Posts by Sergio Corral

    Definitely not gonna happen fam; plus I don't know how it would fit in the lore. It's already hard for humans to get to ssj1 since they only have 1% of saiyan blood so... nope.

    Plus it would be unfair if humans had more transformations than the rest of the races-.

    It would be a NPC which you have to pay for, to change your hair.

    I know there was (or there was going to be) and item on the cash shop to change your hair on the original game but, since that's not coming anytime soon...

    Just got and idea, maybe when you create a character, in the character selection room there'd be like an option where you have some kind of "token" which you can use to re-create your character.

    You only have one, but it's a nice thing if you want to change something, and if you want to change something again, you gotta pay. With cassshhh.

    Basicly, the posibility to customize the color of your aura at the creation of the character, being able to choose between 2/3/4 basic ones and then having the posibility to make them look cooler, like breaking the ground or something, by upgrading the equipment or as your power level grows.

    I think the system is very inconsistent.

    You can farm the 4 hours the even lasts and still get 1 ball, while a person who has done half the farming you did, gets 3.

    Obviously speaking of +30 levels here, because I've seen that the higher your level is, the harder it is to get a ball.

    And to be honest Dragon Balls (tier 2) aren't the most special objects in the game, since most of the people are just going to use them to get their transformation (super saiyan, great namek, kid buu...) or maybe equipment, and then move on to something else, like for example getting to a higher level, doing budokai tournaments or so.

    I've seen some people that created another character to get the balls from another launcher with the character they want the balls for, and I think that if you have to do this, the game loses his "fun".

    The droprate is crazy, half the times the ball icon appears, nothing will come out of it.

    I would elevate the drop probability at least a 10/15% since the point of a game is being fun, and not frustrating, which happens when you play and get nothing, seeing that effort you made into actually killing mobs is POINTLESS in many cases.

    Again, very good job with the game guys, but this... this is just, not the best.

    EDIT: This is NOT a hating post, this is just a pacific, friendly suggestion.

    Con este tema me refiero al juego en su totalidad, puesto que no sé mucho de programación supongo que sí; que con el tiempo e interés necesarios sí se podría.

    He leído por algún lugar que para ello se necesitaría conseguir el código completo del launcher para que Daneos y el equipo (si estos quieren, claro) pudieran implementar contenido o modificar el existente, por esto me refiero a cosas como nuevos peinados, opciones de personalización (altura, caras...), transformaciones, aunque este lo antojo más fantasioso, pues no tiene que ser fácil programar una cosa así, y más los auras, los peinados correspondientes... super saiyan 2, o super saiyan dios... o para las otras razas cosas parecidas.

    También está el hecho de que seguramente a muchos no les gustaría, pues incluso a mí me gustaría que el juego permaneciese "original", como siempre vaya, pero simplemente pienso que alguna cosilla que otra no le vendría mal, aunque el juego desde mi punto de vista es perfecto como es y siempre tengo ese sentimiento de que, no sé... por una parte no me gustaría que me lo cambiasen xD

    ¿Y vosotros qué pensáis? ¿Os gustaría ver nuevo contenido, y si es así, qué contenido o de qué tipo?

    Veréis, tengo unas cuantas armas que aumentan el crítico físico, mí duda era si esto afecta a los críticos en general, o sólo a los que hagas con dicho arma.

    Es decir si, yo tengo unos guantes con +13% de crítico físico y saco crítico con ellos, ¿contará el bonus de los guantes, o si la espada me sube también el crítico físico, se suman los porcentajes?