Posts by Jorge A. Tellez

    How many times do you need to be told that crane doesn't need a buff or any changes. You've had a GM and 2 mods who played crane and they all said nothing needed to be changed. Stop adding more nonsense to this thread...

    i had a one GM and 2 mods who played crane but Neither of the two is a pro CRANE and never won budokai, only they use cranes for farmming for earn zeni and equip other characters, and they say that the crane is fine because they not want that others characters are affect.

    dodge rate 300% by cranes :V

    turtle has a book that recovery all RP only pressing one button. 7 rp ball, can use critical, knockdown, etc.

    Crane need charge and change clothes to have max 3 RP balls.

    Because no one knows how to play it like Sendoku or Tien.

    In spanish (please respond with appropiate language last warning! regards boxbox)

    lol, sendoku no es el unico que saber usar el grulla, y una cosa es estar equipado y la otra es saber usarlo. yo se usarlo no tengo todavia mi equipo de fusion de armaduras de coldown con el efecto de las cajas random con Constitution 24, es cosa de gastar mucho cash y suerte. les puedo enseñar a muchos grullas a saberlo usar a diferencia de sendoku es un egoista y el no les dira como se usa. y ya dejen de hablar tonterias gente que jamas usa un grulla. El SK es el personaje mas roto en budokai. incluso puedes buscar dbo tw y tampoco habia ningun grulla con aura de budokai, ni veras en este juego ni a tien ni a sendoku porque ya dejaron al grulla por lo dejaron muy mal con tanto nerf ya decidieron usar otros personajes, a diferencia de yo que jamas me doy por vencido ni abandono este Crane. Estoy decepcionado de todos, intento hacer un cambio pero siempre tratan de bloquear opciones, quieren su sk toda la vida.

    y los que usan crane no digan que estan bien , intento de ayudarles para que no los desprecien como clase como pasa en CCBD que no los invitan por ser cranes y prefieren turtles, o en las partys de budokai. quieren jugar toda la vida solo farmeando mobs?

    In english

    lol, sendoku is not the only one that knows how to use the crane, and one thing is to be equipped and the other is to know how to use it. I use it, I do not have my fusion team of coldown armor with the effect of the random boxes with Constitution 24, it's a matter of spending a lot of cash and luck. I can teach many cranes to know how to use unlike sendoku is an egoist and he will not tell you how to use it. and stop talking silly people who never use a crane. SK is the most broken character in budokai. you can even search for dbo tw and there was no crane with a budokai aura, nor will you see in this game either tien or sendoku because they left the crane because they left it very bad with so much nerf and they decided to use other characters, unlike me I never give up or abandon this Crane. I'm disappointed in everyone, I try to make a change but they always try to block options, they want their sk all their lives.

    and those who use crane do not say they are good, I try to help them so that they do not despise them as a class as it happens in CCBD that they are not invited because they are cranes and prefer turtles, or in the budokai partys. Do you want to play all your life just doing mobs?

    My final statement is that crane doesn't need any other changes period. These stupid threads are created because people think a class is terrible because they can't play the class itself. I don't know how many times I need to repeat this. Why make an already op class stronger?

    cuando ganes un budokai con el crane me tranquilizare, y te tomare en cuenta.

    when you win budokai with crane Im fine.

    crane is the only class that don't have instant stun, i guess he meant that. Classes that have much more dps just use 1 stun and use 2 skill to kill ( if the game is played without potting).

    Anyway i'm fine with the crane he have a lot of good spells :)

    I hate that this game is balanced only with gears, if we make a tournament of naked players some classes doesn't even have a chance to win [ that means balance? ]

    tu solo usas para farmear supongo yo hago intento siempre ganar budokai. y se que cosas lo limitan.

    I've never seen Sendoku or Tien complain about that. Quit crying because you aren't good at playing crane. It's similar to someone trying to boost fighter because they can't crit lmfao.

    tambien se quejaron en su momento, solo que no te enteras de lo que pasa, haber si esta tan bien el grulla porque sendoku lo dejo de utilizar ?, estamos hablando de 2 personas en todo el servidor y tambien influyo mucho la suerte, eso no refleja que el personaje este bien., cuantos turtles, karma, sk , fighter han ganado, y no me digas que son muy buenos, que tanto les puede perjudicar que el grulla tenga un paralisis directo como cualquier otro personaje.

    te aseguro que de aqui en 6 meses no ves ningun grulla ganar.

    All of these threads about crane are really people crying because they don't know how to play the class.

    you only want evade the improve with this class. Be an expert who only presses a button to stun and feel op, using sk and karmas with 5 stuns.

    solo quieres evitar que mejoren esta clase. debes sentirte un experto que solo usas un boton para paralisar, usando personajes faciles como sk y karmas con 5 stuns.

    people who do not know how to use it simply change to the easiest class to use as turtle sk, karma, fighter, etc, I know perfectly how this character works and I know their weaknesses and strengths. and there are details like the stun that for more op you are not advancing.

    Las personas que no saben utilizarlo simplemente se cambian a la clase mas facil de usar como turtle sk, karma, fighter, etc, yo se perfectamente como funciona este personaje y conosco sus debilidades y fortalezas. y hay detalles como el stun que por mas op que seas no avanzas.

    hace mucho nerfearon el paralisis, pero supuestamente era porque lo compensarian con su gran daño.

    pero que hizo daneos, el aplico nerf también al DOT, ahora no tiene nada bueno, más que puro bleed haciendo los combos con cualquier error de dedo te matarian, otros personajes que tienen un comodín de 2 hasta 5 paralisis, antes habia forma de protegerse equipandose dex y la Resistence Rate.

    pero que hizo después daneos, también quizo nerfear el porcentaje de 100% a 60%, ahora no tiene ninguna ventaja a menos que los duermas, y apliques correctamente el combo pero también aunque hagas el combo completo llega a fallar por tener bajo Hit rate, minimo si no pensabas hacer un balance porque solo lo arruinas mas de lo que estaba en taiwan.

    minimo dejen el debuff que tenia antes de 3050 de defensa y el daño que tenia el DOT. o bien deberías hacer que la guardia funcione al 100% para poder evitar skills.

    o también que nos den una revista como el turtle, y porque las grúas no pueden tener esa ventaja?.

    the stun its the more important for crane. check crane hermit with skill lost in time.

    No one would pick crane they would pick turtle instead except if he a newbie and doesn't know how bad crane is.

    Like i said in the other thread crane needs improvement. Also what Box-head(boxbox) said "change mystical crane typhoon to poison"

    Agile armor buff is useless so change it to give something else.

    you're wrong I beat even people with green aura SK, but now this server is worse than before. the dodom barrage has 3050 debuff phisical defense now only have 1400.