Posts by Just a Nice Guy

    any chance to block the sale of cash items? now economy is basically, buy cash points, get dogis and sell them in auction house, buy gear and upgrade stones


    Let's give people less reasons to cash, that will surely make the game stay alive, right?

    My suggestion to the staff, keep adding cosmetics. Make amazing must-have dogi that people won't be able to resist like Black's outfit, a saiyan tail, etc.

    Hey, I just wanted to ask if CC crashes were still a thing in POB like it was in TW and if they still are.

    If so, is there any fix/solution coming before we get to cc150? Maybe not automated kicks out of party when dced, or something

    Thanks for your time.

    in another subject they complain about carrying ultimates since they only give buff but not dmg, and here they complain that the spins has a lot of damage:/

    Press F for respect everyone.

    These weak humans crying about everything. First, they don't want buffers to be on their parties, they just wants buffs but not to give someone the slot because they ONLY buff and not help with damage.

    They get more damage so cheff and ultima can be more helpful, and they complain cause they won't be called as much because they are part of the human overpopulation.

    The game is way too overfilled with humans because people like going SSJ. What the staff is doing to balance the races so there's a more equal distribution of people on each race is great.

    Everyone knows if you are a fighter/SM/turtle you WILL have a hard time getting into parties because everyone wants to play these classes, they are fun and you can go SSJ like Goku. Well, too bad, you gotta get stronger/pay real money to be better than the rest of humans to be called.

    I for one applaud the Global staff for "buffing buffers" (xD)

    This is simple and you can't oppose it and here's why:

    All classes deserve to be included in all of the game's events, that is what balance stands for.

    If you are part of the human race overpopulation in the game, well too bad for you. I really don't care.

    People who want to main buffers should not be excluded for your sake.

    Your only excuse is: "buffers can only buff and that's it so they don't deserve a spot. Give me more damage so I won't have to invite them." You can't be this childish.

    It's different. Vadims problem is that buffer don't do a shit in dungeon they buff at the beginning and go afk for the whole run. Buffer is the only class that does that. So a question for you I expect a honest answer. Would you share your drop with someone who was literally afk the whole run?

    I wouldn't.

    If your buffer friends go afk, then find good buffers. Why should the Ultimate and Grand cheff class be always left out of dungeons, just so you OVERPOPULATED humans can have more slots? Give me a break.

    Cashalot is right.

    This whole thread is nonsense, I'm sorry but you can't think otherwise.

    What they ask is for ultimate to become useless, they just want to have the party all to themselves and screw the people that want to main a buffer.

    I'm glad the staff is not gonna revert this because it would be really dumb.

    Hey why not make all speed buffs and heals over time, including ep/lp duration 20+ minutes!

    What he's saying here may sound like dumb sarcasm but really, it's as sane as saying "Revert buff removal on entry"

    Honestly, delete this thread lmao.

    Turtles will always be needed, great long range aoe attacks, plus defense debuff and other things.

    But yes, ultimate majin has an easier time finding parties because of the buffing side + spins but also because there's more people playing turtles cause of SSJ + kame rather than ppl choosing majins.

    Imo, spins should not be nerfed, they have high CD and if they get nerfed then ultimate majins will be reduced to crap, they'll only be able to buff and nothing else. I mean, if they aren't going to nerf SK, why should they nerf ultimates? Nonsense to me.

    Best that people let out all their toxicity inside a game than irl where it can actually hurt people.

    If it bothers you when people swear in games, then maybe you need to... ugh I can't even tell him much about it without sounding aggressive haha

    Hi DBOG staff, just wanted to show my appreciation regarding the new changes to the DB Hunt event.

    I work 6 days a week, 8+ hours per day as well as study and for me it was impossible to log in a couple of hours on Saturday just to hunt.

    But now... now I'll be able to get my wishes whenever I get my day off work.

    I don't know why people would complain on this update, really it doesn't affect them in a negative way, it just makes me think they don't want others to be able to hunt as well.

    This was a great update that shows you care about your user base's needs.

    Thank you very much.

    No quiero ofender a los desarrolladores/daneos/jugadores/etc pero solo digo que tampoco es necesario gastar el 30% o 25% de tu dinero en un juego, solo digo sabes, por que te podrias ahorrar algo

    Buenas tardes,

    Disculpa amigo pero estas fuera de lugar. Este thread es acerca del horario del evento de DBS, no te vayas offtopic.

    No trates de decirme como gastar mi dinero, yo trabajo por el y lo gasto en lo que yo quiero.

    Que tengas buen día, saludos.

    Buenas tardes, vengo a dar mi opinion.
    No estoy de acuerdo con los que creen que 4 horas por Sabado sea suficiente.

    La mayoría que trabajamos y estudiamos, nos resulta imposible asistir a cazar las esferas. No es un problema el drop rate%, y por eso se pide mas horas para cazar, directamente el problema es no poder entrar a cazar.

    Mientras ustedes pueden sacar 7 esferas en 2 horitas, otros como yo estamos trabajando. Tal vez ustedes no trabajen, o trabajen pero de lunes a viernes, pero otros trabajamos 6 días a la semana 8 hrs o mas por día, piensen lo imposible que resultaría poder loguearse 2 horitas a la tarde. Imposible.

    Ademas, los que trabajamos somos los que mantenemos el server vivo. No es que esté tratando de vanagloriarme pero los chicos que solo estudian en escuela o universidad no son los que donan grandes sumas para que el server se pueda pagar. Es la realidad.

    Entonces no me parece mal acomodar un poco el horario para que todos podamos tomar parte de el. Despues de todo, no es algo que arruinaría la economía del juego o algo así, así que no veo por qué les afectaría a los que si pueden loguear 2 horitas un sabado.

    Gracias por su tiempo, saludos!