Posts by Jorge A. Tellez

    What is the use of the crane to win the turtle?, the turtle win more prizes, budokai party, budokai solo, ccdungeon, etc, always the credit is taken by the turtle, sk, karma, dende, fighter, ultimate.

    What is the credit for the crane?

    the crane was made for pvp, now it seems that they only want pve in papaya.

    how many times see a turtle, sk, karma, fighter?

    try again in cap 60 its imposible with spam stun of sk and karma in 45m.

    Maybe you do not want to win the budokai anymore, that's why you do not worry if they improve it or not.

    How can I know you're the real one? (Tien)

    yuki ctm a que te refieres? xdxd se q eres crane pero, el crane es muy bueno en pvp que no lo sepan usar ya no es nuestro problema, sendoku se paseaba en budokai con su crane ganando primer lugar.

    for one player that won second place in cap55, crane no its a op class. always win sk and karma in first place. not justifique that crane its fine only for one player, compared with all players in server. cap60 its very diferent.

    Again, a terrible suggestion, giving a class that has "Sleep" an instant form of CC will overpower it to the point of being ridiculous. No one would stand a chance.

    turtle has sudden stun and book that win 7 rp balls, many class have stuns, crane hermit had stun 'lost in time'. remember chapter 60 in dbo.

    It is not so op.

    remember other characters can use antiparalysis.

    it's time for them to use it.


    few players use crane.

    op class= sk, karma.

    now you just basically said that you dont have knowledge, good build and equip but you want boost crane, autism stronk?

    i have my own knowledge, stop your toxic comments. speak with respect.

    i see that you are a closed person, that no accept other recommends.

    nobody know all.

    people like you cant progress.

    i sharing my knowledge

    this photo i can defeat sk with aura solo budokai level 70,

    in dbog crane hermit its too bad.

    No that would be OP cause it has 45m range.

    Double gut buster would be better cause it can be resisted so it may fail also it would have small dot damage so wouldn't be op

    yes, but the swordman and fighter always win first atack when they quick attack and after use kidney shot and crane die with critical hits.

    master fan out can win the first attack and after i can use spirit wave and hypnosis.

    not ignore my sugestion for cause of the other egoistic people.

    all know that crane need improve the skills but they not want affect other characters for make easier the things to the class sk, karma, fighter, turtle, etc.

    not say me that crane its fine if you not use. please.

    somebody GM, Moderator that play with crane how main character. why i say this, many people that use crane it use how character secondary for earn zeni and equip popular characters.

    or any player Pro that no retired of the game, why i say this where is sendoku, where is tien, where is 文字, etc.

    Why? DBOG.


    dodom barrage.


    708 bleeding damage every 2 seconds

    Reduces Armor by 2618


    379 bleeding damage every 2 seconds

    Reduces physical defense by 1400

    my favorite skill for crane.


    i dont know if is very dificult implement this skill that was deleted in cap70, now is cap60.

    DBO (cap60)

    Stuns target for 7 seconds

    DBOG(cap60): about:blank

    "expect to be attacked and survive or die"

    can use sprit wave wasting 4 sp and use a low skill poison bleed, but you can be stunned in the try for other character that has many direct stuns.