RNG despair

  • 100%'d Xenoverse.. Have the Platinum trophy on my PS4 to prove it. Trust me, I got that PTSD. If that wasn't enough, my buddy had to start over, his save was corrupted and we're getting ready for XV2, so we had to start running PQ's for him again. Ran the quest for Kaioken x20 last night 14 times before it dropped.

  • Is it even worth it going to all that trouble right now ?
    Was it confirmed if you'll be able to transfer more than simply your character ?
    Were 2 months and something from it to be released.

  • Hmm, the quote feature isn't working on my mobile, sorry about that. I'll just try to reply in order.

    Yeah, it's worth it. It was confirmed that the more you have unlocked, the more you'll start with in XV2. Doesn't mean everything you have will be unlocked, but I imagine it'll be like Budokai 3 with B2 save data. You have some extra skills unlocked, depending on your 'completion' %.

    Was also confirmed some of the outfits will carry over. The only one that hasn't been expressly talked about is the 'Z-souls', which are called Super Souls now. But I imagine that DIMPS wouldn't leave them out.

    Working fan theory right now is, if having the skills/souls doesn't automatically give you some skills/souls, they will likely give you a zeni boost to afford skills right off the bat. So all that transfers, including the character.

    As for my liking Xenoverse a lot, yes and no. It's a fun DBZ game, but has faults see SSJ spam, (which isn't a big deal in high level play, but disappointing to see) or the RNG to get an 'ultimate finish', on top of the RNG for getting the drop.. Ect.

    I played in all the tournaments and with the exception of the first 2, I placed top 20. Sure I can at least see top 15 with the balancing that seems to have taken place, in XV2. Wouldn't call it the best DBZ title, as that is totally subjective and there is no real objective way to look at a game, outside of pure technical aspects, such as optimal coding, but I would list it iny top 5.

    Lastly, I'd like to not have to play PQs anymore, but want my buddy to have at least something when it launches. But thank you for noting the biblical levels of devotion xD

  • I'm sorry, that was worded awkwardly. I was referring to prefer having to not run the PQs in XV1 anymore, but I'm stuck doing that to help unlock skills and outfits/level up my buddy.

    I love the PQ system, and can't wait to do it again in XV2. I just hope they don't introduce Super Armor as a "see, it's hard mode now" and totally nerf the ability to have a good melee build to run PQs.

  • Heh, yeah,pullled a Bane, I did.
    Anyways, the one thing that always ticked me off was the Master system. Fuckers refused to level up

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