Posts by copystrike

    I've been playing all day no problem, but now my fps jumps around and its almost impossible to play. I restarted my computer, reinstalled my graphic driver, restarted dbo and still having this problem. Is this happening to anyone else? is it a server issue? Anyone have a suggestions?

    Hey, have u checked the gpu and cpu temperature?

    buenas Recien llegue al lv 16 y voy hacer una quest del vijar en el tiempo, pero cuando hablo con la persona de la quest ( en el pasado) no pasa nada
    PD: Soy nood

    Noob :P jajaj... Nada, tienen problemas las TLQ a partir de la actualizacion parece, vi muchos con ese problema hoy

    how do i reset my skills ?? ?(

    If u havent reached the lv30, could reset skills talking with some skill masters NPC, u will find them easily at kokkara or korin village. But if u are higher than lv 30 u must to use reset skill books

    La habilidad de volar la puedes comprar en la cash shop, pag 22, escoges la de tu raza y listo. Ya luego podrias hacer la quest de volar con mas calma si deseas. No se que pajaros raros te refieres xd Las quests para obtener la habilidad son puro matar mobs o recoger items

    i stuck on the 2nd step, he gave me the quest to meet korin like the screenshot above. Must i go to girl at citygateway to finish the quest?

    that ive been trying to say. if u arent sure what quests u should do, just do all of them on those places, citygateway and great tree, someone will send u to great tree and then to korin tower.

    thanks bro, but i stuck on that step like what i gave on scren shot. i will try to explain my journey to take the quest.1. i got item that i got by crushing the box. when i click i got the quest i got to the npc near korin tower.
    2. i got the "finish quest" with chinese word and i see on map there is no npc with red X mark in quest. I read the quest, i think i must to meet korin.

    Yep, the red scarf that u've got in the box gave the quest to talk with korin. But to get there u need to cmplete the quests that i said so the little keeper gate girl will be able to teleport u xd

    I remember these steps, 1) scarf red in box, that uve done. 2)indian guy near korin tower 3) little girl at city gateway 4) indian from great tree to sheila (keeper gate)

    so, i must finish all quest at korin tower? but there is some bug quest, like to collecting root from 4 different place, i can't do nothing to collect.

    Yep, but that quest doesnt matter, nobody can collect them. Focus on the NPCs that shows u the adult quest guide at those places that i mencioned. These quests are required to get into korin tower

    I havent got any problem doing this adult quest on 3 characters. First at all, u must to do all the quests located at korin tower, city gateway and great tree, specifically the indian guy near to korin tower teleport, this one will send u to do a quest at city gateway with a little girl, and then u have to go to great tree. The last one give u a quest to talk with sheila and u will be able to get into korin tower. Then u fight againts korin, grow up, choose ur class, get an item of ur sub class that give u a quest in another map, thats all in big steps