Posts by spopaj

    How to play turtle hermit :
    1. Make to level 42, pick super kameha and start 1 shoting almost everything.

    2. Get level 48, pick giant kameha 1 shot everything including bosses.

    3. GG you wont the game.

    I dont know why people says they dont want new things that there wasn´t in old dbo, then you should close suggestions forum.

    Because its way to much work for that and for us old school players at least me game is ruined. Daneos is working alone on a game that was made by team of people. Too much coding, reworking existing codes.

    kad ce vise ta open beta jbt, cekam vec godinu dana :|, mrzi me da igram sad na pre open jer ce brisati accounte sve za open betu

    Prije godinu dana rekli su da bude open beta izašla pa nije tako da mir. Dan sam radi na ovoj igri koju je radilo prije 10 godina cijeli tim ljudi. Igraj sad, zajebavaj se sa blakancima i dobro. Zakaj svi mrze tolko šta bude wipe. Pa jebote 5 dana ti treba za lvl 70 onak šta plačete koji k.

    There are many players in the server who have obtained these items by purchasing these items and they were not aware of how these items were created.

    Thats very much true.
    Imagine this. You spen't 100$ on CP,a nd you bought boxes for that CP. Now, some dud was selling +15 item for boxes and you bought it from him not knowing it was bugged/duplicated etc etc. And Daneos now remove all +15 duplicated/bugged items or whatever. How tf would you feel? I bet you would cry like a baby cuz you lost your money.

    PS...yo have +15 too as I see. Now how about somebody take it from you for no reason. How would you feel?

    I can agree with lagg issues and people grinding where you grind. Currently if you have kaio crap on if you change channel yo dont lose it but you lose ssj. You can recast kaio crap again but ssj goes to cd. It does not matter rn cuz kaio and ssj give same stats lol cuz its broken. It would be nice but ye as some said before you don't get much benifit from using these two. Bit movement speed/attack speed or attack damage. It aint that important. You look good tho I give you that. Thats pretty cool :D

    Think i'm gonna say this in name of all old school players. We just want normal working game like tw/korean was. We don't want any new thingies classes, improvements or anything else that wasn't in original game. Nostalgia is kicking us in the face you know. Something new would just ruin it. And thats too much coding and reworking. Think there was already posts about this and they were closed like instantly.

    Its probably bugged. No cd at all on those skills. Knockdowns, stuns, paralisis and even confusion. It seems it has no cd. Monsters just keep recasting it. I know those monkeys on papaya for example. Get confused bruh you ded. Better log out lol. And cast speed is terrible. Its like 0.5 sec cast speed. Like speedy gonzales.

    And 700 dodge wtf? Whats your hit rate? 20? I have like 8k dodge with ma fighter and I still get hitted sometimes, and thats not even max dodge lel

    As everyone said, there is no release date yet but its supposed to be for december, more or less.

    Wise man once said that YEAR AGO open beta should've started. So don't tell me december more or less when thats not true.

    Check every item of betterman/ trinisette / publicenemy or moononepiece. They have all +15's

    Most of them are cashers who just buy infinite amount of white stones and go for +15 or they buy it for real money. All you can do is report them but hey you cant report every +15 guy lol.

    tell me then, when is the release of the open-beta? Some say it wil take years.. You are probably one of the buggers. We buy CP and brown boxes to get nothing back. Chinese people rule over the game. they set the prices on items. Why? Because they have all the +15's in their bankers.

    The only proof of duplicated items has daneos since i can't see the ID of an item, but he can. Or he just doesn't want to remove the duplicated items.

    The decision is on you..


    You mad bro, you don't own anything +15 and you mad at everyone else who have it. Like tf is wrong with people. If you want to report someone for bugging report him, dont spam forums with this shit. We all know there are people who abuse bugs to get +15. We all know that there are people who buy stuff for real money and what do we do with that? We report. We don't make mad posts and cry on forums. Ain no body gonna give you +15 boy. You either play or go shu shu. No offense.

    And why would cosmo be bugger tf. He is super saiyan founder. Can you think a bit with your head?