Posts by mrhunt11

    Hola Manito.

    El daño y armas funciona asi.

    Los guantes son la fuente principal de tu ataque fisico o de energia.
    los guantes afectaran a todas las habilidades de daño

    La Sub Arma, solo afecta el daño provocado por las habilidades que requieren una subarma para activarse, y el daño se le suma al daño base que poses con los guantes + tu STR o SOL total


    Thousend Niddle de el Fighter
    Si no tienes equipado el Stick de Fighter no puedes ejecutar la haabilidad.
    Pero si lo tenes equipado, esta habilidad usara, Guantes+STR+SubArma para calcular el daño.

    Paper Rocck Scisors
    Se puede ejecutar sin la necesidad de tener equipada la subarma, significa que en el calculo del daño no considera la subarma.
    solo se conidera, Guantes+STR

    Espero haya quedado claro el principio basico

    hay otros factores que se involucran en el daño, la defensa, el critiico, si le pegate por la espalda al oponente entre otras cosas.
    pero esas son condicionantes de lo explicado arriba.

    Thumbs up =)

    First Things First

    Now on server:

    1 DEX = 5 Dodge
    1 FOC = 10 Hit Rate.

    Before we do something else

    This must be changed

    Thees Stats are antagonist from each other.
    They must give the same amount on Dodge and Hit Rate

    1 DEX = 10 Dodge
    1 FOC = 10 Hit Rate.


    1 DEX = 5 Dodge
    1 FOC = 5 Hit Rate.

    Dont know wich one will be better but is the idea.
    Any effort we make trying to balane classess will dont work until this basic premise is balanced

    There is nothing that can be made to balance classes if this doesnt change.

    Well that is the probleem of supply and demand, doesnt mean a shit if eveything keeps rising and rising

    Those are the retarded people im talking about, those are the estupid guys who think they are getting richer, the only thing they do is making all the rest pooer.

    Thats it.

    Their stupidity is stealing purchasing power from the rest.

    That simple

    Well all MMORPG´s have the same problem

    The cause of this problem are 2 MAIN FACTORS and let me explain theme here, I will also give a solution.

    1.- As u remain doing quest and farm, u keep earning zenies, u dont need to sellnything to other players, it means that the game its always producinng zenies all the time, the more zenies there are the less value they have, so the more zenies u will need to buy the same things
    This is a structural problems of ALL MMORPG. The main problem is that as long U and I keep playing we will continusly be creating zenies.
    The actual prices are the result of intesense farming from all of us (its called INFLATION)

    2.- The lak of basic knowledge and stupidity of the average player. (im not trying to hurt anyone just let me explain)
    I need several u70 red for my weapons.
    I farm and I get lucky, I get 1 on drop. (yea im so happy)
    Then im going to the Auction House and realize that 1 u70 red is worth 10kk
    I say to may self, (dude tha is a lot of zenies), maybe i can sell it and use the money to buy something more usefull. (this argument appears to be logic but its not logical at all)
    If u NEED several u70 red and u sell 1 at 10kk and u found someone willing to pay for it, it means that u will have to pay the same ammount as minimum in the future to buy it back, why minimum, cuz remmeber number 1 point, the game is always creating zenies, all the time,
    it means u wont be able to buy iy back for less.
    it means u will get no profit from the sell, ur purchasing power wont increases.

    So why u sell them on the first place?
    this kind of behavior is super common on MMORPG. cuz most players are stupid about basic economy.
    All items worth less as ssoon u put them on SELL that is a rule, ccuz if u need an item why u sell it?

    For all those peopple who sell higger than the buying price:
    That phenemeno are part of the constatn variation due the ammount of players on the server and the knowledge about prices,
    The pirce of items is mainly driven by the amount of players on server.
    The more players the more stable prices the less players the more volatile prices will become
    from every 10 exchanges u make, only 1 is proftable, the 9 remaning appear proftables but the INFALTION ocurring wont let u see ur profits.
    It means u constantly losse purchasing power.

    this does not apply to cash hop items ofocurse.

    More zenies = Higer prices
    Less Zenies = lower prices

    How do we disssaper zenies whit out affecting players purchasing power?

    One ez step:

    1.- Create custom NPC's shops that sell items that u will only get from drops. (like a gem shop)
    a gem shop from lvl 34 to lvl 70, and set prices for u70 red for 10kk as an exaample (numbers are just an example)
    this way if someone want to sell an u70 red for more than 10kk he wont be able to sell it cuz there is a NPC that sell them at that price, if the players wants to sell he must set a lower price than NPC.
    This way the extra zenies on the servers will bannished and there will be no inflation that drives common items to their actual prices.

    2.- The same mechanic can be aplieed to any other items that reachs astronomical higer price.

    Do not expect the solution can be aplpied to Cash shop, they wonnt do it on the cash shop, is the main soruce of income of the server
    they will not put to the risk their bussines.

    Thumbs up

    Anothre Thing that might be good to get a better dodge rate on fighter and swordman classes are:

    For every lvl u gain fighter gain arround 2.33 DEX and i dont remember the swordman but, u cn increses that factor.

    Instead of gaining 2.33 for every lvl u earn 3, points of DEX.

    This is just an example cuz i dont really recall what were the real numbers.

    This way the maxx ammount of DEX u can get in at lvl 70 only by leveling up goes to 210

    is Just one Good example how can be fixed whitout changing to much of the game.

    Thx for saying the same thing I did whit another words.

    The default Dodge equation was OK, just need it a small change

    This is how it works now.
    1 FOC = 10 Hit Rate
    1 DEX = 5 Dodge Rate

    This is the change.

    1 FOC = 10 Hit Rate
    1 DEX = 10 Dodge Rate


    1 FOC = 5 Hit Rate
    1 DEX = 5 Dodge Rate

    chosse the one u like the most,
    I preffer the first one

    Dear community can we pls make some noice about this topic.

    I doint know about u guys but I would love for the serveer to fix ALL PAPAYA ISLAND QUESTS.
    I hope all the people who feel the same way can make some noice about this topic.

    More than half of them dont work, and tryign to lvl up is getting pretty anoinng


    Ur idea have iteresting impplications for example

    Making SSJ available from a very low lvl like 10, will make way much easier to lvl up a char.

    That is actualy a good thing

    1.-Cuz this way nobody will be able to sell and buy new acounts, they will prefer creating 1 of their own cuz its easier to lvl up.
    its also a good thing for the economy, due the fact the poeple who make in game money to get stronger gear will not be able to do it by seeling accounts, making it more fair for all those who cant spend to many times lvl char in new accounts just to sell them.

    2.-It will give u a chance to try other classes u havent try out, since lvling up wont be that hard.

    3.-It will add some varaity for kid phase, and make it more fun.

    4.-(my personal favorite)
    it will reduce the incentive to scam other players.
    If u create a char and u lvl up him, and u scam someone now u have the perfect excuse to sell the account, passing the problem to other person, and having some profits from the sell aswell.
    scamers now have 2 main insentives to create new accounts, 1 for selling them and 2 for the scaming posibilities whit out any repercution.
    And ofcourse the counter part, why u will buy a new account if u can do another one by ur own when aint that hard?.

    Ez lvl up will inhibit scaming.


    1.-Maybe, just Maybe, will create unbalancces on Kid Tournaments, that we will need some tests so we can be sure about it, but its just a posibility not a fact.

    2.-To many people whinig about it,

    I cant find more inconvinients now, i need to study the idea more deeply.

    I like it.

    Thumbs UP.

    Dragon Ball Event should be only Friday Staurday and Sunday.

    Being abl to be have ur respective transformation its essencial to the playing experience,

    and for all the gold and items can get from there to sell just lower their npc price sell and nobody can abuse it anymore.

    Its pretty easy to make the game fun whit out ruinign it

    More Dragon ball Events is a must

    es la coneccion de internet
    acompañado de la rederizacion del juego

    se ve luego luego que tienes spikes en la señal,
    cosa que no necesariamente es por algo de tu pc.
    y el jeugo encesita una mejora de rendering.
    par que no haya esos saltos de cuadro que te salen

    son 2 cosa sque no puedes arreglar tu.

    Asiq ue te corre lo mejor que se puede en estos momentos

    dont think its 50% bro thats too high pretty sure its 25%

    well yes and no
    yes cuz:
    50% its one hell of a number, its a pretty high increase
    No cuz:
    Martial artist dont have energy critical hit rate that make that extra push on pvp
    spirtiualist do have that energy critical hit rate that make all energy attaks way much better
    Martiasl artis have 0 energy critical hit rate bonuses
    even if they get energy critial hit rate weapons, they will only get 26 energy critical hit rate TOPS
    very low for any situation.

    Remmebr that the number I gave its an stimation , and like all others changes need some test
    maybe gets higher, mabe gets lower
    but the increase will be arround that.

    thumbs up