Posts by Verdant

    I hope to see it soon, I met so many friends I can still talk to today through TMQ parties in retail DBO, dungeons worth doing are such a must.

    I think ours are going to be pretty cool. We're combining some good ideas from some bigger mmo/rpg games into what I think will be some pretty sweet rewards.

    ¿El juego se cierra por completo? ¿Le da un error? Intente abrir con DBOGLauncher.exe en lugar de DBOG.exe y desactive la prueba de congelación de win10 en la configuración.

    ¿El juego se cierra por completo? ¿Le da un error? Intente abrir con DBOGLauncher.exe en lugar de DBOG.exe y desactive la prueba de congelación de win10 en la configuración.

    DBOG review from a player who played DBO since 2011. I haven't played since Daneos was the project leader and I started to play Verdant's version since early June, so I have played for a little over a month now so I have a good feel of this version now. The biggest changes here that i've noticed since The Dark age of Daneos's Terror on DBO is that 1. Brown boxes are gone and have been replaced with Silver boxes 2. Upgrading now has 0 RNG and is now 100% success rate 3. CCBD items and Dragon Ball wish items are unbound so you can sell them.  I think all 3 of these changes are very good and were all needed. When I found out about these changes, I was excited, I thought gearing up was going to be much easier and faster, boy was I wrong.

    Lets say you download DBOG today and start playing from scratch, no gear no friends to help you no nothing. Lets say for example it took you 2 weeks to reach 60 cap, okay now you want to do PvP, oh but wait, that requires gear, and a lot of it. Okay so you want to do PvE content to gear up, that should be easy right? Wrong, not only does that also require strong gear, but CCBD is really the only thing worth spamming. TMQ has same rates as when Daneos was leader and UD 6 takes 2 hours for 1 run with bad drop rates also. So that leaves for CCBD only, and you think you can do CCBD fresh off leveling to 60? No. You have to farm, and farm a lot, DBOG is 90% farming and 10% CCBD. Now you can just farm your azz off and get somewhere doing that, but really, who wants to farm for 1 month straight before doing anything in the game? I would rate DBOG as decent, it's not bad but it's not good either, I will still play this game but not really feeling this game anymore currently and will be taking a break.

    Hey Parz,

    Thanks for the review! We're going to be working on the dungeons a lot pretty soon, so hopefully they'll be more fun to play after that. Stay tuned! We're bringing lots of good changes soon.


    Wow the new launcher has this Win10 Fix option but when it's enabled you can't log in, there goes the fix BRAVO, and the new client I keep seeing is probably centuries away.

    Yeah, the w10 fix was from the client before this one, we've been experimenting with a version of the Daneos client to see if it solves any of our issues temporarily, until we can get to the new client. It's still a little unclear if the w10 freeze fix works better than the new client, but we'll see. We're still in the test phase of this newer client, it's only been a couple of weeks.

    Hey aoffeney,

    Can you describe the nature of the lag for me? Is it input delay, or does the client freeze up? How often does it happen, and how long are the lag spikes?

    Hi, so I'm trying to donate but unfortunately can't because it seems crypto payment hasn't been enabled for DBOG sadly.

    Will DBOG ever accept crypto in the near future as a payment option?

    edit: found an old prepaid card and managed to donate a little :p

    It's possible! NGW handles the payments so that's a bit out of my hands at the moment, though.

    That's awesome!! Please let me know when it's added. I dont have any money to get the headband rn but Ill start grinding right now so I can get it as soon as its out!

    The other players will probably sell some on the auction house. If not, I can bring one by!

    Hey andik,

    I think probably doing something with wagus is going to be your best bet, as you get the WP points back for the WP shop, leading to more items. As for what exactly that is, dogis vs games with in game effects from machine 2, I think machine 2 is probably going to be better if you did it today. If you want to wait a week, we're releasing a bunch of new dogis, so those may be your better bet.

    Hey Cupson,

    Colatablette is right! Please note that you do need at least one level 10 character to do it though. Also of note is that we try to make everything as free to play as we can, so please only donate if you have the means!

    hi i'm a new player her what i need to do first

    Hey frizadod,

    Are you just trying to play the game, or are you trying to start your own game server? This is a thread for people who are trying to operate their own game server

    So I have found dbo_0.50.9_client but this one also doesn't work xD .. well maybe I am doing something wrong , no clue .

    Like when entering the game the Authentication server sends back accept , but when I click the Start button , there is no response .

    lest assume there is a problem with the servers , this Start button with which server supposed to interact ? I will try to debug it .

    If you have any information would be appreciated .

    If you're just using the 2.0 server code out of the box, just compile the client that comes with it and use that