Posts by Daneos

    * Updates

    • Bleed, Poison and stomachache defence calculation changed. The defence attribute is added to the default defence. Reason is because some bosses do have over 200 defence.
    • Dodge formula against non-players have been changed to avoid bosses with much dodge rate to dodge every attack

    * Fixes

    • Exploit being able to drop curse buffs

    * Fixes

    • Party members which are not inside CCBD get teleported when finishing a boss stage.
    • When leave ccbd, the party will be removed correctly (visual bug)
    • lp/ep regen bug when equip item
    • LP/EP only gets recovered when receiving a buff which increases the max LP/EP directly.
    • Channel crash when executing an object

    * Updates

    • CC Battle Dungeon. Max floors: 100 (Entrance in West City)
    • CC Battle Dungeon Floor Tickets
    • Dodge formula a bit updated. Dodging now working for auto attack and skills
    • Resist formula a bit updated. Resisting now working again.
    • Auto attack formula a bit updated.
    • Skill damage formula a bit updated.
    • Remove item buffs when enter a world where the buff is not allowed
    • Automatic messages showing up every 15 minutes
    • Knocked down players are immune on AOE skills which stun multiple people
    • No longer able to use skills which have a stun effect on target which is knocked down (target wrong state message)
    • Check if monster is immune against stuns. (Still need some more updates and checks for different monsters)
    • New crit-chance formula: fCritRate - ((fCritBlockRate * 1.875) * 50 / 100) = X% critical chance
    • Check players state when using an item to avoid players being able to use food while KD or stunned. Or use Thunder and SSJ Pot.
    • Bleed,Poison,Stomachache(Abdominal) and Burn defence now decreases the DOT damage by "defence/2" percent. Example: 50 burn defence decreases the burn damage by 25%
    • % LP & % EP recovery attribute capped at 60%
    • Reflect AA & Skill Damage
    • Recover % LP & EP from Skill damage
    • Love Cursing Armoa skill now gives a buff when successfully absorbing a curse.
    • Remove random curse function updated to be more random.
    • Increased the monster follow range from 80m to 100m.
    • Revive skill and popo revive item is now working in ranking.
    • Item: Resurrection PoPo(Party), Guild Name-Change Book

    * Fixes

    • Leave tutorial
    • Sub weapon offence no longer added to the offence inside the character window(c).
    • No more damage dealt when resist a skill
    • Self-destruct skills
    • Play-Dead effect removed when getting attacked
    • Stun no longer ignored when getting stunned while play-dead skill in effect
    • Monsters getting bugged after trying to move back to spawn point (immortal)
    • Learn dojo functions without needing a dojo.
    • Charge RP after using a buff
    • Dungeon boss disappear when running too far away
    • A bug in the script system which caused the script to call wrong functions. Might fix the unavailable NPC bug.
    • Can now move cash shop item to inventory even when the inventory is full if the moved item is stackable with one of the items inside the inventory.
    • Following "keep down time" buff stats are now correctly calculated: paralyze, terror, confuse, stone, candy, bleed, poison and stomachache.
    • Unable to use any skills until you move a bit after first ranked battle.
    • Trade auto "accepted" when start trade. Example:
    • When a buff increase max EP/LP then the increased EP/LP will be added. Example: Life: 5k, Max Life: 5k, increase max by 1k = 6k Max Life. New Life: 6k instead of 5k
    • Party Rankbattle matchmaking. No longer requires 3 registered parties to find a pair.
    • When failing to use an item for whatever reason, the error message will not be sent to everyone.

    * Other Updates

    * Known Issues

    • There is no reward pop-up when finishing a boss stage in CCBD. However, when finishing the last stage (100) the reward will be given to everyone before getting teleported outside.
    • When getting revived in Rank Battle it can happen that it says "Please Wait"

    You have to run the dboglauncher.exe inside the dbo global folder.

    You can also create an shortcut of the dboglauncher.exe and put the shortcut on the desktop. But the dboglauncher.exe must be inside the dbo global folder.


    * Updates
    Skill damage formula has been a bit changed to increase the defence effectiveness.

    * Fixes
    DOT damage is now based on attackers offence and targets defence