Display MoreHere you have Daneos suggestion in another threat.
Please search before posting.
Thanks bro
Display MoreHere you have Daneos suggestion in another threat.
Please search before posting.
Thanks bro
This is what appears when I tried to run the client
I'm trying to run the launcher,but an windows called "Client.Exe - Incorrect Image" with the msg "d3dx9_27.dll was not written to run on windows or contains an error. Try to install the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or software vendor for support" appears. I've tried to reinstall the client again but it doesnt changed nothing.
Keep the old Upgrade System but remove the cards.
Keep just one card but with 1/3 of succes 1/3 of failure and 1/3 of broken,having 3 cards is just stressful for the player,cuz if the player fails he thinks something like " Why I didnt choosed that card?" and with just 1 card that problem will be solved,beeing just a pure luck system instead of a "pick the right" system.
Ps: I don't really know how to speak(and write :v) English,so sorry for any mistake