well in retail TW, it had no CD, so it was really fun to use it all the time and have good dodge always.
Posts by 2pro4u
Selling all these items:
- TMQ3 e def jacket+13 19 CON
- TMQ3 e def boots+15 16 DEX
- TMQ3 p def pants+13 19 CON
OFFER ME!!! I TAKE BOXES OR TMQ6 HUMAN DEX GEAR!! (in the case of pants CON obviously)
ign: 2pro4u or post here
High Speed Needle
-Crit Damage increase only applies if performed from behind-
-Max damage lowered from 471% to 449%.
Super High Speed Needle
-Crit damage increase only applies if performed from behind-
-Max damage lowered from 628% to 597%.
We want to encourage player skill by having positioning matter before blindly attacking. Since this skill is basically based of this moment anyway, I think it'd make sense. Damage is still huge when applied from behind(usually thanks to stun or surprise attack), just nerfed a little to encourage other tactics and make one-shots less common. If your enemy isn't stunned, all they need to do is not turn their back to you and they'll guaranteed avoid the crit-damage boost.
High Speed Needle(Alt Suggestion)
-Remove it's crit damage boost-
-Initial Damage is 249% physical damage at max level instead of 471%-
-Deals 88% physical bleed damage every 2 seconds for 15 seconds-
-Initial Damage is 204% at lvl1, 219% at lvl2, 233% at lvl3, and 249% at lvl4-
-Bleed damage is 41% at lvl1, 52% at lvl2, 63% at lvl3, 88% at lvl4-
This turns High Speed Needle back into a bleed like retail's lvl55 days, except now the bleed deals % damage so it scales properly with end-game. Think Bold Strike, except it deals 88% bleed damage instead of 279%. To explain my reasoning for the numbers....needle's 471% damage+crit boost is more like 950% instant damage. Since the 88% bleed hits every 2 seconds, and there's an initial damage of 249%, that's 865% damage total gradually dealt over a 15 second timeframe assuming your target's not using anti-bleed. Long-term DPS speaking it's even stronger when you don't crit, but the 15-second timeframe gives your enemy alot of time to fight back and opportunities to heal.
That said, I vaguely recall bleed damage not getting reflected, so this presents an option against those lazy reflect tanks.Blitz Fist
-Gives 25 RP at lvl1, 50RP at lvl2, 75RP at lvl3, 100RP at lvl4-
-other effects remain the same-
When maxed, Blitz Fist now gives the player 1 extra RP ball. Blitz Fist is useless at end-game PvP due to Thunder easily making you reach the speed cap alone. Even in PvE it serves little purpose, speed parties and Thunder being able to replace it. This buff is mainly to open up RP options in PvP. It's a lengthy buffing animation and has too much cooldown to spam, so I can't imagine it being too overpowered.
-Gives 3 seconds of guaranteed dodging.
-3 minutes cooldown on lvl1, 4 seconds of guaranteed dodging at lvl2, 2 minutes cooldown at lvl3, 5 seconds of guaranteed dodging at lvl4, 1 minute cooldown at lvl5.
-Stacks with Mighty Majin dodge buff since the two buffs no longer do the same thing-Instead of buffing DEX and dodge, this makes you invincible during your "buffing" animation. It's similar to a Swordsman's Scintillation, with some ups and downs. Upsides being that Fighters can use it at anytime without being buffed prior, and people can't counter you with Guard Break. Downsides are that you need better timing, it doesn't counter-knockdown your enemy, and that once the buff's over, it's over. You can't cancel your shield then try again, nor does it guarantee it'll stop anything if you mistime it or your enemy reads you like a book.
The extra seconds at lvl2/4 make it so the buff outlasts the dodging animation, forcing the opponent to take distance while you're untouchable or face the consequences. Leveling it to lvl5 would let you use it every second round much like Quick Attack.
Solar Flare
-Reduces hitrate and success rate by 60%.
-Duration decreases from 10 to 8 seconds.
Solar Flare is wasted potential. This is because alot of skills use success rate instead of hitrate, meaning all people need to do is just stun you or use specific attacks for a while to outlast it. Using it on groups of mobs means the time wasted using Solar Flare translates into more time taking damage, while classes other than you don't have the dodge rate to abuse a boss' reduced hitrate. Combine that with Solar Flare's short duration, awkward range and long cooldown, and it becomes SP better spend elsewhere. This would be a better-working version. Reduce the power and duration a little to make up for it's increased utility.
Solar Flare(alt suggestion)
-Reduces hitrate and success rate by 100%-
-Duration is 10 seconds at lvl4. The debuff's power drains with it's remaining duration. At 9 seconds, it decreases hitrate&success rate by 90%, at 5 seconds, 50%, at 1 second, 10%, etc-
-Duration at lvl1 is 5 seconds, duration is 6 seconds at lvl2, 8 seconds at lvl3, and 10 seconds at lvl4-
This is an alternative ideal version of Solar Flare that makes the most sense imo. Unfortunately, it may not be possible.
-Range increase from 25m to 35m-
-Decreases physical attack by 10% at lvl1, 12% at lvl2, 15% at lvl3, 18% at lvl4, 20% at lvl5-
-Replace existing dodge rate numbers with resist rate-
Glitz is only somewhat relevant at lvl32~45. By endgame it's a laughable SP drain. Decreasing resist rate would help alot in PvE parties, and makes the debuff less redundant since Martial Artists have Shake, a far better dodge-decrease debuff. Increasing it's range means you can cast it before someone can land Quick Attack at a match' start, decreasing your odds of getting combod to death before you can retaliate. Martial Artist battles could go on a bit longer this way. The debuff would still not be that powerful, unlike Glaring Slash, but it'd have its uses at least.
Kamikaze Ghost
-Self-destruct deals knockdown-
-Autoattack is added back-
-Cooldown increases from 24 seconds to 3 minutes-
The self-destruct deals knockdown to compensate for it's trash damage. It'll save you some time when you're in trouble. Could make for very creative strategies to save a Fighter from a pickle, but can backfire if confuse is cast on the ghost, making it possibly knock YOU down instead. It's autoattack option also returns to help lure enemies in PvE, like in later versions of retail.
-Useable while Super Saiyan-
-Inflicts debuff if used as Super Saiyan. Debuff lowers physical attack, movement speed, and attack speed by 20%-
-Everything else is unchanged-It's obnoxious you can't use this as SSJ because it'd be "too OP". Inflict a debuff that negates SSJ's stats while this is active, problem solved. It's Thunder without SSJ powering it up further.
-Usable while Super Saiyan(Like Thunder)-
-100% Inflicts confuse for 1 second at lvl1, 2 seconds at lvl2, 3 seconds at lvl3, 4 seconds at lvl4-
-State Damage and cooldown remains the same-I dislike both infinite stuns and "chance to succeed" RNG. This time, the skill confuses 100% so long as your attack connects. Even 1 second of confuse will be enough to disrupt your opponent's skills. Storm's at lvl4 now would technically still be an infinite stun if you have cooldown and your enemy has no anti-confuse. That said, even the smallest piece of anti-confuse takes that advantage away, making it more of a disruption/time-saving move rather than stun-city.
-Range Increase from 35m to 45m-
-Damage increase 1.5x when hitting from the front instead of 1.5x when a critical hit is successful-
-Damage is the same-The extra range would open up new options in PvE and makes perfect sense for Final Flash, while the "from front 1.5 damage increase" makes aggroing a valid choice rather than just always using it as surprise attack. This is because luring mobs makes them face towards you. As it is now, most people would skip Final Flash if they could in order to get Big Bang. It needs to have a bit more utility and a different strategy from Big Bang. Maximum damage remains the same; AoE energy attacks are meant as utility for Martial Artists, we shouldn't replace Turtles.
Ki Burst
-Replace "EP cost %" with "Energy"-
Most of a Fighter's EP is expended from dashing around and transformations, neither which are affected by EP cost%. I guarantee most players who got this skill did so hoping to counteract SSJ's drain. Might as well give 'em Energy instead. PvP-wise it's almost the same, and in the rare cases a Fighter runs out of EP in PvP, there's always EP pots, and EP-autopots.
I agree with everything except nerfing needles. DO NOT NERF the needles please...
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! BTW, if you disable it via these steps, it is only a temporary fix as it turns itself back on. So, you could follow these steps to disable it permanently.
- Tap on the Windows-key to open the Start Menu.
- Type regedit.exe and hit enter.
- Confirm the UAC prompt to continue.
- Navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
- If you see the preference DisableAntiSpyware on the right double-click on it and set it to 1 to disable Windows Defender.
- If the preference does not exist, right-click on Windows Defender and select New > Dword (32-bit) Value, and name it DisableAntiSpyware.
On april 8th, the next lvl cap will be released, lvl 55
Damn, how do u have so many senzu beans smh.
Nah upgrade system is already easy
o.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.oo.0, o.O,o.O,O.o
Not gonna make a long thread about this. The upgrade system can be greatly improved by making 2 easy changes.
1. Remove the -1 on Fails..... It was never like this on TW.
2. Remove the possibility of +1 in purple/green. They literally cost 10x the price of blue/red and should give at least the possibility of +2. And make the posibility of getting +2/+3, 50%/50%.
These changes would greatly improve the system for everyone.
First of all, I’d like to start this by saying that I’ve had the pleasure to meet many great individuals that I consider my friends. I have decided to quit DBOG. Why you ask? For one and only one reason , THE F*****ing upgrading system. This is the most retarded, cash hungry, unrewarding upgrading system I have seen in my entire life. Today, after spending 400 stones, (200 purple and 200 green) I was unable to even get a stick and jacket above +12. The countless fails, brokens, brokens in a row... I have spent around $6400 on this game and I am really disappointed in the fact that the team was unable to come up with a better upgrading system. I made a whole thread about it some time ago and my guess is, it either got disregarded or ignored. The chances of success from +12 should be around 2% at best. I dont even wanna think about the chances after that. This system does not reward anyone who has been playing long enough, you just need to shoot your ? s off and hope that you win the loterry that same day to get a success at that level. Anyways... peace out and wish you all the best.
Yess!!! Ive had this same issue for so long, i thought it only happened to me.
there is certainly someone that can give the majin female model bigger breast but....bruh
can somebody make a mod which makes adult majin female has bigger breasts ?
I think this thread proves that some people are using this game with secondary intentions, if you know what I mean.
Are you interested on dogi balls or dogis?
rare dogi balls, what's your ign?
Hey, I'm trading any dogi you want for a certain amount of boxes.
I'm also selling a total ammount of 15 dogi balls, for boxes as well.
Don't have zeni? Well this is perfect ;D
i am interested, what's your IGN?
brah.... no comments on that request....
What if I can't grow up because my bag was full when talking to Korin who is supposed to give me a kettle to use?
abandon the quest and pick it up again.
I was wondering whether we will have kid budo tomorrow as well since yesterday we had the crash issues and the party budokai did not take place. So are we having it tomorrow too?
how much ?
not if they give us back the wagu coins
lol, nah because the cash shop is trash now, he even reduced the number of boxes u can get, id rather stay like this
Do you accept stones? I can give 5 boxes plus some stones
ch 1 korin
Do you accept stones? I can give 5 boxes plus some stones
yea I can do that too