• Hello community,

    maybe someone can help me with this. I am looking for a slightly larger monster spot to farm in the lvl 60 berreich.

    So far I have the monsters lvl 51 farmed for Zeny and U stones. But because I am lvl 60, they unfortunately no longer drop Dragon Balls. And am looking for a spot in the lvl 55 - 60 range.

    The monsters should be only PHY or only ENG monsters, because of the armor. And the total spot should have 4 to 6 areas where on a spot are between 10 - 25 monsters.

    I am Turtle Hermit and mostly farm all the monsters together and defeat them with 1 to 2 skills. Therefore, the monsters should not have such an extremely large distance.

    I have inserted the maps where you can draw a circle in Paint, where the area should be. And maybe it helps not only me but also others from the community.





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