Posts by gojonoku

    Thanks mate. :)

    Thanks for the informative answer about the pets :-D

    no problem, the only thing your pet can do at the moment is getting his first skill this is done by doing the following steps:

    "menu list" -> "Pet list" -> register pet -> click on the arrow icon on the right upper corner -> transform.

    (i'll update this with pictures once the channels are back online.

    Is the pet system not implemented yet, or am I just doing it wrong? Cause I can't seem to give that pet feed to my pet...

    the pets are currently not working (either disabled or not implemented in the game yet).

    you can however use them as your cosmetical pet. but nothing compares to the pets of a poko priest of course.

    half of the threads on bug support are ignorant people who only care to play the game i see a lot of "game not working" threads. i don't want to be a downey but it kinda is depressing that people do not look at the forums enough.

    the more these people spam the forums with the same question over and over again, the more work the staff will have to clean this up (not to mention the countless threads that go into the wrong section of the forums).

    yes, single quests (quests that do not follow a chain quest) cannot be re-obtained after a reset for some reason. But most single quests are not necesary to upgrade your character.

    i reed from this, but everybody write from the melee attacks, the ki attack is forget. But the burning attack looks good for me :D

    the energy attks are more usefull in pve but not in pvp. this is because it takes a long time to charge up the attack and people can cc you easily + energy attacks on martial artists have low dammage

    What's up y'all ! I was just wondering what race do you guys like and think is the best ? Sever is down so let's chat until then plus I'm trying to learn more about the races abilities and such

    Human race

    They can still use all the abilities in super saiyan form (except kaio-ken).

    Martial Artist

    Martial artists are more designed for single hand to hand combat. What they lack in defence, they make it up by having a huge amount of dps with physical attack and some cc attacks. You can outgrow into a fighter (resembles goku’s abilities such as “the use of a power pole” and “instant transmission”) or a swordsman (wich resembles the fighting style of trunks).


    Spiritualists are designed for ranged atacks and just as the martial artists they have a low defence but they have a good amount of energy dps and a variety of cc debuffs. You can outgrow into a turtle hermit (master roshi style) or a crane hermit (master shen style).

    Namekian race

    In great namek form they cannot use their basic abilities, only the great namek abilities!!
    Warrior class

    The warrior class is designed to be a tank. They have have a high amount of defence abilities and stats but have a low base attack. You can outgrow into a Dark warrioror a shadow knight (they all have attacks based on picollo’s fighting style).

    Dragon Clan class

    The dragon clan class is designed to be a support. They have lower defensive stats and abilities but make it up by having ranged abilities, cc abilities and supporting abilities. You can outgrow into a dende priest (resembles dende’s healing powers) or a poko priest (uses pets in combat).

    Majin race

    In pure buu form they cannot use their basic abilities, only the pure buu form abilities!!
    Mighty majin

    A mighty majin is a buff class with a variety of physical attacks. They have a balanced amount of defence and offence. They have abilities to buff up players their offence and defence. A mighty majin can outgrow into an ultimate majin or a grand chef majin.

    Wonder majin

    Wonder majins use energy attacks to overwhelm their opponent. They have a balance in defence and offence. They have a variety of cc abilities to keep enemies away from them. A wonder majin can outgrow into a karma or plasma majin.

    P.S.: To see all the abilities go to

    Mm that's what I made , are the races divided by like "tank" "support" or ? Or is it depending how u build up ur character/buffs/abilities

    Humans are pretty much the most popular race i think i know i like them though i wanna try namek and majin when i can

    Movement speed decrease skills are not working, atleast with me.restrain is working but

    speed restrain is working to me, it is a visual bug. it actually reduce the enemy speed but shows the enemy moving at normal speed

    so the skill effect does work but it isn't properly displayed? so it is more of a visual bug?

    Right now the Auto Attack Meter is 1 for both NPC and Players it suppose to be 3 or 4 Meters for melee class andNPC

    if it's alright i'll put that one on the list for solutions that i'll send to daneos. with your permission of course.

    my opinion for the best soundtracks of dbo:

    the one that resembles an epic struggle with a main vilan.

    even tough lvl 45-55 was annoying as hell (mushroom rocks), the music was good it'll make you relaxed (a bit to relaxed to level up).

    even tough UD's were mostly a grinding point, there was one in particular i liked when we didn't have to fight mobs and chilled outside it.

    At the end of your struggle to level up to get to namek you were awarded with this song

    The big test was then arived to survive countless hordes of mobs in pve

    Water bridge quest is for getting first capsule kit and its missing some items that you need to click

    Movement speed decrease skills are not working, atleast with me.

    Sometimes I have a auto attack problem where my auto attack doesn't work, i guess thats just me

    When i log out and be off some hours i lost my quest

    Something similar to Borski's problem happened to me... My game crashed (I don't know why -went for coffee and it happened- xD) and when I logged back in, all my quests were gone...

    I've experienced the quest log clearing all but 1 or 2 quests (usually Time rift related ones.) But I've yet to be unable to restart the quests.

    I've also noticed with a lot of the quests that involve interacting with a quest objective, such as picking the wild vegetables for someone, that sometimes the item in question is visible but when you go to interact with it nothing happens and the cursor turns from an interact to one that shows you cant interact.

    (on a side note I hope I explained that well enough. and figured id mention mine here to maybe help keep one concise list of bugs rather than starting another thread for similar bugs)

    Noticed that the auto-attack bug only appears when fighting ranged enemies. Never had the problem against melee mobs.
    (I run close to the mob, but don't start auto-attacking them.)
    Hope this helps.

    Also some mobs just wont fight back

    You Don't get any craftin experience when you start crafting

    these are in the bug list, i've noticed there are many bugged quests wich involves items, so i'll just call these the items quest list