Raiderz Revolution

  • this is the site its a private server of raiderz since it shut down years ago
    in order to sign up though you will have to message this person on facebook tell them you would like to join and they will tell you what they need or the rest to do atm the registration is closed for some reason and thats prob why they are doing it via contact on facebook
    the game is still the same old fun time raiderz there night system however is horrible and right now there facebook told me there currently undergoing things with the night system and trying to place a torch within the players belt so its easier to see at night time but when its morning its completely 100% playable just make sure to choose the right class if you get confused or did something wrong /n in chat type your message then it will send globally only type message after /n do not send after doing /n are it will not work for people who don't know what raiderz was you can also search google for images of raiderz to see if your interested

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