Posts by BadPicollo

    Co wy macie takie czarne mysli, pozwole sobie tu przytoczyc przykład metina, Wersja oficjalna wciąż istnieje lecz są też privy które zarabiają podobnie jak nie wiecej niz oficjalna wersja gry

    Metin = gówno
    Dragon Ball = marka znana na całym świecie.

    Crane o ile przywrócą mu paralize 83.png bo ciężko w pvp bez tego.
    W zamian mogą wypierdolić te 4 skile 396.png 395.png 394.png 397.png
    Co do Zajebiści (OP) tej klasy to duża role odgrywa tu ping i umiejętności gracza.

    DarkWarrior też mi się zawsze podobał jednak jak wiemy był słaby w chuj. Ma fajne animacje skili więc gdyby wzmocnili mu DMG pewnie bym się skusił.

    Wooow leonardo davinci is talking , can you do better ? no you can't

    Maybe i can, maybe no. But why i should do something, why i should waste my time? Just for approve something? I have nothing to approve.
    And i am not understand... I can't have my own opinion? i must saying like others "good work" even if i have different opinion and i saying what i think?
    This man put his work and i say what i think, because i can. If you have problem with it is your problem. Yo

    How much time you spend on making this? In my opinion it doesn't look well done.

    I reconstructed your post to what you wanted to say but in the proper way to converse in our forum. A respectful tone, sharing opinions, disagreeing and agreeing in a mature tone. If you can't make post without outright insulting someone. Then don't post at all.

    For me this anime was really good, you can be sure that you willl don't get bored when you will watch it. And the title (anime name) base on sound which motorcycle makes, kinda like saying "vroom vroom" in english. So i think is more originally name than strange.


    Also anime is maked with head, so you should try it for sure.

    yes HK server. With perfect gear I mean every possible set for SM with highest stats and tickets +12/+10 sigh...

    I am not sure how long you played in HK and how good you know him, but this man had half of equip +15 with out tickets so it just hurt when you saying he had upgrade with "tickets +12/+10 sigh..."

    its good that its hard to upgrade but its so easy to break your stuff instead of increasing the rate what about just decreasing the break rate?

    Did you read what i say in my 2 latest posts?
    -If don't read it: then do it again and analyze it.
    -if you read it: then do it again and analyze it.

    As you already know badpiccolo the success rate was really low to begin with i was talking about 1/4 of increasing the current success rate, if you understand what i mean, many players quit because of the upgrade system, ;(

    Hard game is good game, where is sense to play if in 1 month all can get good upgrade with out hard work... As i say before don't change the succes rate just make better drop of stones (white too) from monsters. Also when you break your item you lose -1 / -2 of upgrade and you don't lose the item if you use white crystal.

    Keep the same, upgrade can't be so easy, if no everyone will have +15 gear... Will be better if he will make better drop of stones from monsters or when you select broken card your upgrade can get down -1/-2 no more...
    If you change more the game will be toooooooooooooooooo eaaaaaaasy...

    Idk if it is possible but I think that raid system can be good. 6 groups of 5 members each doing a super dungeon, a super boss or just a dungeon is a very high difficulty.

    Sounds like