gentle criticism

  • well hello there,i've been around for some time as a guest,then you made threads private,making me subscribe to have access,im not the big post hunter,or the random post maker,so this was why i was a guest so long...anyways,i dont want to spice things up or anything,i just wish to share few dislikes,i dont really know if its a good idea in general nor if making a thread about it...

    i know few things about private servers etc...and this project is beeing in the foul way here,i saw the founder packs,cash items and the rest transactions...
    First the server isnt out yet and i already see people having titles of founders...i know there are expenses.

    The founder plan in general for most new games is having the meaning of shareholders,with having the oportunity to test their share,later on,people with no minds,see this as a step ahead of others that will use the same physical property freely or even with micro transactions.

    In this project,the property belongs in other company,the client is made by other company,the game itself is made by other company,so you sell your server side work as a package with a companys property(something you dont own or worked for it)that may entangle things legal,which is not my business,i just disagree.
    I dont care for where people put their money or anything,i just see this as a bad move to get money and hell alot of them so early,so fast...
    Im sure you are not just taking money,i know you work for them,i know how much work you do,honestly i do,i just disagree the way you taking them.
    The game was pay to progress faster,only few could see it that way,while most was saying it was pay to win...i see you follow the same plan,wich literally i dont care.
    My point is,i would easily pay for it,if a company was selling it,as i will make a donation to your work,when the game will be running,but not for a founder pack or premium subscription for a private server.

    I hope i wont be hated from the team,but i also expect it,i wish you take it as a gentle criticism and nothing more,otherwise why would i want to stay here.Im not seeking for attention,i made a thread only for the case if someone else thougth it and didnt had the guts,or time,or will to make it.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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