Hier ook een Nederlander. RNZ is mijn ingame name. Voeg me maar toe!!
en op zoek naar een guild!
Hier ook een Nederlander. RNZ is mijn ingame name. Voeg me maar toe!!
en op zoek naar een guild!
Really, that easy!? How couldn't I came up what that.
This thread can me closed now.
For everyone els;
You can just place the coins in your bag over eachother. Click on the stone, drag on top of another and they will merge.
Hi everyone, its RZN.
Have been playing a very long time ago and totally forgot about this game (WTF).
Pleasantly suprised to see the game has been released.
Now playing for a couple of weeks with my fighter lvl 50 now.
From the Netherlands btw.
Cya all in game.
Hi There,
Have been playing for a while now, so after defeating the BOSS I talk to HOPE-02 to exchange some silver coins.
But it says no funds.
I have enough coins but they are devided in multiple coins..
Is this a bug??
Thanks in advance.