Game worth completing by questing, every map and dungeon, anything there is etc especially if you never done it before.
Ofc if you get bored or time is the problem, well... Getting boosted by other players seems not so bad. You can re-do them later if ya want it maybe.
(Cuz it might take months, years for someone or some classes to reach max lvl, get decent gear and do end-game content, and other stuff how to make zeni faster etc)
You are not missing that much right now, atleast from personal point rn.
Its not the peek game moment where everybody was playing and started fresh or new LVL cap , and everybody was active everywhere, now just eh...
Eh, nice drawing btw, do whatever, get urself some drawing ideas from all kinds of dogis, and focus more on ya drawing so u can make zeni IRL from it. You can, i can see that.
Posts by WhyUHaveToBeMad
Hujj znaet reik ateit nax toliau iszudyt visus
Visi nustipe cia blecha
Install windows 7, problem solved.
people spend MONTHS and years in this game and sometimes never get maxed out lol, unless they cash, or save up a lot, spend a lot of time grinding and some other bs
Is it gonna be some event like last year... Or nah? loL~
no cheat xD
game is not in sync so for him he is run to mobs and kill them
for you it looks like he didnt move and the mobs get hit
pls inform yourself about the server sync problems befor you call someone a cheater
I dont know if you that dumb or wtf is wrong with u lol.
Install windows 7. Problem solved.
Xenoverse 3.0 looking a$$ wanna be boi
Boring. Only plot. Nothing else.
The end. -
there are none
1.0 and 2.0 but 2.0 crashing a lot and lot of bugs. So gg -
Install windows 7 - problems solved.
Ps. windows 10 made to lag lol. -
You can still play 1.0 version, there is till some players playing daily.
there should be only 1
trash game. the end
uninstall win10 - install win 7
ggwp well.... yeah...
whole server is empty