Posts by DreameR68

    Yes, but the real problem here is that just like the majins. humans can only have 1 def stat high, and the majin have hybrids. if they need E. attaks they use the cluster, or then they use the trumpet or the spins.

    Majins are op right now doesn't matter what anyone says.

    First of all buffs are way to strong for this game right now.

    Well I think instead of throwing out random changes how about making a plan in which direction this should go and what should be the outcome of all these balances be. "Making everything balanced" is not detailed enough. You need to have a goal.

    Best example that something like that doesn't exist are the last patches.

    compared to many other classes fighter is fine right now. They are awesome in 5 vs 5 and strong in cc dungeon. The problem with them in cc dungeon is that no one wants to take fighter. 1 reason for that are the high lp floors, fighter without an op waveclear skill will just take too long but against bosses they are great.

    The main problem that fighters have are tanks (dw, sk, granma, ultima). Crit dmg got nerfed by 2/3 - 3/4 of it's original dmg which was the main point of a fighter but defense, lp, buffs did not get touched. Of course classes that depend on crit dmg will suck now against tanks.

    Also on tw ultimate, grandma, dw wasn't design for 1vs1 pvp so they was just bad at it. That is also the reason why sk is the only class with an anti crit buff so they can counter crit dmg while giving up some lp.

    Moreover that is also the reason why plasma sucks right now. On tw they was a nice turtle replacement for pve but their dmg right now is nearly non-existent.

    Ah don't worry we will never get a balanced dbog because people are not thinking about all classes or all aspects of the game. It is all about how to make every class viable for 1 vs 1 budokai...

    Well good luck with that

    Skill "Storm Strike" now gives a 2 second invincibility buff at any level.

    Why even give fighter an invincibility buff? They have dodge rate + 2 stuns (nothing you can do against only resist) and low cd

    Makes sense...

    Skill "Storm Strike" now gives a 2 second invincibility buff at any level.



    This skill has a cd of 24 sec with cdr gear it's 12 sec. With rp decrease 0 sec. Fighter can literally tank all cc bosses without gear. Thanks to aoe dmg he will also generate enough aggro. Only poko and dende need to give him rp.

    WP balancing team.

    Yep thats how you balance a game. Look at the budokai winners list...

    Everyone knows how op ultimate is. Even my grandma with +13 gloves and +10 sub can do around 60-80% dmg on humans (+13-+15) and wonder majins with phy and eng atk. Now ultimate has the same eng atk but a much stronger phy atk.

    They also have op buffs like lp% con prop.

    With the CC removal and heals they are literally unkillable

    I don't understand how turtle can handle ultimate. They won't do any dmg on ultis + the only way they can win is spam sleep but thanks to resist rate it will fail at some point and ulti can 2 shot him then. It's more like if he is lucky enough to hit all sleeps he could win by dice.

    Same for crane except that ultimate could go anti burn to negate the dmg.

    In both cases ultimate is the class that has the upper hand here. But if you are talking about a bad ultimate vs a good turtle then it's another story.

    If I understand it right then the new meta would look as follow:

    Dende, Ultimate/Grandma, Crane, Turtle, Turtle

    Yes you could go with all classes but people won't do that. No one will take plasma, dw, sk because they are literally useless. Fighter and SM has high dps so maybe they will be taken but the fastest party would be the one listed above.

    just to clearify some things. Daneos has not the source code of the current client so he can't add new content or behaviour of many things.

    He found the source code of an old client from korea and he is updating it now to the current version and after that he will be able to change the game however he wants. Of course he will need to know how to create models animations maps ...

    Isn't there a way to prevent that? feelsbadman

    Many people failed because the server admin showed proof but if everyone would charge back the server admin wouldn't have time to develop the game anymore. So the easiest way was to remove it.

    Why is paypal no longer an option when you want to buy cash points?
    The other offers look shady to me and too complicated compared to paypal so what happened?

    People starting charging their money back so paypal got removed.

    Just go ultimate they are good in pvp 5 vs 5, 1 vs 1, pve dungeons, open world farming, support.

    grandma is only good for pve dungeons, open world farming, support (not as good as ultimate because he doesn't have cc removal)