LVL 30 Craft?

  • Preferred Level 30 Weapons for a Fighter / Turtle:

    • Increase Physical/Energy Crit Damage By 12%
    • Increase Physical/Energy Crit Rate by 4
    • 12 Focus Gloves (maybe for a Turtle, you can also get Strength and Soul but don't use either)

    I believe Turtle would be Crit Rate Wand with Crit Damage Gloves & Fighter would be Crit Damage Stick with Crit Damage or Rate Gloves.

    Preferred Level 30 Armor for a Fighter/Turtle could be anything from 12 Constitution Chest, Pants & Shoes (if you're focusing PVE for leveling I'd suggest this set up or close to it) or you could swap one or two of the pieces for either 12 Dexterity (Fighters) or 12 Focus (Turtles).

    I've never actually played a Turtle but I would assume that's the best for level 30 at least. Feel free to correct me if anybody feels that's bad advice.

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