* Bug Fixes
- An endless loop (serverfreeze) when using an item which gives a random item as reward
- Another fix to the respawn bug has been added to ensure it wont appear anymore.
- Break up flying acceleration when changing direction.
- Stop AP decreasing when changing flying acceleration direction.
Global Update Thread
* Bug fixes
- Trying to enter ultimate dungeon will not freeze the game anymore.
- Another fix to the respawn bug has been added to ensure it wont appear anymore.
- Updating RP points. Now can receive multiple rp balls at once. (Fix for item which gives 200 or more RP)
Example: Player has 60RP, 0 RP balls and receive 200 RP. Player get 2RP ball and 60RP.
- Add dogi ball to dogi
- Stopping rp-charging wont stop the debuffs(sleeping, paralyzed, ...) anymore.
- Emote-Sitdown bug when using HOT item after an emote. The Character wont sit down but the buff will be removed.
- Remove dogi ball from Dogi(Costume).
- Disabled Popo Memory Teleport item while in private battle. -
* Update
-- Mascot skills
- Teleport to a NPC.
- Revive and recover X% LP and X% EP.* Bug Fixes
-- Known bugs:
- When resummon mascot then skills are no longer in cooldown.
- VP does not decrease after using a mascot skill.
- Not all mascot skills are working. -
* Bug Fixes
- Monster moving slow towards player when player is far away.
- Go into Battlemode even when one-hit the target.
- Skill RP Cooldown effect.
- When relog after using transformation skill it has no cooldown. -
* Update
- Skill cooldown & casting time calculation has been updated to be more accurate.* Bug Fixes
- One item disappears after trading the same item 2x in one trade.
- When you click outside the arena and use guard skill then you are shown outside of the arena for other players. [untested]
- A bug with RP effect values has been fixed. It gets now the correct RP values for every effect. (Includes rp cooldown effect) -
* Bug Fixes
- Stun lasts forever when used on a sitting target
- possible "God-Mode" after death
- Added some checks for the auto attack progress to avoid auto attacking while stunned etc. -
* Update
- Check if players can start a battle in current location.
- Add check if can/cant use item in current world.
- Decrease Paralyze, confuse, terror, bleeding, poison, stomachache duration attribute.
- Resist paralyze, confuse, terror chance* Bug Fixes
- Movement stays reduced when die by Spirit Ball skill.
- Add check to disable having more guild members than allowed.
- Correct LP/EP regeneration rate when in battle mode.
-- Trade System:
- Unable to trade once requesting a trade with someone who is talking with a NPC.
-- Popo Memory item:
- Is now loading the locations correctly.
- Teleport to last death location.
- Deleting location will update the list. -
We are currently preparing the server for the pre open beta test.
Dont worry, daily updates and bug fixes are going to be posted once the server is online. -
A new base for the upgrading system has been set.
-- Upgrade System
Max Equipment Grade: 15Upgrade Rates:
Grade 0->6: 100%
Grade 6->7: 30%
Grade 7->8: 25%
Grade 8->9: 20%
Grade 9->10: 15%
Grade 10->11: 10%
Grade 11->13: 5%
Grade 13->14: 4%
Grade 14->15: 2.5%[ARMOR]
Grade 0->4: 100%
Grade 4->6: 60%
Grade 6->8: 40%
Grade 8->9: 30%
Grade 9->10: 20%
Grade 10->11: 10%
Grade 11->13: 5%
Grade 13->14: 4%
Grade 14->15: 3%Upgrade Success: Equipment grade +1.
Upgrade Fail: Equipment grade -1.
Upgrade Broken: Equipment grade reset to 0.White Stone: White stones prevents the grade decreasing at fail or broken.
Greater Upgrade Stone: Gives possibility to upgrade equipment by 1-3 grades (33% chance to get 1, 2 or 3)* Updates
- Store mascot VP and EXP in database.
- Mascot regenerate VP. (1 VP every 10 seconds)* Fixes
- Consume mascot VP after using a skill.
- Added cooldown to mascot skills (reset after relog) -
* Updates
-- Normal attack has been updated and following changes have been made.
- Reflected damage does not include the bonus crit damage anymore.
- Recover-On-Hit value does not include the bonus crit damage anymore.* Fixes
- Permanent Paralyze -
* Updates
- Monsters which were spawned by quests are not spawned anymore.
- Added following checks to items: Can trade, can sell, can put into auctionhouse, can add to mail, can add into private shop, can delete, can add to warehouse, can add to dojo warehouse.
- Items bought from Vending Machine are not bound by default anymore.
- Update item bind effect when equipping -
* Updates
- A better random system has been created for a higher chance of getting random items from chests/boxes.* Fixes
- Correct inventory check when opening chests/boxes to make sure players receive all items.
- Stun has no effect when target dashes(untested)
- Skill RP "Cool Down Reduction" is now properly working.
- EP set to 0 when ENG has been decreased by buff.
- Skills which require a party can be applied on yourself without having a party -
* Updates
- Debuff skills trigger monster aggro
- Update RP Ball slots when lvl up* Fixes
- Load AP, RP and RP Balls when login
- Charging RP works correctly now (like retail-DBO). Losing RP over time is still disabled.
- A bug at setting the amount of current rp balls after login. -
* Updates
- All current cash shop items have been removed from the cash shop
- Added english and portguese(pt-br) game language to the patcher -
* Updates
- Optimized the random system when using a gamble machine* Fixes
- Exploit which made it possible to learn "any" skill
- A bug in private shop names which could crash the channel(untested)
- Some skills no longer apply on npc's.
- Exploit receiving shenron reward
- Reconnection to chat server when login -
* Updates
- Made it 100% impossible to summon 2x shenron* Fixes
- Update character attributes when buffs are removed after a free battle
- Zeni is not being deducted anyone if creating a guild fails
- Instantly death when entering lava ground
- End vehicle(mount) when receiving buff
- Added check if player has passive skills (Charging, Flying, Dash, Guard)
- Pet shop crash fix -
* Fixes
- Random people appearing in the party chat.
- Party member LP/EP update
- (Party) Share(mark) target is now properly working. Mark is being removed when target faints or leave the game. Target which are already in faint cant be marked. Mark the same target multiple times is not possible anymore.
- Guild member limit cant be exceeded anymore.
- Sorting in auctionhouse (ASC/DESC)
- Update LP/EP synchronization (not perfect) -
* Fixes
- Casting skills wont get stucked anymore without having any targets in range
- Update map name (friendlist etc)
- Proper party chat fix
- Viewing private shop showing correct amount of pages -
* Fixes
- Melee attack* Updates
-- InGame Cash Shop
Dogi: 50 Cash
Accessory: 30 Cash (Accessory with special effect 50 Cash)
Vehicle: 10-100 Cash
Flying Skill: 0 Cash
All other items: Prices are still standard but will be updated soon.* Info
Cash shop is not yet active -
* Fixes
-Movement speed hackFix will be published once it has been fine-tuned.* Info
- People which appear many times inside our hack-log are going to be permanently banned.
Permanently = you are always going to get banned even when you're creating a new account.
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