Posts by xlr678

    this is probably the last time ill ever answer to you.

    THIS WAS JUST BAD MARKETING, see you show a dog a bone and then another and then another and then another but you just dont give him those and dont say why just showing him those tasty bones he'll either lose intrest or bark or just keep on running around happy for a long time.

    I would have agreed with you if people actually were like "GIVE ME UPDATE NOW" and maybe some lines of some people here you can see as something like that but the main feedback is that if daneos is done(he said himself after every post he finished that) why isnt it coming , ALL what we need is an ANSWER.

    i'd like to say sorry if i ever sounded mean while portraying my thoughts , you cant hear my tone or anything but im trying calmly to deliever a message and again i have nothing but love and respect towards daneos and im greatful that he is doing this revival although i would like it if he was more interactive with us.

    that passive in the regular tree is useless, you done need to max guard since you have an ability that grants you 100% block chance called "scintillation" so i invested those point to other place and present you this :
    try this out if you dont like it its only Pre open beta so nothing happened :)

    okay i know daneos said not to report quest but this is weird so for the past levels i have seen like 5 npc that are mission like there is a mark there to talk to someone but no one is there and im left with a quest and no one to turn to get the reward from :
    right here there is no npc but a mark , if this problem hasnt been reported yet(i dont know im too lazy to read 35 pages) i hope it'll get fixed.

    Judging by Daneos last news it seems most of the broken quests in the entire game will get fixed in the next update, so it really surprises me how fast they are getting the stuff done. And I'm happy about this, I actually expected way less from this Pre-Open Beta.

    yeah me too i was sure well get master class at like end of POB but seems like pretty soon (hope i didnt jinx this could still happen XD) seems like daneos really got it handled and i know its far from close but i cant wait for UD and TMQ ^^

    hello everyone i know we're still in early stages of the game but i want to hear other people thoughts about the in game community, quests difficulties , guilds , leveling and pretty much anything you can think of like sort of a feedback but more of a general idea you got from it so just go ahead and share your thought i'll be happy if this become a nice discussion based on the game so keep it clean and nice :)

    **this is mainly for new players but anyone can share his/her opinion :)

    i remember seeing a music mod that changes the voice and such to gohan voice and i just cant find it so does anyone has any idea where to find it?

    I think the main reason everyone hates pplspamming the forums about the same crap over an overis because firstly it's just annoying if you can be bothered to make a post about it then you can be bothered to search the forums for the reason why. Secondly if something interesting or important does come up you'll miss it and be annoyed. Also @xlr678 it's not that people are talking about the newest update it's that people are talking about if the next update is coming, people are annoyed cuz everyone getting greedy and lazy as the caint be bothered to wait for the next update.I can't wait for the next update but I'm not spamming the forums, at least be impatient in SILENCE.
    P.S. there is a sticky for game updates it's called the global update thread.

    you cant comment in that sticky it is just for the updates not for discussing it .
    people hate on my posts which were legitimate questions the first one was about how long do you think before we get master class and what class you might choose and still got haters there, my second one was asking about if its finished already why isnt it publiced cause we see all those stuff that are working and get nothing so i asked to see why is that is there anything else that is being worked on and i got people just saying "why you rush daneos you hater" "stop with this shit" "oh another post related to the update" etc.

    i just like come on guys be nice even if you want to tell me to stop dont gang up on me and come up with a real reason other then being daneos attorney.

    by the way in every post i have made i said im not hating and that i can wait and that this post is just a discussion im not pushing anything and that i know posting wont make it faster.

    Can't believe you just said that if Daneos didn't give us teaser we would have another thing to complain about so please just be grateful to Daneos and his team for making the game happen for ungrateful ppl.

    it would have been nice of daneos to just type "working on master class fixing bugs" and then "finished master class thought i still need to work on it so expect it to be updated in the next week(w/e daneos estimates)" like this for everything since just posting a post of it working without any bugs and then saying soon and that soon was a week and 2 days ago is kinda teasing.

    There's so much more to talk about.
    Just have a look at the anime and off-topic areas.
    There's a lot there to talk about.

    Spam about one thing all over the forum won't make the updates come quicker.
    I'm here dying to see these things in-game but I can manage to not spam like hell about it.

    I'm not "hating" your thread , i'm joking with it , it's stupid Daneos said "Soon" , when it's ready to be added to the Pre-Open Beta it will be , you just need to wait and don't complain , it's simply stupid , if the fcking update isn't yet in pob there is a reason for that . There is no need for more Threads about this subject .

    show me pls a case where the person posting such threads complains and give me 1 reason why posting threads like this ruin something.

    btw i think the main reason a lot of threads are openning is because we dont have a main update thread STICKY that is about the update and againg is does nothing wrong. there is the fact that some question have been answered but i have never posted mine wtihout searching for another post like what i was about to open and didnt find.

    You all crying about this and that and people posting "when the update comes?" and such people that are excited wanting to share some thoughts and you just bash them around...
    I dont know what else there is to talk about thats the main/biggest thing there is at the moment and if you'd go to every forum when ever there is a big update this is the main topic that everybody talks about is that and many threads are opened about it and i guess you try to be a saint or something but daneos hasnt said anything about those you just assume he hates it and you know what they say about assuming it makes an ASS out of U and ME .

    So i see many people asking what is they're character deleting password and that their regular password doesnt work. well thats because its a different password you need to set it up :
    1. Go to here :
    2. Login to you account
    3. Click on "User Panel" at the top right
    a21896d60f11446eac278459f338f21e.png 4. then click on "CHANGE CH. DELETE PASSWORD" :
    5. Fill your password and your desired password for deleting a char(im pretty sure it could be the same as your regular one but its less secure) and then all you need to go is go in game press on DELETE while viewing the character you want to delete and use the new password you just created :)

    Hope it helped :D

    Edit: if you had your account before open beta the default pass is :123456789 but i advise to change it .

    so i had seen in a video some guy with like 10 popo gifts what is it all about? and i heard that in order to level up quickly some people used reflection bug what it is about ??

    just been wondering these stuff since i have never seen any bugs like those :P

    I will think about it, but i really like kaiohken too, i've seen lot of peope doing crazy DMG whit it, i've always wanted to try kaioh maxed out.

    you can keep kaio at 2 and get one point in scintillation also you can try out being without it you'll get the feeling of what im talking about.