No dragonballs in a dragonball game xD
Posts by johnnysGr
i got 0 dballs in this event..its incredible how bad the event is..i personally i will stop to hunt for dballs..its just a big waste of time..better to level up my alt character instead of struggling to find 3-4-5 dballs in a week.
hello guys i need a good pve build and gear(armor+weapon and sub) for pve(grinding)..i have tried pants/jacket/shoes-focus-soul-focus and for weapon focus but i cant get enough damage...even i use a buffer i am struggling at killing lots of mobs..its really sad for fighter that you must have a weapon +15 in order to pve without problems..
press j and see the list with the items quests..if you have already this object at your list then remove it...and try to do the quest again..if this doesnt work too..then Daneos must help you..:(
he means the item you get from the box you break..and then you go to Hada to elder in korin and you activate the adult quest
thanks a lot... vegitoxgogeta with this build i suppose i play pve with the skill storm strike or am i wrong?also one more question..what should be my gear to maximize my damage?
why you increase spirited roar for pve its kinda useless..better to max fortitude and prepared to roar
can i have a pve build plz?
The problem is not the drop rate, the problem is the amount of people hunting in the same areas. Instead of a higher drop rate i would love to see more mobs with the DB icon.
well..i get again these annoying freezes,but the game is a little bit more smooth than windows 10
I got it free from university software. But you can just seach on google for windows8.iso you will find plenty. Just install it without any key and activate it with windowsloader I posted on this forum. Did that ago 1-2 years ago and was fine.
i am have installed successfully windws 8.1..i am going to test the game in windows 8 and i will confirm if this is working..i hope it will because its too complicated to install windows 7 in new pcs..but i didnt had any problems with install windows 8.1
no unfortunately this isnt the reason..many players when open beta released..they are having issue with lags...he doesnt mean freezes he is reffering to lag and delays..i have problem too..sometimes my skills didnt even cast and i have died plenty of times from the monsters
With windows7 dual boot you may get some issues due to USB ports. I'd recommend using windows 8 instead. It's been 3 days since I installed it along win10 and worked like a charm!
can you please send me a link?i mean for windows 8?
i get the same error
seems like something is messed up with your installation..maybe try to delete the game and renistall..something is wrong with the translation
i am not familiar with any of the others methods........
i can only donate with credit card
i am trying with credit card visa..i dont know if the others method have also the same problem...i am sure i am filling the fields correctly..i dont know what is wrong..
hello i get error when i fill all the fields...error says
- Internal error