Hi guys~! Tsune here, wanted to remake this guide here for those that don't know how to do a dogi swap, if you follow my Mods thread *Here* then you know what i'm talking about, for those that don't know it's basically having a different dogi put on than the one you currently have on, credit goes to the guy that made the original thread at dbocom.com and the guys that found the codes. If you are planning to post things like, but Tsune, why go through all the trouble to make this guide instead of just giving us the link to the original thread? Well long story short, dbocom.com is a great page but let's be honest, it ain't 24/7 online, it goes offline for about 2/4ths of the time a day. Now, good luck and have fun, and remember this:
[How to change a dogi's look/model]
Same procedure as the last guide^, just this time, don't open tex.pak instead open obj.pak, now this one WILL take longer to open just so you know, now, after it took it's sweet time opening, go into item, and then go into mesh_costume.
Open it up and search for the dogi you want to change and extract it to back it up <-- really important.
Remember to backup both the one you want to change and the one you want to change it INTO, the process is the same as the last guide.
I Will leave below the codes of which items so that you know which dogi is at which code. Happy Modding and Have Fun Everyone!
[Normal Dogis]
Human male - HLS_COS_XX_H_M
Human female - HLS_COS_XX_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_COS_XX_M_M
Majin female - HLS_COS_XX_M_F
Nameks - HLS_COS_XX_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
00. Invisibility (character not seen)
01. Trunks
02. Roshi beach (orange)
03. Roshi beach (green)
04. Roshi beach (white)
05. Swimming trunks (green)
06. Swimming trunks (orange)
07. Swimming trunks (blue w/yellow)
08. Tarzan (yellow)
09. Tarzan (red)
10. Tarzan (white)
11. Wedding suit (black)
12. Wedding suit (purple)
13. Wedding suit (white)
14. Mummy
15. Monster Carrot (green)
16. Monster Carrot (blue)
17. Monster Carrot (orange)
18. Gohan/Videl School Orange Star
19. Rabbit Mobster
20. Santa
21. Snowsuit (brown)
22. Snowsuit (green)
23. Snowsuit (blue)
24. Ox King
25. History of Trunks (blue sleeves, grey boots)
26. History of Trunks (green sleeves, brown boots)
27. History of Trunks (purple sleeves, blue boots)
28. Crane Student
29. Master Shen
30. Goku (Kai symbol)
31. Android 17
32. Commander Red (black)
33. Commander Red (green)
34. Commander Red (brown)
35. Saiyaman
36. Yardrat
37. Pirate (red)
38. Pirate (purple)
39. Pirate (blue)
40. Devilman
41. King Kai
42. Dabura
43. Monkey King (blue)
44. Monkey King (green)
45. Monkey King (yellow)
46. Chillin' Goku
47. Master Roshi
48. Mercenary Tao
50. Spacesuit
51. King Yemma
52. Orin Temple
53. Android 19
54. Grandpa Gohan
55. Mr Popo (yellow)
56. Mr Popo (blue)
57. Mr Popo (red)
58. Vegito
59. Android 20
60. Refugee (white)
61. Refugee (green)
62. Refugee (grey)
63. Explorer (white)
64. Explorer (tan)
65. Explorer (green)
66. King Piccolo
67. Korin Guardian
70. General White (brown)
71. General White (blue)
72. General White (purple)
73. Doctor (white)
74. Doctor (pink)
75. Doctor (blue)
76. Trunks (end of DBZ)
Human male - HLS_COS_XXX_H_M
Human female - HLS_COS_XXX_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_COS_XXX_M_M
Majin female - HLS_COS_XXX_M_F
Nameks - HLS_COS_XXX_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
100. Pui Pui
101. Jacky Chun
102. Mr Satan/Hercule
104. Kuririn
105. Goku(Arrival at 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi)
106. Nam
107. Oolong
109. Pilaf
110. Baby Gohan
111. Frieza
112. Frieza form 1
113. Frieza form 2
114. Powered Frieza
115. Cyborg Frieza
116. Bird Studio Dragonball
300. Cop (blue)
301. Pilot
401. ???
500. Subzero (blue)
501. Subzero (purple)
502. Alien armor (black)
503. Alien armor (red)
504. Alien armor (gold)
505. Assassin (white)
506. Assassin (red)
507. Gladiator (blue)
508. Gladiator (brown)
509. Gold armor
[Special Dogis]
Human Male - A_COS_XX_H_M
Human Female - A_COS_XX_H_F
Majin Male - A_COS_XX_M_M
Majin Female - A_COS_XX_M_F
Nameks - A_COS_XX_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
01. Ninja Murasaki
02. Yamcha
03. Kami (Nameks only)
05. Goku (turtle symbol)
06. Android 16
08. Supreme Kai
09. Saibaman
10. General Blue
[Female Dogis]
Human female - HLS_COS_F_XX_H_F
Majin female - HLS_COS_F_XX_M_F
19. Bunny
24. Kid Chi Chi
25. Android 18 (blue)
26. Android 18 (pink)
27. Android 18 (purple)
31. Android 18 RR
32. Maid (black)
33. Maid (white)
34. Maid (blue)
46. Bulma (namek)
73. Maid v2 (black)
74. Maid v2 (brown)
75. Maid v2 (blue)
76. Launch
Human female - HLS_COS_F_XXX_H_F
Majin female - HLS_COS_F_XXX_M_F
101. Adult Chi Chi
103. Young Bulma
[Guild and Dojo Dogis]
Human male - A_DOGI_01_H_M
Human female - A_DOGI_01_H_F
Majin male - A_DOGI_01_M_M
Majin female - A_DOGI_01_M_F
Nameks - A_DOGI_01_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Human male - A_DOGI_06_H_M
Human female - A_DOGI_06_H_F
Majin male - A_DOGI_06_M_M
Majin female - A_DOGI_06_M_F
Nameks - A_DOGI_06_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
01- Guild Dogi
06- Dojo Dogi
[Namek Skin Color]
[Eye Accessories]
NOTE: Swap the ID# if switching from two digit to three digit IDs
Human Male - HLS_GLS_XX_H_M
Human Female - HLS_GLS_XX_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_GLS_XX_M_M
Majin Female - HLS_GLS_XX_M_F
Nameks - HLS_GLS_XX_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
01. Sun glasses
02. Round glasses (black/red)
03. Goggles
04. Eye patch
Human Male - HLS_GLS_XX_X_H_M
Human Female - HLS_GLS_XX_X_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_GLS_XX_X_M_M
Majin Female - HLS_GLS_XX_X_M_F
Nameks - HLS_GLS_XX_X_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
02 1. Round glasses (green/silver)
02 2. Round glasses (purple/gold)
Color for round glasses go by lens/frame.
Codes (Kids)
[color=#000000][size=12]Human Male - HLS_GLS_XX_CH_H_M
Human Female - HLS_GLS_XX_CH_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_GLS_XX_CH_M_M
Majin Female - HLS_GLS_XX_CH_M_F
Nameks - HLS_GLS_XX_CH_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Human Male - HLS_GLS_XX_X_CH_H_M
Human Female - HLS_GLS_XX_X_CH_H_F
Majin Male - HLS_GLS_XX_X_CH_M_M
Majin Female - HLS_GLS_XX_X_CH_M_F
Nameks - HLS_GLS_XX_X_CH_N_O_SX (S=Skin color) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[color=#000000][size=12]Credits go to *These guys* for making the thread and looking through all the codes.