* Fixes
- Running in a circle no longer pushes the player off the world
- A bug in the server framework which should increase the stability and the random disconnections should be gone.
Global Update Thread
* Updates
- Following languages have been updated: English, Portuguese(BR)
- Spanish language has been added.
- Cash shop has been updated. If you cant access the ingame cash shop then close the game and start the dboglauncher.exe
- Write announcement when someone upgraded his/her armor/weapon to max (15)* Fixes
- A bug in the translator. Now help(h) files should be translated too (if translation available)
- Website login bug on accounts which havent been activated through email previously.
- Cash not being removed when gifting someone.* Info:
Sadly people abused instead of reporting the cash shop bug. The abusers will be banned and items removed. -
Currently fixing a bug. Server will be back online as fast as possible.Its online again.
Sorry for all the shutdowns every few minutes.. I was fixing a bug and now its done.
EDIT: Many of you might have experienced the client crash problem. The reason was the langpatcher.exe. A different version has been uploaded and the game shouldnt crash anymore. Use the dboglauncher to patch the client.
* Updates
- "@unstack" function for people who are stucked and cant move from place. This command will teleport you to your bind location.
Rules: Can only unstack once. Must be logged in for at least 5 minutes. Call back skill(Ask Popo!!) must not be in cooldown.
- Dash(mouse and keyboard) location calculation* Fixes
- Flying up/down location calculation
- Some security to make sure people cant buy from closed private shops
- Dragonballs from the quest can no longer be traded.
- Normal Dragonballs can no longer be traded.
- Popo Gift Box can no longer be traded, sold or deleted.
- After flight landing on ground being unable to do anything (forces player to relog) -
* Fixes
- Player sees shenron spawning while he has already spawned
- Temporarily disabled the delete item check to make it possible deleting quest items
- Not allowing to gather more quest objects than required
- Missing probability check for gathering quest objects.* Quest
- Fishing Road at Korin Fishing Village* Info
Not possible quest functions right now: Escort, Spawn Monster to kill -
* Updates
- Kaioken max grade has been changed to 1 (temporarily until the stats are fixed)
- Store Quest progress by timer and on logout. (Currently only on logout)
- Calculate random item stats(example equipment box) to character attributes-- Skills
- Disabled skill usage by monster(temporarily) to avoid a bug which kick player off the world
- Add Stun types stone, candy, tied and frozen.-- Character Condition
- Taiyoken(Solar Flare), rabies and drunk.-- Following rules have been added to the @unstack command
- LP and EP must be full
- Cant be used while in fainting state
- Cant be used in free battle
- Cant be used in pvp zone-- Cash Shop
- Removed a goku outfit because it was 2x in the cash shop.
- Added "Gold Key 1x", "White Stone"
- Cash Shop prices updated* Fixes
- Spawn at death location bug ("select 'respawn' then log out and you will be revived")
- Dodged attacks trigger monster aggro
- Skill "Fake Death": No longer stand up by yourself after 1-2 seconds.
- Skill "Sleep"
- Typo in monster aggro AI. Monsters which are supposed to be aggressive will be aggressive now and vice versa.
- Equipment Box(Brown Box) are now usable.* Info
To see the cash shop updates you have to close the game and use DBOGLauncher.exe to patch the game. -
* Updates
- Skill animation speed increased
- Calculation for melee damage
- Damage reflection currently disabled until we figured the correct damage furmla out- Ranged attacks now use energy attack instead of physical* Fixes
- LP & EP Regen stats dont add reflection anymore.
-- Missing stats added to the item option calculation
- X% chance to block critical hits, Decrease MAX RP -
- A bug in the free battle system which could crash the channel
- <Player>Ranged attacks now use energy attack instead of physical
- Inventory glitch -
Not a real update or fix but id like to share great news.. In the last few days ive continued working on the dungeon system and finished the algorithm.
Now all what is left to do is to create each function as example spawn mob, npc, check if dead etc.
I hope I will be able to show some ingame progress about dungeons etc in the next few days
Dont worry guys, I haven't stopped working. I use all my time and work on the script system. I want to get it working asap! That is the reason why I haven't been activate much in the forum latetly.
Now I just finished a big part. Stay tuned guys. Some nice updates coming soon
A little ingame progress.. Today Ive almost finished the spawning monsters etc for quest. (Got to add some security checks and cancel the event when player log out etc)
(Video updated)
Currently working:
- Spawn monster, npc for quests
- Bus systemMore things coming in next few days :grapeman23:
Daneos :dpeace:
Adult Quest ! The Adult quest is now working on our development server
(All parts except the last one has been skipped to make the video short)
Soon I will update the pre-open beta server with all the new updates.
Please note this update is not available at the moment
Daneos :dpeace:
Master Class
The Master class quests are now working on our development server
Soon I will update the pre-open beta server with all the new updates.
Please note this update is not available at the moment
PS: Now it is time to work on TLQ
Lv. 4 Time Leap Quest (TLQ)
I've also fixed a few bugs like removing equipped quest item.
Soon I will update the pre-open beta server with all the new updates.
Please note this update is not available at the moment
Lv 9 Time Leap Quest (TLQ)
Lv 14 Time Leap Quest (TLQ)
All TLQ quests are now working
Lots of bug fixes and updates coming soon
* Updates
- Added world check when using an item.
- Adult Quest
- Master Class Quest
- All Time Leap Quests (TLQ)
- Escort System (NPC follows Player)
- Items being unidentified(Unknown Capsule) at drop (10% chance)
- Items now going to be placed on the first free empty inventory slot.
- Knockdown
- Learn HTB skill from shenron and as quest reward
- Guard Passive
- <AUCTION HOUSE> End Auction by time
- A better damage calculation for skills
- <DASH PASSIVE SKILL> Required EP is now working like it did in retail DBO.
- Dropped Item & Zeni are staying on the ground for 60 seconds (old 30)* Fixes
- Monsters which gives 0 EXP are now dropping Items.
- Monsters no longer drop 0 Zeni
- Korin's Spell from Item Box has now 100% drop chance
- Korin's Spell no longer removed after usage.
- Item drop when killing a lv 4+ monster as lv 1,2 or 3 player.
- NPC's will not continue moving once speaking to them.
- Remove Quest item from Equipment slot.
- Unable to move after entering getting teleported by a portal while flying.
- Flight Quest now gives the Flight Skill
- Free battle inside city *IMG*
- Disabled possibility to open a private shop while in battle or inside the battle arena.
- Possibility to upgrade dojo from someone else.
- More security checks at donating zeni to guild, adding guild function and creating guild.
- Popo Candy can now revive dead players
- Dragon Clan healing skill no longer activate the combat modus.
- Skill Usage: Appoint target check
- Jumping cancels casting skills/items
- Possibility to attack players outside of the pvp-arena.
- Guild member counter is now decreased when kicking a guild member.
- Break skill animation by looking into the air.
- HoT/DoT effects are now correctly applied every 2 seconds. (5x applied within 10 seconds instead of 4x)
- "immortal" when getting killed while being on vehicle
- Selecting target which are out of sight
- <BOT AI> Help Alliance
- <BOT AI> Monster never moves toward/attacks the target
- <BOT AI> Move back to first battle location after killing the target
- <CRAFTING> Generate random stats for created equipment
- <CRAFTING> Possibility to receive rare equipment
- <BOT AI> Monsters which should not move do not move away anymore after getting attacked.
- Reset all skills at npc or with item now works correctly. Passive &/or skills learned by quests are not removed anymore.
- Reset skills at NPC works until Level 100 but ONLY with first class. Second class can not reset skills at NPC.
- <BOT AI> Monsters can now attack NPCs
- Single skill point reset book. Can not reset required skills anymore.-- Quest
- "Steal dragon egg" Quest fully working.
- "Stadium" Quest in Eureka Park *IMG CLICK*
- "Village lost something" (level 19 Fortress dungeon): If you inspect the laundry the quest does not update.
- "Practice Tree" - The monsters are now spawned
- "Refugee Children" - Starts to move to the destination now. If NPC dies the quest will fail.
- Destroy Radio Jammer - The Radio Jammers are now spawned
- And many more.. Cant test all
- Survive X seconds function
- A better way to handle quests when they failed by timer or other ways.* Info
These Updates and bug fixes are not applied on the pre-open beta server yet. We will write an announcement once it is applied. Questions about when it will be applied are going to be removed and user might receive a warning/bann! -
* Bug fixes
- A critical bug which could allow to create 2 characters with the same name -
Just a short announcement when the next big update is going to be published on the pre open beta.
A developer is currently working a bit on the networking which will fix bugs like getting stucked while login or talking to npc.
Im currently updating the quest system since I have some more understanding now how it worked on the retail dbo servers.Until the other developer solved the bug I will be fixing in-game bugs and update the quest system.
I do not have an estimated time when the network bug will be solved. Once I receive one I will update this post with a date for the next big update.
Daneos :dpeace:
wednesday (24.08.2016) at 1 AM the server will be down for a hour until 2 AM for the server maintenance.
All the updates/fixes from post Global Update Thread are going to be applied.Time-Zone: GMT + 1
Daneos :dpeace:
The server is going to have a reboot. Server offline estimated duration: 10-15minutes.
EDIT: Server back online
sorry for the 50minutes delay. Had some internet problems.The server is going to be offline for around 1 hour from now on.
Once maintenance is done it will be posted here.
Maintenance finished. All Updates/Fixes from Global Update Thread should be applied now.We have updated the server to work a bit faster. Use the dboglauncher to update the client or edit the ConfigOptions.xml file and change the ip from to
Some FAQs
Q: I can not enter the TLQ portal:
A: Currently there is a limit. Only 50 people per time can go into a TLQ. Try to go into the portal in an other channel.Q: TLQ quest freeze/nothing happens.
A: This is due to a bug on the network which we are currently working on. You have to relog to restart the TLQ.If you notice any bugs please report them here:
(STICKY) Pre Open Beta Offical Big BUG LISTDaneos
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