Posts by Anso

    Yeah, i tried to change the names and the character becomes a homunculus just like that haha
    Hmm, i get it about the software.

    I'm not good working with textures.
    You can make a change in the texture of that majin hair? Giving it headlines and making it white color?

    Is it possible to do a swap between the Female Human Hair number 4 with the Female Majin Hair number 9?

    Female Human Number 4

    Female Majin Number 9

    The human hair in white color. For kid and adult.
    If it's not, maybe a A21 hair mod for Majin? xD

    I didn't play near the end of the official DBO, so doesn't know if this was a change from the company, but playing here now i see that the mobs (monters) are ignoring walls, trees, rocks, etc and attacking you. I remember that in DBO the monsters didn't do that, they need to run around. With this players could gather all the monsters and stack them, even the ranged ones.
    The way it's now, we can't gather the ranged mobs together properly. This could be fixed (bug) or was intended to be this way now?

    "Muito jogos não zeram a experiência, mantendo e precisando só do restante"
    Quais muitos jogos? Porque todos os MMOs e jogos online que joguei até hoje zeram a experiência quando se passa de level, dizendo o quanto você precisa para o level seguinte.
    Ai você me manda como exemplo do seu modelo Tibia... sério mesmo?

    Eu vou dar exemplos de jogos que zeram a experiência:
    Priston Tale
    World of Warcraft
    Guild Wars
    Guild Wars 2
    Blade and Soul
    Dragon Nest

    Quer mais jogos?
    Porque eu acho que só esses que eu citei são ou foram muito melhores que Tibia.
    Agora me fale exemplos de MMOs descentes que não zeram a experiência.
    Isso que você quer não existe em MMO, eles zeram sim a experiência, dando o novo valor para o level seguinte.

    Po Anso.. Agora que vi seu nick lembrei sim man.. Lembrei do Rizobioe do Dohko tb.. haha.. tinha muita gente..

    To vendo que tem uma molecada que nunca jogou DBO.. seria legal resgatar o canal da Paradise no YouTube pra ensinar essa molecada a fazer TMQ e tal.. se não vai chover neguinho pedindo ajuda dentro do server hehe.. Saudade de acordar 6 da manhã pra lutar no Dojo Wars *SQN!

    haha de boa xD
    O canal ta ativo ainda, só não postamos mais nada.
    Mas vai ter guias pro povo, mas você sabe que a maioria nem presta atenção em guias e mesmo tendo eles ficam perguntando no jogo xD

    Não lembra de mim, bolei, vou até embora agora...
    Zoa, também jogava no KR desde o início e no Taiwan também xD

    A língua tida como internacional é o Inglês.
    Se o servidor tem como objetivo atingir um grande número de países a única obrigação deles é fazer o jogo em inglês, já que assim grande parte do mundo vai entender.
    Se quer ficar jogando jogo estrangeiro, ao invés de ficar reclamando que não tem em português vai fazer um curso de Inglês ou aprender o básico pra se virar em um jogo.

    Agora, tem um pessoal aqui da comunidade se dispondo a traduzir DE GRAÇA. Então, me desculpem a força de expressão, fiquem com o rabo quieto na cadeira e espera terminarem pra usar a tradução. Se não fizeram, dane-se também, eles não tem obrigação nenhuma de fazer, não estão sendo pagos, se fizeram é um favor e nada mais. Não quer esperar eles e quer o jogo em português de qualquer jeito? Se mexa então e traduza, pronto, resolvido.

    Só deixar claro, meu post não é pra ofender nem causar discussão, só estou deixando bem claro que essa reclamação toda é infundada.
    1 - Jogo é estrangeiro, não tem obrigação de ser em português.
    2 - Quem está traduzindo não está sendo pago, está fazendo um favor.

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    i strongly disagree with all the suggestions stated in the original post

    first of all, boxes were a good thing and thats a fact
    why would anyone want upgrade crystals to become a UD/TMQ drop? to force players to spend endless periods of time trying to farm a couple crystals? let people enjoy the game the way they want, its not up to you decide how players have to play their game!
    money cost for each upgrade? not only you want people to spend hours farming crystals you also want them to spend zeni whenever they decide to use them? this is madness! i hope none of these suggestions are actually taken into consideration because it would literally shatter the game

    I will not explain again why boxes was bad and how they ruined the game when come out.
    Just read other posts if you want. And, yes, waste time farming TMQ and UD, this is play the game... better them spend tons of cash and don't play the game.
    Like i say, this was my suggestion, my opinion. Dev team make what they want.
    And... shatter the game? Know what shatter the game when DBO was live? Boxes.
    Dbo before boxes - Fine, good game.
    Dbo after boxes - Ruined and boring

    Dbo didn´t failed. I was pretty happy with the game. There wasn´t really any problems only the bugs and the only players who complain about the original dbo are the cashers who didn´t do much pve. I think that you guys are also the same. And again dbo didn´t failed.

    I did all the pve content, ALL. Since the korean alpha test to the end of servers i played all pve contents and pvp.
    And again, DBO Failed.
    A MMO that shut down and close doors in 4 years it's a big fail. A bigger one because it's Dragon Ball franchise.
    And bro, pretty much the opposite of that. Who defends the DBO cash system and box are the cashers and wanna buy them with cash again.

    Like i say, opinions are diffents and everyone can say what think.
    Without offenses, the discussion it's valid, but in the end, the dev team will make what they want.

    I will repeat: a easy way to get equips with cash it's a easy way to fail
    DBO fail, yes fail, because the company only rush ways to do more and more money with cash itens.
    One game don't need to be P2W for the dev team make money, Blade & Soul prove that. It's a F2P in China, Japan and Taiwan, and don't have a P2W cash shop.
    P2W cash shop just ruin the game. For me, someone who defends the box just wanna put cash and buy a lot of them, just that.
    I'm not thinking if i'm gonna buy cash or not, i'm talking about what i know about DBO and F2P MMO, and i'm thinking in everyone that will play this game.
    If this server have box for cash and keep the P2W way that DBO have, this private will fail in 6 months max.

    I'm not telling people "don't buy cash", i'm talking about a stupid cash item that ruin all the game.
    It's a stupid item that ruin the original DBO servers and will ruin all privates that keep it as cash shop item.
    I know how DBO was before the box and after the box and i say, with the boxes become a pretty much stupid game.

    If you don't understand what i'm talking, how much is bad a P2W mentality in F2P games and how this ruin the server, you are a casher or don't play much MMO's
    Well, i talk what i have to talk about this. I already made my suggestion to remove boxes in suggestion area. The dev will make what they want. Let's see what happens.
    I hope the server go well, for me and for all the people who is waiting to play.

    I spend cash in DBO, but i don't think it's a good thing for the game.
    There's a lot of things that they can make money in this server and i already list them:
    - Bike and Fuel
    - Flying
    - Dogi
    - Gamble Machine
    - Autopots
    - Cash Pots
    - Cash Foods
    - Bags (z32, etc)
    - Warehouse Expansion
    - Exp Boost
    - Upgrade Stones (even with a drop chance, there always be people who buy with cash)
    - White Stones

    And have more...
    I'm against boxes because they ruin the game. I'm not thinking about me buying cash or not, i'm thinking in the game.
    Everyone that put cash will not play the game, will rush to the end and do NOTHING, only PVP. Will be much like the old fail servers, where nobody do TMQ's and UD's anymore. Only do CCDG because of the buff and to use boxes in the itens. But think that they can remove the boxes and put the itens from CC with good adds. This way everybody will have to play all the game contents to make good itens. The cash will help to upgrade more fast, only this.

    Every single game that give easy ways to get good equips with cash don't during, this much worst in a private server.
    People will stop playing if see people buying $300 in cash and becoming gods in the game in one month. Soon, the server will be empty and will have only the people who buy a lot of cash and are doing nothing, only random pvps.
    I will buy cash? Maybe. But even buying cash i think that boxes ruin the game. That's my opinion.

    I think the same.
    The old system was better, but the new one it's much more easy to balance.
    With the old they will need to balance all chips for all classes, a lot of unecessary work.

    But, with time and server already working, maybe they can work in a good balance to the old system and change.

    Sandu ta doido, não foi do Mussolini.
    Foi de outro carinha que era da guild, ele inclusive acredito que parou de jogar logo depois de ser roubado.
    Lembro que ele jogava de Dende, mas não consigo lembrar de tudo também, como já disseram, foi a muito tempo e também acho que tudo poderia ter sido de outra forma, mas na época foi um bom motivo pra se causar uma treta com a antiga aliança e dar uma movimentada no jogo que estava parado e chato.

    Conversando aqui, juntando memórias, chegamos a lembrar o que aconteceu nessa história ai.
    Mussolini emprestou dois brincos para o BigBang, amigo nosso. Ele parou de jogar e vendeu a conta para o MrNice.
    Quando falaram isso pro MrNice e pediu os brincos do Kaka de volta, ele parece que não quis devolver, ou algo assim.
    Mas no fim, foda-se, foi só um motivo besta pra gente fazer a treta foda que queria haha