Posts by Muh

    I think the 2 day tickets in giftbox are ok! Maybe lower their level to + 8 for glove and +6 for armor! The other tickets should be removed..

    Auch möglich wären:
    1 Standard oder Normal
    2 Verbessert
    3 Exzellent oder Vorzüglich
    4 Professionell oder Hervorragend vielleicht auch "Erhaben"
    5 Legendär

    oder aber:
    1 Standard / Normal
    2 Häufig
    3 Selten
    4 Rarität
    5 Legendär

    Ich würde das "Einzigartig" mit "Außergewöhnlich" ersetzen.
    Klingt meiner Meinung nach besser.

    +1! Vielleicht geht auch noch "Besonders" oder "Speziell" oder "Bemerkenswert".. Aber außergewöhnlich klingt ganz gut!

    Aah.. The guild i was in.. Kins had that awesome energie SM! Awesome at PVE and Budokai.. If anybody says energie swordie is useless then he doesn't know this guy! Best SM on HK Server!

    To topic.. If speed gets capped it has do be done very carefully or stuff like thunder might get useless.. I agree with Nady93 here

    I think %speed shouldn't be capped but 100% speed should do LESS DMG than it was, 100% speed DPS should be similar to fighter's DPS then it will be OK.

    So only thing to do is change a bit speed calculating formula, thats all.
    In that case both speed and no-speed parties will be used.

    always upgrade for me was stupid. I bought item worth 250kk + stones to upgrade worth 200kk, and the item is burned, lost 450kk and for the money I could have armor and pants . For me should not destroy the item's, just like Daneos wrote downgrade to 0 .. upgrade will still be difficult but we will not lose as much money in the game .. It's just my opinion :)

    +1! Maybe not to 0 if you are on +14 but maybe downgrade 6 levels..

    Why fix something thats not broken? They could give exp +% scrolls away, as gift for login, in gift box or put them in Token shop, starters can use them and things are fine!
    Rework all the mops exp table just costs alot of time and is not really needed.. More importent to fix bugs than exp in my opinion.. Anyway what ever they deside im fine with it..

    Said it before, say it again.. Exp from mops was perfect! Exp from some 49 to 55 Quests was lame(not all).. Maybe the Ultras and Boss mops could give more exp.. But the rest was just fine!
    If mops would give you, lets say 50% or even 100% more exp there would be no reason for questing and the game would be much to easy..
    If they bring back exp +% scrolls(like + 50%) just buy them and you will be fine..

    Indeed that was a problem.. I used to skip red map entirely because i was almost every time i got there at Lvl 55 .. Only sometimes did the high exp quests there and in Fearland.. If you did all the quests in game you never had to grind..

    Maybe they can bring back the "gift box" and give us some exp +10% or +50% scrolls when we hit lvl 45 and 50? Than they would not even need to change the exp rate.. Exept for the run from NPC x to NPC y quests that only gave you ~1000 exp and took more than 5 min deliver on red map! Exp rate on other maps was ok!

    Yes for e.x. this: "sellable dragonballs" with was just an item for crafting.. and others..
    Also i think it would be nice if you could search for stuff that a single player sells in AH! Don't remember if this was possible..

    You got me wrong there.. I'm not mad.. And the NPC thing was just an example.. Of course i buy from NPC! I still think selling useless stuff for 999kk just because some people wanna raise the prices and hoping for somebody buying - like the "sellable dragonballs" with was just an item for crafting is crap, but again if you don't wanna change it its ok! It's auction house after all.. No hard feelings there from my side. You develop so you deside!

    So, i think this is the last thing that bothered me.. Auction house!
    I still don't understand why it was possible to sell stuff that you could by from NPC for less than 1000 Zeni and sell it in Auction house for 999kk Zeni! I know it's an auction house, but this was just BS! I know a lot of people who left the game because of this, even cashers.. Especially the TW Servers were ridiculously overpriced..
    Why not make a cap atleast for stuff you could buy in-game from NPC.. Let's say buy for 1000 you can sell for max 100.000 Zeni. Upgraded stuff need to be seen from a different angle.. Maybe you can cap auction house on 500kk instead of 999kk Zeni..
    Anyways just ideas! Nobody will die if you don't like it..

    I just quote a Nady93 here, says it best..

    Thats for Alpha and beta tests are.
    If we start at 38 and this time adjust stats and skills and everything then game at 70lvl will be unbalanced.

    Open beta will help to balance drop rates, exp and other things ;)

    Thanks MS.. Here goes next.. Crafting..
    Crafting was not to good too! It was possible that you didn't get exp even if you successfully crafted and where useing the correct lvl recipes! I think if you use the right recipes and have success you should get exp, and not only by 80% chance! Also the last levels of crafting was just annoying! Wasting almost far over 400kk Zeni to get to max. crafting level sucks! Maybe you could lower the exp needed for each level up around 15% together with 100% exp chance if successfully crafting an item it would be much more fun!

    Oh yes, another think about flying.. why not make a, lets say Lv 50 Quest that lets you learn max. speed fly? I think it should be possible for you guys. This would make 50 to 55 maps go by a lot faster..And the "give us high speed flying" Fans would be happy..
    Again just ideas..

    49 to 55 was boring yes! Thats why i skipped it most of the time.. When i reached Mushroom north i was most of the time atleast at lvl 54 sometimes - with my Darkwarrior for example on 57! So i did the best quests and left these maps when i hit lvl 56!
    Dieing is a risk you have to take if you single mmorpg's.. So i died yes, but still not very often, and no im far away from being "a pro" never spended money - just time.. ^^

    To be honest, i don't like that idea! The game was easy enough as i was. I always singled around 98% of the game and never had any problem and i played all classes.. Only time when i needed help was in Purunga south dungeon Boss! and if i played it - usually i skipped it - Fearland Bosses! And tmq and UD >3.. The rest was easy.. The problem i see is, why party with someone when you can get all the buffs from NPC..