I love current DB System, its what i always wanted, 24/7 with small drop chance, but icon gives 100% db. No need to wait for event (work/school), and when You see icon You can be sure You gonna get db. For me its ok, no need changes.
Posts by Tummi
I think most easy dogi to edit and to add it to game (many people will want it) is to edit current Goku dogi (Turtle symol/King Kai symbol) but without any symbols on front and the back.
hi verdant, great work i love all the new features,but i have a problem,i had 4 dragon balls in my inventory before the wipe,now i don't have them, is there something i can do?
There is new dragon ball system, 24/7, 1% chance to respawn killed mob with DB icon, and 100% drop chance. Yesterday i grind 30-31,5 level and i dropped 2 db, so fast enough if You grind.
They're in the token shop, just did a hotfix to add them in
Yup, noticed that. Thanks.
Am I blind or I dont see z32 bags anywhere? Can You add them?
As long as Cash Shop items are tradeable it will always be a bit p2w. Buy clocks, sell for zennis, profit.
This thread looks like posting every DB character. But how many of these outifits are possible to make? I mean probably at this stage only Reskins are possible.
Suggest to do dogi like Majin buu, or Piccolo are probably impossible now, so I suggest to add more hairstyle colors / eyes. Should be easy to do. Like 5 different brown colors (light to dark), blonde, black, gray, etc. every with few versions. Eyes should be ez to do too, becouse no need to modify textures like hairstyle which another DBO project did (with very poor effect)
Yes this is the only wipe I'll do. The class changer will stay, too!
Cool ty. Iam bored of DBO, but i think I gonna play some after wipe. Hope all Daneos CP stays, i think i should have some :>
We'll see how it goes after the wipe. It's just a temporary system anyway.
It will be final wipe? Does class changes stays? (For example cd reduction in Swordsman skill)?
I don't want to insult anyone but Saibaman dogi looks better than any of these. Looks like edited in paint by 10 yo kid also uncanon as hell.
Once I take over, the current plan is that most banned accounts other than known botters/people I've banned since coming on board will be unbanned.
So You keep working on 2.0 client? No character reset until than?
i have windows 10
This. Game got lag spikes becouse of Windows 10.
DBO Crisi is only a copy of DBOG 1.0 DBOUR is based on a new client where new content is also imported and new updates are regularly coming in. Whether this will ever happen at dbo crisi is the other question
DBOUR seems like ugly mod to a good game.
I see the only hope in DBOUR, since nothing will probably happen here
DBO Crisis seems better than DBOUR for me.
It has been said that the DBOG will go on under new management and there will be another name. Does anyone know what about it?
In German
Es wurde gesagt das DBOG unter neuer Leitung weiter gehen wird und es ein anderen Namen geben wird weiß jemand was darüber?
I wonder if we'll have to wait 2.0 or get bugged 1.0 first. Also if cash coins stay.
they not even could make ther own source code back in 2016 so dont expect much from dbour.
they use daneos code now with all its bugs and steal db super sound themes in that game xD
Just tested it. I laugh so hard xD
Take reward from quest and take another one. RIP EARS