Hola, amigo, intenta hacer clic en reparar en la configuración del iniciador mientras el juego está sin conexión. Si eso no funciona después de que se complete (tomará un tiempo), intenta realizar una reinstalación completa y consulta el hilo de problemas de instalación comunes.
Posts by Verdant
When you saw me, was I wearing one of the new outfits?
레몬, 고맙네요!
Hi i have a very weird problem, i can login on two of 3 characters once i try to login on the 3rd one my game closes mid loading screen.. i tried patching and repairig, i even tried another connecting to another wifi.
Did you patch your game? It's likely the third character is in a town somewhere and crashing because you're trying to load a new item you don't have the files for.
Hey Everyone,
We're back with our third patch of the month! Crazy, I know. We wanted to get as much as possible out this month to try to help with that medical fundraiser, so we've created a bunch of new Winter items, and new Adventure Passes, along with new Winter Event rewards! See below for more details.
Winter Event
The Winter Event is here! The snowy maps have returned, adorned with gifts and decorations, and Santa's sleigh will drop snow everywhere. Enjoy the Christmas music, and defeat the Sintas to get their Snowman Piggy Banks to trade to Tinder in Korin Village across from the Auction House for lots of fun Christmas rewards!
GP Shop Updates
Many new Winter items have been added to the GP shop, as well as two new Winter Adventure Passes: the normal version, and the Advanced version. The normal version is also available from the Tinder merchant, and contains most of the classic Winter themed items. The Advanced version contains beefier rewards and most of our new Winter items. Also, be aware that many of the items added last patch for the fundraiser like the Silver Box capsule, and potentially the Wagu/Event Coin/Consumable capsules will likely be removed from the shop and respective machines at the end of January. If you want to keep those in the shop, or take advantage of their limited status, it is best to stock up now.
New GP Items
- Black, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Buu Beanies, Ski Masks, and Jackets have been added to the GP Shop, and Tinder merchant.
- Each respective set of 3 has a capsule you can get at a discount, and there is a master capsule that contains all of them for an even bigger discount!
- Reindeer Krillin, Santa Tien, and Santa Trunks sets have been added to the GP shop, and Tinder merchant.
- Winter Adventure Pass and Winter Advanced Adventure Pass have been added to the GP shop. The Winter Adventure Pass is also available from the merchant Tinder.
Winter Adventure Pass
Level Items 1 Advanced Adventure, Z20 x4 10 Potion Set, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3, Pink Santa Set, Jingle Village A Set, Reindeer Costume 20 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Z24 x4, Neon Fuel, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Yellow Santa Set, Jingle Village B Set, Reindeer Hat 30 Potion Set, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3, Jingle Village C Set, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Green Santa Set, Snowman Hat 40 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Z28 x4, Krypton Fuel, Warm Sweater, Blue and Purple Santa Sets, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x10 50 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Pet Food, Warm Fur Coat, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Polar Bear Outfit 60 Potion Set, Wagu Coin x5, Event Coin x5, Z32 x4, Xenon Fuel, 200% XP Scroll x3, Nami Knit Cap, Polar Bear Cap, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Black Santa Set 70 Hyperbolic Stopwatch, Wagu Coin x10, Event Coin x10, Pet Food, Large Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Red and White Santa Sets Winter Advanced Adventure Pass
Level Items 1 Z20 x4, Advanced Adventure 10 Potion Set, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3, Black Winter Set 20 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Z24 x4, Neon Fuel, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Piccolo Winter Set 30 Potion Set, Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Pet Food, 200% XP Scroll x3, Small Snowman Piggy Bank x5, Vegeta Winter Set 40 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Z28 x4, Krypton Fuel, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Buu Winter Set 50 Wagu Coin, Event Coin, Pet Food, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Krillin Reindeer Dragonball Pet, Cell Winter Set 60 Potion Set, Wagu Coin x5, Event Coin x5, Z32 x4, Xenon Fuel, 200% XP Scroll x3, Medium Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Santa Tien Dragonball Pet, Magic Gingerbread Set, Frieza Winter Set 70 Hyperbolic Stopwatch, Wagu Coin x10, Event Coin x10, Pet Food, Large Snowman Piggy Bank x10, Santa Trunks Dragonball Pet, Magic Snowman Set, Goku Winter Set 2.0 Update
The testers have been hard at work with 2.0 and have discovered quite a few small bugs, and half a dozen larger ones. I am working my way through them as fast as I can, but it is taking a little time, with all the Christmas and fundraiser stuff going on. We are almost certainly not finishing 2.0 by the end of the year, but we are pretty close. Hopefully I can get all these knocked out ASAP and get the client in your hands, but I don't have an exact date on how long it will take. Weeks, most likely, but we'll see. It is highly unlikely we'll have Dojo War on release, but we'll do a poll for that when the time comes. Once I get the client a little more stable I may do a Q&A stream with it, and answer some of your questions live. Be on the lookout for a roadmap on what we'll be working on after 2.0 is out and stable, as well.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to keep a Budokai title equipped for longer than one tournament cycle.
- Fixed a bug causing Budokai tournaments to wipe titles from the current cycle's champions.
- Fixed a bug causing Raditz Armor to crash the game.
- Fixed a bug preventing Raditz Armor from working for all races/genders.
Final Words
That's the Christmas patch, and likely the last major 1.0 only patch we'll ever release! It feels like it's been forever, but Winter 2018 seems to be right around the corner now. What we have managed to do so far, all the changes we have made, have almost all been with serverside code. Once we have unlocked the potential of client side patches, expect the nature of our patches to change a bit. Expect things on the quality of the new launcher, for example. There will be significant gameplay changes, starting slowly and snowballing over time. I will do everything I can to keep to the spirit of the original game, while improving some of the rougher spots, and adding new features. Before we do that, however, we have to fix all of the existing systems and content, and get to a stable, localized game that everyone can enjoy, free of crashes and quality of life issues. I'm excited to be able to work on things other than just server code, and implement some more interesting designs for you guys. I'm extremely happy and thankful you've all stuck with us this long for this part of the ride, and I hope you'll enjoy all the great things we have coming next. If we've been able to accomplish all this with only serverside code, what do you think we'll be able to do once we can patch the client as well?
As always, thank you for playing and supporting us! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone! We'll see you in game!
That discord link? It still works.
My game crashes after i play with my character for like 5 or 10 mins dose it have to do with me being on windows 11 i also sometime cant hear any game sound apart for some game music no character voice no dash or charging combat sound just music is there any thing i need to do to fix this problem.
When's the last time you patched? We've had a couple of patches the last 2 weeks. If you missed those, people using the new items could crash you.
That one's on my to do list!
Hey Everyone,
Surprise! We've decided to release a (somewhat) quick patch before Christmas. As some of you may know, DBOG doesn't make much of a profit, but when we do I don't run maniacally to the bank with bags that have dollar signs on them. I squirrel the money away for a rainy day, usually to help out players with food or medical bills. This is one of those times, a player needs help with their surgery bills. In light of that, I'm releasing some of the unused DBOUR outfits, and making a few changes to the GP shop. Some of these changes are likely temporary, because they veer a little too close to donating for in game power. To be clear, none of this was part of the plan, and I am not happy about releasing most of this, but I will do what I need to, to help those in need. These DBOUR outfits are being released as-is and I'd have liked to have spent more time working on them to get them up to the quality that you're used to from us, with all dogis working for each race and gender and skin color. There will be issues with all of those things, from these outfits. I was planning on spending this time working on 2.0 and was planning on releasing a founder pack for that, to help with these medical bills, but we're just not going to get there in time, so this is a bit of a last minute patch. Please keep all of that in mind when you wear these dogis.
New Dogis
- Fasha Armor
- Jin Dogi
- 2B Outfit v1/v2
- Claire Redfield Outfit
- Avoim Outfit
- Dark Broly Armor
- Crono Outfit
- Neptune Outfit/Wig
- Mihawk Outfit/Hat
- FF Dogi
- God of Destruction v3
- Nappa Armor
- Turles Armor
- Raditz Armor
- Trunks Heroes Outfit
Likely Permanent GP Shop Changes
- Random Wagu Coin/Event Coin Capsules added.
- HL Life Pill Y-S stack count reduced to 20.
- Random Event Consumable Capsule added.
- Burgers, Chili Dogs, HETAP, Fairy Dust, Magic Mushrooms, Chocolate Bunnies, and Chocolate Eggs added to the Event Machine.
Likely Temporary GP Shop Changes
GP Shop Additions:
- HL Life Pill Y-S x20.
- Strength, Stamina, Energy, Soul, Speed potions x20.
- 300k LP Autopotion.
- RP Ball Recovery Potion x20.
- EV Success, Health, Attack, Regen, Resistance, Critical, Dodge, and Evil Luck x5.
- EV Protective Net Lv1-4 x5.
- Senzu Bean x10.
- Silver Box x150.
- Transformation Potion Capsule.
- CCBD F96 Ticket.
- Premium Consumable Capsule.
- Consumable Capsule.
These additions are likely temporary and will likely be gone within a month.
Random Wagu Coin/Event Coin Capsules (400 GP)
Item Count Chance Coin x1 1 76.923% Coin x5 1 15.3846% Coin x10 1 7.6923% Premium Consumable Capsule (400 GP)
Item Count Chance Wagu Coin 1-3 16.6667% Event Coin 1-3 16.6667% Silver Box 50-150 16.6667% Premium Pet Food 5-15 16.6667% CCBD F96 Ticket 1-3 16.6667% CCBD Survival Kit 1-3 16.6667% Consumable Capsule (400 GP)
Item Count Chance Strength Potion 10-30 4.7619% Stamina Potion 10-30 4.7619% Energy Potion 10-30 4.7619% Soul Potion 10-30 4.7619% Speed Potion 10-30 4.7619% LP Autopotion 300k 1-3 4.7619% HL Life Pill Y-S 10-30 4.7619% RP Ball Recovery Potion 10-30 4.7619% EV Success Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Health Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Attack Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Regen Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Resistance Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Critical Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Dodge Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Evil Luck 1-10 4.7619% EV Protective Net Lv1 1-10 4.7619% EV Protective Net Lv2 1-10 4.7619% EV Protective Net Lv3 1-10 4.7619% EV Protective Net Lv14 1-10 4.7619% Senzu Bean 5-15 4.7619% Event Consumable Capsule (400 GP)
Item Count Chance Chocolate Bunny 1-10 14.2857% Chocolate Egg 1-10 14.2857% HETAP 1-10 14.2857% Chili Dog 1-10 14.2857% Burger 1-10 14.2857% Fairy Dust 1-10 14.2857% Magic Mushroom 1-10 14.2857% - Fixed a bug causing the EU times for Adult and Junior Team Budokai to run 12 hours before schedule.
- Fixed a bug causing all WMAT titles to have the same color.
2.0 Development Update
The testers gained access to the new 2.0 client this past week, and have been thoroughly going through it. They've found a lot of small bugs, and a few bigger ones. It is currently unlikely that we will have the client stable by the end of the year, but it's hard to know how long they will take to fix. We will fix everything as fast as we can, and re-evaluate the status of the client in early to mid January for release to you. I will prioritize the most game breaking/experience affecting bugs for fixing, and if something is equivalent to 1.0 in terms of player discomfort, I may push that out to fix after release, to get the new client in your hands sooner. What we are aiming for, to release the client, is an experience at least as good as the 1.0 you are currently experiencing in terms of minor inconvenience, with the major crashes from 1.0 fixed. Another patch is coming around Christmas with new Adventure Passes and more cosmetics, and I will give you another update as to our progress with the new client then. As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us!
Hi, I am a returning player and i was around since day 0, i enter to download the game and saw that my characters are level 1. Could someone help me ? Thanks!!!
Hey WildMonkey,
There was a wipe a few years ago and all characters went back to level 1. You should have a kit in your inventory to help you level back up quickly though!
I've been opening with the launcher.
You may want to try rebooting your pc/router, you could have a stuck socket.
Having this same bug, the axe never drops
We're looking into this!
I can't log in. Either nothing happens, or I get a message saying "You have disconnected."
Are you opening the game with DBOGLauncher or with DBOG? You need to open with DBOGLauncher.
Hola amigo, solo dale un poco de tiempo y luego vuelve a iniciar sesión y el correo debería aparecer
Hey Everyone,
We're back with another little update for the game! We've made a few PvP changes, released some new dogis, and fixed a few bugs. See below for more information!
PvP Changes
- Budokai WMAT titles now wipe when each new tournament starts.
- Legacy winners have now been awarded the Legacy Champion title.
- Tenkaichi Budokai Prelim and Finals maps have been added to the Ranked Battle map rotation.
- RP Arena Ranked Battle spawns have been changed to allow better visibility of teams at the beginning of matches.
- Kills on plat now give 25 Mudosa Points + 8% for each Gladiator title, stacking with the 2x Ranked Battle event.
Budokai Schedule
Day Time Type 1st Friday of the month 6pm UTC -6 Kid Party 1st Friday 9pm UTC -6 Kid Solo 2nd Friday 6pm UTC +1 Kid Party 2nd Friday 9pm UTC +1 Kid Solo 3rd Friday 6pm UTC +6 Kid Party 3rd Friday 9pm UTC +6 Kid Solo 4th+ Friday 6pm UTC +9 Kid Party 4th+ Friday 9pm UTC +9 Kid Solo 1st Saturday 6pm UTC -6 Adult Party 1st Saturday 9pm UTC -6 Adult Solo 2nd Saturday 6pm UTC +1 Adult Party 2nd Saturday 9pm UTC +1 Adult Solo 3rd Saturday 6pm UTC +6 Adult Party 3rd Saturday 9pm UTC +6 Adult Solo 4th+ Saturday 6pm UTC +9 Adult Party 4th+ Saturday 9pm UTC +9 Adult Solo Dev Notes on Budo Schedule
We've drastically reduced the number of Budokais each week, and changed the schedule such that each world region gets at least one tournament during primetime on Friday or Saturday night each month. Additionally, the WMAT titles will be reset each week, so only the current champions each week will have the title. If you want to keep the title, you will need to participate in the tournament each week to defend your title. Previous winners will be awarded the Legacy Champion title and aura to commemorate their wins.
New Dogis/Misc Changes
- Goku Go, Turtle School v1/2, Kid Goku v1/2, Bulma Pink Overshirt, Bulma Motorcycle Outfit, and Bulma Winter Outfit have been added to the GP shop and the respective Goku and Bulma outfit capsules.
- All Winter cosmetics have been discounted in the GP shop and are now available in the Token and Mudosa shops.
- Name change has been removed from the Token, WP, and Mudosa shops. It is still available in the GP shop. This is to prevent spam of name changes and issues with players losing their names consistently.
- Vomi Pumpkin 2 pet has been replaced with Vomi, and Vomi pet has been replaced with Android 21.
- Accepting a guild invitation/changing the guild emblem in any way now prevents equipping/removing gear until you relog. This is to prevent a 1.0 crash bug.
- Courtesy of Grender and OpenDBO, mobs no longer freeze after autoattacking, and the Poko pet teleport bug has been fixed.
We hope you enjoy the new, more competitive Budokai schedule and titles, and the new Ranked Battle maps, as well as the new Mudosa rewards for battles at plat! We are currently preparing the 2.0 client for testers, so we will know more about the release date soon. We are still (tentatively) looking at a release around the end of the year, but it's possible there will be delays if the testers find a lot of bugs that require a lot of dev attention. It is likely that Dojo War will either be cut from the initial release, or the release will be delayed for time to implement and test it. We may do a vote on this later. As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting us! We'll see you in game!
Wir sind noch dabei, die englische Übersetzung fertigzustellen, damit wir sie als Grundlage für weitere Übersetzungen verwenden können. Es gibt noch keine neuen Transformationen oder Karten, außer einigen PvP-Karten für Rangkämpfe. Derzeit arbeiten wir hauptsächlich an dem neuen Spielclient, den wir hoffentlich Ende dieses Jahres veröffentlichen werden.
n consigo encontrar o fastaurs´s blood
Você pode me mostrar o diálogo da missão e me dizer onde está a missão? Vou pedir aos testadores para olharem
can ya help me my patch size keeps going up
How big is the patch size? When is the last time you patched?
Send me a ticket with your info + proof you're the owner, I'll try to find the account for you!