"Visible Item transfer history" and "account rate possibility".

  • Hi.

    I would like advice into the game that, other games also used: "visible Item transfer history" and "account rate possibility".
    Many player have many chars and not can possible follow into the game that:
    which character belongs to which accounts.
    And how transfers made it this account:
    What Legend item generate at game engine, ...what bought at cash shop, ...what changed to someone from money others and how mutch.

    Also each account would be + or - rates against other accounts but 1 account only send 1 rate other account. This is the "Account rate possibility".
    Then someone see other character "visible transfer history", he will see:
    What items (how mutch prices or how Legendary generated the game engine) movements were.
    Also will see the profile rating, many+ or many-.
    Or every transfers line would be ratnig one by one....
    If someone collect given quantity - ratings to account or someone transfer line, then he will be examined to moderators.

    And if someone see many bad looking transfers or not positive person, he would be rating a - rate or report immediatelly.
    This "visible transfer history" list would go back about 6 months back and would be automata notification suchs as: when someone transfer extrem low/high or very often generate the game same valuable items...etc
    Finally every character into the game would be more clearly for others and decrease the illegal transfers.

    Wait for opinions.

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