bugs/missing things

  • hey, so i've been playing for couple days now and from what i've seen the game has only couple things that are missing , and i thought in case people have question or the developers may not know about some there to list them here .

    1. all the quests that requiers you to talk to something(an object) that supposed to either spawn something or is one of a kind. other quests that ask you to right click many objects work just fine .

    2. spawn mission in general just dont work , if you talk to them and right after you did something should have spawned on you it just doesnt work and you cant complete the mission.

    3. when using a coupon to upgrade something the game just get stucked on the image of you talking to the upgrade guy and the card doenst flip at all. the only fix is logging out and then logging in since everything else works .

    4. killing monsters of a certein quest while being kind of far from the quest range , which means if say i go to somewhere around 500 meters even less from the mission and find the mission mob i need to kill and kill them there is like 10% chance of it counting as 1 in the mission .

    thats it i think part from the obviouse : adult, sub weapon, db hunt, tmq etc.
    maybe i forgot something/over looked something if you have anything you would like to share that i havnt mentioned feel free to reply.

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