Posts by Daneos

    just a report on bug fixes.

    * Bug Fixes
    - A time-out bug at the character server.
    - Ultimate Dungeon (UD) 1-4 fully working.
    - A bug at the monster/npc check within the script system (currently testing)
    - Monster death check

    Today Im going to work on UD 5, 6 and fix some script bugs which might appear.

    Oh and the server is back online again!

    In the next hours I will update the server with some major fixes and changes on the script system.

    The server is going to be offline for the server maintenance.

    Duration: 1~ Hour.

    The server is back up. Some major fixes in the script & quest system has been done. The server should now be more stable too.
    Within the next 24 hours more script & quest system bugs will be updated & fixed and after that I will start with fixing skill bugs etc.

    Update 2:
    The server will be in a important maintenance.

    Duration: Unknown. Will update this message.

    Update 3:
    The server is back up. Im not sure if ive fixed all critical bugs. When I wake up I will fix the other bugs(if still exist).

    The server will be now offline for a server maintenance.

    Maintenance duration: ~10 Minutes.

    * Bug Fixes
    - Escort and some other special quests can be finished by multiple people at once.

    UPDATE: The server is back online

    Im currently working on the script system to fix some quests. After that I will work on UDs (Ultimate Dungeons)

    Next Update:
    - Escort and some other special quests can be finished by multiple people at once.
    - A bug which can crash the channel will be fixed.

    - The quest database table has been updated (PS: 7~ million quests are currently registered (in progress/completed))

    We will be having a short maintenance to fix the mails which dont contain any items bug.

    Duration: 30~ Minutes.

    Once the server is back on this message will be updated.

    UPDATE: Server is back online. Lots of invalid and old mails have been removed.

    * Bug fixes:
    - Reset world objects state to default when destroying dungeon

    I tried to buy a second 20 slot capsule from the token store then my game crashed and now wont let me log into my character. I'm still able to log into my other chars but not my main one

    Character name?

    Sorry for the crappy print screen, but here is me standing next to Aizi (Quest log open to show that I do have the prompt to tell me to talk to Aizi) And a spare Korin Spell just in case I need to forfeit the quest and I lose the item.

    I could possible just be personally bugged, if thats the case I would like to know if you could do anything for me or the people effected by this sort of thing not working

    Read the guide on how to do adult/master class quest.

    If anyone post bug report about adult/master class quest without even knowing how to do the quest wll be banned from posting anymore here.

    Hi, since the update some bugs occured too.
    Im currently working on them

    * Updates
    - Possibility to move quest item into the inventory

    * Bug fixes
    - A bug at storing the last server id.
    - Remove temporary quests & the items from that quest when leaving a dungeon.
    - Grandpa gohan message appearing out of nowhere.

    The server is back online now.

    sorry for the 50minutes delay. Had some internet problems.

    The server is going to be offline for around 1 hour from now on.

    Once maintenance is done it will be posted here.

    Maintenance finished. All Updates/Fixes from Global Update Thread should be applied now.

    We have updated the server to work a bit faster. Use the dboglauncher to update the client or edit the ConfigOptions.xml file and change the ip from to

    Some FAQs
    Q: I can not enter the TLQ portal:
    A: Currently there is a limit. Only 50 people per time can go into a TLQ. Try to go into the portal in an other channel.

    Q: TLQ quest freeze/nothing happens.
    A: This is due to a bug on the network which we are currently working on. You have to relog to restart the TLQ.

    If you notice any bugs please report them here:
    (STICKY) Pre Open Beta Offical Big BUG LIST
