Posts by superchildren

    i got some gifts when i logged in again after posting, i clicked and got an item that put me back to my level and i got some of my items back and also some points to unlock the skills i already had but the map and the missions continue reset and it looks like im a new player, missions that i had already completed appeared again,i did some like getting a pet egg to get the pet again.

    i went to play on dbo today and when i went to log into my account my character was completely reset,i lost all my items,blows,pet,everything,it´s been a while since i didn´t play i stopped in 2019/20 because i couldn´t log into the account and uninstalled, and install it again today to play and it happened the strange thing is that the character is still in the same place i left off and with the same name,can someone please help me? sorry if it´s a little weird, im using the translator.

    o meu ta dando o msm problema de conexão e eu já desinstalei e instalei dnv e msm assim não funciona ele diz que não é possível autenticar o servidor e fala pra tentar dnv em alguns minutos mas não funciona. eu to com esse problema a muito tempo, eu procurei pelo forum e todos diziam a msm coisa de desintalar e instalar e não funcionou e eu não sei o q eu posso fzr , alguem consegue me ajudar pf.