If i good remember only in Boots or title (CC dungeon aura) and Martial Arts skill Opening Roar skill.
Yes, charge "Z" RP balls faster. No idea about limit.
Usable in duels when You stun enemy and want fast charge RP
Posts by Tummi
You can get there in this client too. Almost every one can actually without any hack, you just need to get creative a bit...
Or just make an alternative account with a low lvl character with a pet with party summon and ask around for a player to port you there.
If not hacks than exploits…
Way to new faming grounds should be easy for everyone. -
Can u make the yadrat suit be like goku yadrat suit? plz
There is in the game already.
You get it from blue box on 2 level (Yardat goku, or Kid Gohan piccolo dogi, fused zamasu or tournament commentator) - RANDOM
Or from Mystery Dogi capsule (or whatever it is named) it drop on TMQ if im not wrong. People sell it on AH for like 3 mln. -
Hello I would like to suggest that the damage be more balanced, at the moment the majin are very disadvantaged
Mighty Majins are strong in def and buffs. Wonders are good in stuns. Every class got their "+" and "-"
Btw. Top1 PvP is Ultimate Majin -
Hello, I hope all of you are doing well today. I would like to introduce a situation that me, my guild mates, and other players have been facing.
I would like to express that this is a suggestion, therefore, it is fair if you disagree.
As many of you know, currently, the only passable map to farm U70 stones is at Papaya. Given that fact, the drop rate is not equitable. The probability
that a U60 stone will drop is outrageous. Moreoever, after a while of hunting for a fair farming spot, an uncensitive brat arrives to ruin one's farming.
The individual might proceed to take one's farming spot or lingers there to pester the one who is farming.
The places to attain U70 stones are scarce, and the prices on the market are sky high.
Me and my mates have come up with a few solutions:
- Include UD6 Hard difficulty, where the drop rate for U70 stones would be higher.
- Initiate an event of some kind where U70 stones might drop.
- Come up with more spots on maps where U70 drop.
- Increase the probability that U70 stones drop.
You, the players are free to add any more adequate solutions that come to mind. Feel free to also scratch some off the list.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
I don't know if its possible on 1.0 client but I would add unlock map where gohan trained in anime (when piccolo left him on) alone, and Island where Goku and Kuririn trained as kids before their first tournament.
PS: I know that hackers could get there only. Screenshoots are from Hong Kong version of DBO. Me and my mate were teleported in party here to explore by guy from china. -
Power up in DBO is so lame. Ask Popo skill animation looks much better.
Does ultimate majin and grand chef buffs can stack?
Yes. Only Defense Breeze (Mighty Majin) don't stack with stronger version Defense Breath (Grand Majin).
I know about the basic stuff, but i tried to hunt with a lvl 1 with the scouter that shows the dragon ball but no monster was respawning with the dragon ball, maby the chance is really low for lower lvl mobs.
Thank you for the details.
Nope, when i played like 3-4 months ago with new character i was on one spot and just kill mobs (bought cheap scouter to see db icons) and drop was just the same like with my 60 character when i played.
You can hunt with 1 level. Very helpfull will be scouter with option to search dragon balls. For transformation wish You need 40 level, for dragon buffs i believe it was 20 level to wish for. You can always store Dragon balls in banker, and try to get more. U can make a wish later when get required level.
As human/majin take transform. Human gets many benefits, hit rate is good thing for hunting, also a bit movement speed. enought easy to maintain it.
As majin if u take pure majin form + genocide attack u can spam it for fast killing mobs, especially on 40 level when majins attacks are weak. -
Just visited 2.0 after like half of year and game still crash when alt + tab, no sounds in game + sometimes crash when taking exp boost from cash shop.
Good work rotating camera with mouse work. -
Check if You don't have flying scroll first to use in inventory. And check again if You did all the missions step-by-step.
You can also take a look in quest list, and remove any quest with Flying if You got any, and take again. -
bro read old threads someone reported it 7 months ago and a other 3 days xD
That only shows that there's bug for 7 months, and game is dead, nobody repair it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm sorry to say that buy CH1 gonna be off too. Same happens before. One channel, and after few hours another.
Let it have only full original DBZ Japan soundtrack and I buy it.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
is server 2.0 online and ready to play?
2.0 bugged as hell… played like 20 minutes.
- I got crash sometimes in cash shop
- Very often crash when alt + tab
- Weird camera rotating
- Sometimes crash when jump
+ No fps cap, smooth running over 200 fps during fight. -
30 minutes ago i went to Korin Fishing Village and found box with item inside.
I've noticed that one near Korin tower, and one near center of map (where we have two Bridges, between korin tower and Korin Village) are invisiblem and cannot attack them. In fishing village in south-west corner is working box.
Logged in today and channel 1 died, 0 was alive. Now both are dead so i bet something crashed (just like when DBOG started and had problems). Need to wait until Daneos repair it.