Pretty much what is stated in the subject title. I get a message saying that a new DBOG update is available but when i accept the update this joint keeps saiyin it cant find no Update.exe, i need answers quick cuz i wanna be level 70 fast af boi
I cannot update, keeps saying cannot find Update.exe please help
i have the same problem... dont find "Updater.exe"
I had the same problem, turned out my anti virus was blocking the updater.
Just turn of your anti virus and run it again.
Don't forget to turn it back on afterwards.
Or, daneos posted a new launcher, can download it from here, that's what I did:
French Translation now available
Have a nice day!
Or, daneos posted a new launcher, can download it from here, that's what I did:
French Translation now available
Have a nice day!
the download doesnt help if you antivier always blocks the exe
the download doesnt help if you antivier always blocks the exe
For me it worked, i just downloaded the launcher, and replace the old one.
I have the same issue, although I can't seem to figure out how to disable my AntiVirus.
It is Avast Free Antivirus
I have the same issue, although I can't seem to figure out how to disable my AntiVirus.
It is Avast Free Antivirus
I have Avast too. Open Avast, click on the gear in top right, click "componets" in left column, then swich off "web shield". Start DBOG launcher, it should update.
guys avast can't be closed
also to fix this
keep the launcher open and then open the updater from the game folder
the launcher should close and start updating
Yes, you can stop avast, right click on icon of windows bar, then second of the list, and then choose a length of time.
The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.
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