really don't care about transformations atm,
i believe it's better to get a low level cap first, like level 30.
why level 30?
-> adult quest will become more satisfying to finish. max level -> still got stuff to do.
-> Budokai (adult) will become more fun and more fascinating to look out for. (no OP pple wich are already lvl 70 fighting level 30+ pple)
-> TMQ and UD 1 will have a meaning and will be more rewarding since it is the best armour you can get.
-> you will be able to reset skills with money instead of a skill book (wich only has to be used at lvl 31+). so if you want to test out some skills, or look for a perfect build that fits you, you can.
-> you will be able to get other classes to max level faster and it wouldn't feel as a grind to get many characters to max level. this will allso be good to see wich class fits you better.
-> crafted armour will become usefull.
-> more UD and TMQ runns will be good for the community, people will start to learn what UD and TMQ stands for and what they need to do.
-> there will only be kaioken availlable at level 30 and no other transformations (super saiyan, pure evil, giant namek will not be availlable yet).
-> there will be an area restriction.
-> every UD and TMQ will be hard and will require a good team to finish. but on the other end, it will be more rewarding once you've gotten an armour piece of the set you always wanted.
-> content will be less