Dragon ball drop rate

  • The dragon ball drop rate hasn't improved, i have taken part in the dragon ball hunt for the better part of 2 hours and nothing...absolutely nothing. it's become more of a task collecting them now then something to enjoy....all this chat of easier set collection is being put into question. why can't it go back to how it originally was in the pre open beta? where the event was on the weekends and the drop rate was better which made the event more worth the time.

  • What is your class, level and are you hunting correctly with dragon radar and the correct within levels? I'm sure many can give tips and such but I just streamed 16 dragon balls in around 3 hours and thats usually the average. It's best to pick big areas with many mobs-supesr and ultra boxes like on Fearland to farm depending on your level or make a ultimate majin and have him hunt for you and your other classes.

  • First of all hunt mobs who are 5 levels up or down from u...

    Then always see for bigger areas with mobs easier to kill...

    Also see to it that the area has boxes like super, ultra and Boss as they increase the chances of balls...

    Also remember that this is drop rate...this is based on what it computes every time...

    I had highest 9 DBs dropped in 2 hrs or 3 hrs once

    So its basically about luck bro...

    GL for ur upcoming hunt ??

  • I know how you feel.. i've spend my sunday morning on the DB hunt.. NOTHING!

    i followed all the rules etc.

    But no "luck".

    Does it matter that i'm only level 26 and was farming at mobs lvl 23-24 ? (it shouldn't, correct?)

    So the average of 9-10 dragon balls per hunt is not correct.

    Too bad, I wanted to hunt dragon balls for fun, but it ended up being a real frustrating event.

    Or do i have to pay to win or something? :S

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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