Hey CanadaNerd,
That cert is what encrypts the launcher traffic. We don't really need it for the encryption, it just lets us use a protocol that allows for faster patching. It's safe!
Hey CanadaNerd,
That cert is what encrypts the launcher traffic. We don't really need it for the encryption, it just lets us use a protocol that allows for faster patching. It's safe!
8k unique logins everyday sounds like a good joke :D, u cant find any party for anything besides: 10players at korin each with 5alts, 10 afk, 2 parties maybe doing cc and possibly one with 5alts, 10-20 just sitting afk. This whole server is afk mmorpg, there is no way there are 8k uniqe logins everyday that is bullshit, whoever believes that should get themselves checked, since verdant took over it seems like there are more players than it used to be in daneos peak time, since you took over 5-8k unique logins everyday... why are you lying lol?
You can see the number of logins on the launcher buddy. We made that info public. Stop trolling.
If the client isn't going to be that mind-bending at first, as you say, I suggest and strongly recommend releasing it with a new level cap (level 75) to make up for it. Surely, it will be the best timing for it, and the players will be happy. Mark my words.
The new client isn't going to come with a new level cap. We have to fix all the bugs with the game and make it stable before we start creating new content.
there is other dbo servers ssj 2 ssj great ape ultimate majin new transformations very much new dogis fps settings and more more settings
Other servers have rushed out things before they were ready and still have very buggy clients. That is not our intention.
We're currently using the title system for this, for the most part. We may build a separate achievement system at some point though, for more one off challenges instead of ones that require activity over time like the current title system.
That's good news. Putting more time and work into the 2.0 client is a very good investment. It's something unique and never seen on other public servers. It will bring back most of the players who have stopped playing and even attract new players, as well as attention from players on other servers too. This client will be revolutionary and surely make the game better for everyone. We DBO players can't wait for its release. We wish you the best of luck!
The client isn't going to be that mind bending at first, it will just hopefully be a bug free version of the current client that we can then modify over time to add new features.
They have developed other games well but no one plays them because of their pricing policies.
What? DBOG is the only game we've publicly released.
Hey 8aeon8,
This and many other poko bugs are on my to do list, but it could be a little while until we get to them. We're hard at work on the new client right now, and once it's ready we'll start moving toward a skill rework that should fix these things.
That's just not true buddy. There are 8k unique logins every day. There's more to do now than there has ever been in DBO's history. I am working as fast as I can buddy, and the only thing that would allow me to work faster is what the players just voted against. Don't worry, the game is not going to die. These are normal numbers that we saw for years in the DBOUR and Crisis days. When 2.0 is ready we will release it, but switching one buggy client for another one will not solve the problem.
Just send me a ticket here on the forum, and I'll help out when I get a chance.
Hey enemy,
Sometimes it can take a little while for it to appear. If it doesn't, don't worry, I'll always bring you guys the points by hand. Just send a ticket!
i have tried your url many times and it always says unauthorized must login, i am logged in and it wont load the page.
Do you have a level 10+ character? It might be 11+.
Hey Everyone,
As some of you know, when we started our server we refunded all the Global Points that had ever been spent, and then some. About a year ago, we proposed a cash shop point change back to the original prices to help get through the old points, but that hasn't had quite the effect we were hoping for. You can read more about that here:
As it stands now though, it would take around another four years before we finally get through the old Global Points. For reference, we've gotten through about 60% of them in the past four years. That's also about the amount of them that we actually see donations for each month, which comes out to a fairly low percentage of each dollar you donate. The server in general mostly breaks even or makes a small profit that I squirrel away to help players with medical bills, food costs etc. The rest of the cost I subsidize by having two other jobs on top of DBOG development, in a nutshell.
The reason I bring all this up is not to make you panic. The server is fine, and will be fine for the foreseeable future. What I want to know is whether or not you'd support some form of Global Point decay on accounts that have never donated, or outright removal. I'll be dropping off a poll on our discord (https://discord.dboglobal.to) to see if you guys would support something like that. If we could get far enough ahead by wiping out some of the old points or decaying them, I might be able to quit one of these other jobs and speed up our development a bit.
As we've moved into 2.0 development and as we'll be moving beyond that soon, the problems we have to solve and the systems we have to develop are going to become more complex and time consuming. I'm not so sure it's a great idea to keep the old Global Points around for that, as it's going to take me much longer to develop those kinds of systems while working two other jobs. On top of that, the day to day maintenance of the game is going to start taking me longer for reasons that will become apparent in the next year or two.
If you could, just let me know your feedback here in this thread, and in the poll I'll be making on discord, to see what we can do moving forward to hopefully help speed up our development a bit. As always, thanks for playing and supporting us!
Hey Everyone,
We've been getting a lot of questions lately on where we're at in terms of new client development, so I thought I'd post a little check in thread to let you all know where we're at. As some of you know, the bulk of our development focus has been on the new client for the past few months, barring the time we've spent on the monthly shop rotations, QoL features, and battling quite a few server attacks and exploits. This thread will serve as a bit of an explanation/update on where we're at. I won't go over specific bug fixes, but I'll give a general overview of several areas of the experience.
2.0 is how the community mostly knows the open source DBO client that almost every other server currently uses some version of. The main draw of 2.0 is malleability. It is obviously much easier to patch and debug a game client that you have the source code for. Our main goal for the release of 2.0 is as seamless as possible a transition from the current 1.0 client you are using. For the first few months of 2.0's release, there won't be any juicy changes. It will be all bug fixes, small optimizations, and QoL changes like allowing for smaller patches. Once the game is stable and bug free, then we can begin to fix all the currently broken or half implemented systems. After that, we can begin reworks and new content. With that said, fixing and reworking the broken and half/completely unimplemented systems will feel like new content and new things for you to do, they just won't come with new missions or areas (mostly).
I would describe the current status of 2.0 as almost stable. We have squashed several hundred bugs at this point, and many of the missing features are almost complete. I hesitate to say that any one system is completely ready for launch because we have not yet released our changes to testers. With that said, I would comfortably wager that many of the systems we've worked on are comparable to or better than what you would experience on the other private servers. That's not something I'm completely satisfied with, so we're going to take our time and try to get things right.
There are two major unimplemented systems that we haven't begun work on, and the third remaining one sits at around 90% completion. Most of the things we've worked on are at the fine tuning stage, meaning they're ready for internal testing, and potentially release for the ones that pass tests. If you asked me for an overall estimate on where the client is right now, I'd say we're in the 75-80% area. Keep in mind though, that the last stages of development are often the most difficult and time consuming to get right.
More info here: Server Development Update/GP Decay Feedback
Current projection is that we should be able to release sometime late this year, but if that doesn't happen we will delay until it's ready. Things are looking good for that timeline though.
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Hey Everyone,
We're back with a quick patch and the Summer Event! There's nothing too juicy here, as we've been working mostly on 2.0. Progress is coming along nicely, and we're hoping to have a build we can show you soon, but keep in mind that our goal with all this work is to make a bug free, stable client that works as close as possible to the way the current client does. With that in mind, nothing we show off is going to be particularly interesting because it will (hopefully) look exactly like a slightly more stable, malleable, optimized version of the client you are currently using.
We hope you enjoy the new outfits and the Summer Event! We're hard at work on 2.0 and once we have the new client and it's stable, we'll be able to make all kinds of new content for you all. As always, thank you for playing and supporting us, and we'll see you in game!
Hey haruka982,
Can you check the Common Installation Issues thread? Also, if your launcher version isn't 1.0.8926.29922 you may want to reinstall. It's also a good idea to click repair in your launcher settings if you haven't already.