Posts by mrhunt11

    you think 1700 dodge rate is suppose to make you dodge everything? Please it that was impossible in the original game

    What about 1700 dodge rate vs 800 hit rate,
    and 10 lvls diference, Should I dodge by now?
    or maybe when i get 3000Dodge vs 800 Hit rate whi a diference of 30 lvls
    Would dodge work then?

    Dude its not about the ammount
    ITS abbout the relation betweee 3 values
    LVL, DODGE and HIT

    lvl 70 fighter cant dodge a lvl 26 hits
    WHAT the fuck does dodge work for?

    ey Bro CAn u pls POST ur formula,
    Post the formula u develop and explained to me plspslpslps

    I nede more new info on that matter im trying to make a etter formula, but i dont get any more better ideas.

    PLs post ur Formula whit an explanation.

    THX and thumbs UP

    Dude i totaly get and i share the same tought, we have to take a deep breath and have faith that soon Daneos will realize that.
    So try to stay calm and try to be patient ok
    My main char is also a fighter I love fighters.

    Any way, u are right
    just letss try to be patient.


    Use your formula with the example's given by daneos. It does not work.

    Hey bro u dont even knnow what u are talking about and im gonna prove it to u.

    Tell me how does he gets the 30.32% on the last example

    Expalin me his ecuations, cuz
    u know
    we are giving ecuations information not arbitrary numbers and i dont see anywhere the ecuation.

    Pls inlight me whit ur knowloedge and tell me how does Daneos gets the 30.32% dodege rate from the 1200Hit Rate and 1334 dodge whit booth players being lvl 70.

    Im waiting the answer

    Hi guys I just do Dodge TEST and this were the results:

    Fighter lvl 65 whit 1696 Dodge (including self buff) VS fighter lvl 53 whit 754 Hit Rate
    Number of duels 2

    0 Dodged skills

    It means that, even being higher lvl and more that twice the dodge in relation to Hit rate still didnt Dodge any skill.


    Try ur own tests and share ur result whit us.
    remember to try the same test at least 2 times, dont forget lvl, dodge rate and hit rate.

    THX and Thumbs up

    Is that really u Daneos?
    Cuz i cant belive u just didnt understood the formula,

    The 1000 number is the exaample.
    try other numbers
    like 500, do u like 500?

    it will be

    (500Hit RATE / 500 Dodge) / 2 =
    (500/500) /2= (1)/2= 0.5= 50%

    u can try 250 if u want, i guess will be the same result
    I know im not considerating the lvl.
    If u can publish the detalied formula we can work on it.
    Pls let me know what Formula are u using to calulate that
    I can help, but I need Very precise DATA.

    So fighters with 6k dodge pot will be inmortal right? ... pls think a little bit... use your mind

    Im so glad u mention the Dodge Pot, I really do
    The great solution for that is


    Dodge Pot was an attempt to give Fighters more dodege with out giving them to much. (crystal clear right?)
    Dodge Pot Its the most useless Shit I ever saw in a MMORPG, it fills no pourpose what so ever.

    so Dodge pots gone forever.
    Besides Noody likes to keep depending on a consumable to win a duel, its so LAME
    In my personal opinion Dodge Pots hurt my honor

    Makes sense, and does not make sense that mobs may evade your attacks like that, i mean it does not have sense, they are mobs, they never did something like that.

    Makes sense, and does not make sense that mobs may evade your attacks like that, i mean it does not have sense, they are mobs, they never did something like that.

    I understand ur issue bro
    U have to remember that Mobs even on Taiwan retaail had 50% chance to hit u even whit extreme DEX
    That meassure was implemented to avoid fighters from farming.
    I dont like it now, and didnt like it onTaiwan retail.
    Stay cool, that can still be changed.
    We will have to wait a little bit more.
    Thumbs up

    Fair Calculation for Dodge will be like this

    (Hit Rate/Dodge) /2:
    It Means:
    (1000Hit / 1000dodge)/2 = 1 / 2 = 0.5 = 50% chances to HIT
    If u want to HIT u must wear FOC gear, u dont deserve to hit if u dont have FOC gear, if u can hit whit out FOC, Dodge have no meanning.
    Why this calculation?
    1FOC = 10 Hit Rate
    1DEX = 5 Dodge
    o yea this is real guys.. this is the real thing. the basic game does this.
    I cant understad why this unbalance. Dodge and Hit Rate are antonyms, they are the oposite, if u want to beat DEX u must wear more FOC, if u dont waer more FOC u wont hit, and when DEX and FOC are even u have 50% chance to hit. simple as that

    The calculation can be changed if FOC and DEX give the same amount of values.
    Fighters wear all DEX, to become strong, its pretty sad that whit only 1 gear of FOC u can beat all 6 DEX gears

    Critical Damage = More damage when u do critical hit
    Critical Hit Rate = More chances to do a critical hit

    Rate means ratio when u use rate doenst need to use % infront of the number

    That is why only Critical Damage had %

    Rate = Ratio = %

    Hope it was clear.
    Thumbs up

    It looks like the 80-90% of the people creating threads about classes have been nerfed are playing their first time a MMORPG, what Daneos did was fix the damage system.. and remember the server status is currently on pre-openbeta and there are a lot of things to do, when all clases works like they should, in any MMORPG skills are constantly being nerfed to make a balance between all races sightly, so i dont know why people keep complaining about this, when Daneos fix all currently classes bug then you will see how OP was the turtle class behind the bugs within. In the Original DMO what made your class good was your equipment and your gameplay style, not the bugs they had..

    Dude Siriusly, u use MMORPG and players skills in the same sentence?

    Have u ever played any other combat game?

    Cuz no MMORPG need to much skill, I even dare to say that MMORPGs requires minimum player skill

    Base crtical damage got reduce for all classes,

    Now, base critical damage almost works like "Damage increse when attacking from behind" effect
    and for me it doenst have to much sense.

    I think Base Critical damage should be twice base damage, sounds logic.

    Any way, im do not know what to thinkg about this change.

    But Im glad they fix some Stats issues like,

    Now DEX, gives u the correct amount of critical hit rate
    (I have confiremd it sill doenst make any changes, DEX stil doesnt gives critical hit rate) I did make a misstake, im sorry
    Now Speed works fine, but Fighters Thunder Skills, still not woring at all.
    Now "Damage increse when attacking from behind" works fine

    Looks like this ones still do not work:
    LP% regeneration on damage taken
    EP% Regeneration on damaage taken
    x% Anticritical

    Thumbs up.

    La lista de la que te hablaba es la misma que postearon aca en el foro Stats Info
    no se si te referias a esa o a otra, si es otra decime como es y la busco.

    Hola LEO:
    oye si esta es la lista correcta, pero por desgracias es la lista desactualizada, me parece que es la primera que salio,y si mal no recuerdo tuvo 2 atualizaciones, de todas formas me alegro mucho que la tengas y que hayas podido compratirla.
    Mil gracias manito.

    gracias por ti respuesta, yo tengo la lista que decís, pero como bien dijiste es antigua ahora daneos ha tocado las cosas y cambio el Focus así que eso es lo que preguntaba. Porque quiero saber dónde metio el daño crítico mágico, porq depende de eso que haré con set jaja. Mañana si querés subo la lista ahora tengo apagada la pc

    Serias tan amable de postear la lista me gustaria recuperarla, y si es posible hacersela llegar a Daneos.
    Yo he trabajado en una tabulacion de atributos que no esta terminada y neceista muchas pruebas, que es parecida a la que recuerdo.

    Considero importante comenzar el juego de la forma en que se quedo, y apartir de ahi realizar cambios de balanceo.
    ¿por que?

    Todos los juegos se crean apartir de una serie de bases
    1.- Con que tipo de mando se va a acontrolar el personaje y con cuantos botones el jugador sera capaz de interactuar.
    2.- Cual es la matematica del juego. o los calulos matematicos usados para realizar las operacions de la plataforma
    (esta es la parte donde se asignan los valores que la computadora considerara y sus ecuaciones para otorgar resultados a cada actividad)

    Asi que como vez es una piedra angular del juego y apartir de este 2do paso, se establecen el valor de todos los equipos, armas, armaduras accesorios etc. si se cambia la 2da parte se esta haciendo cambios gigantescos al producto final.
    Si decidimos comenzar con esos valores desde cero, tomara muchisismo tiempo crear valores equilibrados para las clases
    ese trabajo lo hacen varios programadores, no una sola persona, y si estoy deacuerdo, no fue muy buen trabajo, aun en su version final de Taiwan considero que no fue un buen trabajo el balanceo de classes.

    yo espero puedas compartir la lista que mencione y que apartir de ahi podamos caminar.

    Temo que si comenzamos de cero tarde demasiado el seerver en abrir, ya estamos comenzando a sentir que le tomara mucho ms tiempo a daneos en llegar a OPEN BETA de lo que creeiamos, no quisiera que se demorara mucho mas.

    En fin espero puedas postear l lista.

    Solo te pueo dar infromacion acerca de como funcionaba durante la version de Taiwan, ya que fue la que juge por mayor tiempo.
    Los mencionados son aquellos que estoy seguro, es probable que hagan otras cositas mas por ahi, pero no las recuerdo.

    STR: Physical Attack
    DEX: Dodge, Critical Hit rate, Succes rate, resistance rate, y otras cosas que no reucerdo, era el STAT con mayor numero de cambios
    FOC: Hit rate, (creo que tambine Energy Critical hit rate) pero no recuerdo con certeza
    CON: LP y LP regeneration
    SOL: Energy Attack
    ENE: EP y EP regeneration

    Esta lista esta incompleta, me falta agregalos detalles de cada STAT, pero no los recuerdo,
    Habia una lista que fue traducida del chino al ingles en el que se mencionaba todos y cada uno de los atributos

    Me faltan defence rate, y defensa de bleeds, stuns, paralysis y todo lo demas, que creo que los daba la DEX, pero no puedo asegurarte eso.
    Yo tenia esa lista guadada pero hace 1 año tuve que formatear mi PC y la perdi. He buscado en que era la pagina de la comunidad DBO pero ya no la encuentro, hay muchos vinculos cerrados o rotos y no he podido volver a conseguirla.

    Si alguien ha podido encontrarla, sea tan amable de postearla,


    Si entiendo tu situacion, intenta tomar aire que si es muy posible que Kamekameman tenga razon, los avances son lentos, y alomejor para diciembre o 2017 esta listo
    Mientras tanto aprovecha para probar cosas qqe no habias probado, intent nuevas builds o nuevo gear, te dara una mejor perspectiva del juego.

    Animo y paciencia que almenos ya esta en pre open beta.