You can't just copy & paste to make stuff work.
You need to work on the client source to fix that.
You can't just copy & paste to make stuff work.
You need to work on the client source to fix that.
Issue has been fixed.
Use the dboglauncher to update your game client.
Issue has been fixed.
Use the dboglauncher to update your game client.
Issue has been fixed.
Use the dboglauncher to update your game client.
Issue has been fixed.
Use the dboglauncher to update your game client.
-- Fixes
- Mouse movement and rotation
- No Sound after moving
- No sound after relog
- Fix windows 7 crash with world map
-- Server
- Exploit lvling max level skill
I want to download the new client and server code and the linck does not work
You can also change the ports if needed.
Open DboClient.sln and check the tool "PackEditor"
For .rdf files, check TableEditor. However, it's only base and there is no save function yet.
The problem with client is solved but now i have other problem ?
Server file all compiled ok.
Start MasterServer,QueryServer,Authserver and when i open the other file it will be closed in few second. It doesnt make a file log with error..
Another question how i can open the .pak and the .rdf table file? Thanks so much.
Fixed with latest repo update.
One question, how many simultaneous online players does a single GameServer support? 1000? 2000?
Can 1500 but id suggest max 1000
you must select "attach debugger to process" in visual studio after starting the character server and then wait for crash.
Also check new repo update.
Maybe the issue is fixed with that one.
Download GFx SDK 3.3 and go to "DBOGLOBAL\DboClient\Lib\NtlFlasher\GFx SDK 3.3\3rdParty\jpeg-6b\gfx_projects\Win32\Msvc80", open libjpeg.sln and build Release | Win32
trying find the problem, already checked all txt files, and think its all ok
Editting: idk, but the only one when copiled showing this menssages is the CharServer project, are it missing something?
2 options:
1. Check log files.
2. Use debugger to connect to the program and wait for crash
Thank you, i got it, now i have problem when start char server, im getting disconnect after start it
You have misconfigured something or a required port is already in use.
You need to start mysql on XAMPP programm.
Then you connect to mysql and add the database.
Last you update config files so the server can connect to mysql.
Please reupload links
V80 is no longer required. Check repo update.