity w weekend, buff na expa zachowany na póżniej, plus weekend plus robienie questów podczas takich bonusów i sprawa z głowy.

    I know it's easier way ect (but it's not that hard as you think it's really simple to write other language, windows from 7 to 10 have a feature which make it easy, partically you just change language in your taskbar and everyone who know alphabet of interested language will know how to write) I know people want the easiest way to communicate with others.... but think about that as opportuninty....

    For example when Pre open beta will come to end, propably there will be more players than today, and with next months will be more and more.... and you know it more players = more annoying players like

    ohh help,..... help me, pls, i don't know what to do, ohh I don't know how put my clothes on me, pls can you invite to guild, pls pls pls though he will be 1 lvl...

    People with the ability of wirting in other languages can easily defend against that people, having nick in other alphabet is relly helpful.

    Besides it's not only good for us, it would help players from Asia if they will decide to make accountatn here, they will recongnize easier fellow companion, and they will immiedtietly start talk in their language. It's just my opinion.

    PS: sorry if some of my sentences are grammatically incorrect or incomprehensible :/

    Sorry, but I'm really disappointed by the possible way of giving the name to my character. For example, I can write in Japanese because, I'm learning that language, but it seems that I can not use the Japanese language because game do not accept the name which i came up with. ;(

    I hope you will fix this in the future. I bet there is more players who do not wanna be limited to only X/ Latin alphabet.