Posts by AMZD

    For months I have not been able to enter the game because of this mistake, someone help me please

    Thats bug trap error,you should try uninstall the game and install again whilst installation try to check if it gets blocked by your firewall,also before you do anything try to see if you got the bugtrap.dll in the folder where the dbog.exe is,if its there you need to give administration privileges to the launcher...hope i helped.

    It is indeed a great idea,would solve a lot issues i believe,but yeah since its not in the game, it needs to be made, which i highly doubt if its going to be considered, at least not for now, it could be done in a sort way with properties though, if properties work only for pvp, idk i aint a pvp lover so, i leave it for those who know better...

    The instanced part of the game for pvp, is the budokai, private fights,dojos and scramble,which if you really think of it, with certain commands it could the game can tell if you are pvping or pveing, different set of skill effects or gear effects it would be really a headache to implement from scratch, different values for same effects thought not so much i guess, anyways great idea again, would love to see this game going more complicated in future...

    In dragon cave south, this quest is bugged, once you approach the designated area where you have to kill Shashave the quest fails...

    Also on retail DBO once you got in lava you where getting a burn debuff, which lasted for up to 10-15 secs

    this is a bug,its listed at the bug thread,eventually it will be fixed, quick solution tho:remove sp's from skills bellow to zero to reach current skill and remove the sp's you wish...

    add a forth,same delay on every char i have,that is in a guild,guild member list freezes game on scrolling,also quests when complete they dont leave from quest list until relog and quest item list it gets full...

    true, hit rate/dodge rate does not apply yet to skills, onlytowards autoattacks. We'll just have to wait and see when it does happen. Either way, daneos is doing an amazing job. The part of the dodge/success/hit/resist/block rate is a major part and very hard to ballance out. I really respect his dedication and motivation towards this project tough.

    well said.

    i'm pretty sure that resistance only aplied to effects (bleeds, cc, slow,...) Dammage can't be resisted. The only thing that you can do is dodging an attack or blocking an attack to avoid dammage. That would be the most logical way to follow.

    by saying that,i remember that insufficient hit rate would result a miss,which i see only from mobs,i take my gear out and i always hit the target...not talking only for auto attack. As a grand on TW i remember having issues with hitrate,ending up missing alot without focus or hit rate on gear...

    Also i would like to add that skills that are like 1/5 with effect,has less chance than 5/5 and all skills that gain effects on ultimate(full/full) they got 100% success rate...(like double whammy ball as Kyra said,5/6 no effect,just ordinary attack,but at 6/6 paralysis,which has 100% success rate,thats the point of spending to much sp).

    some bugs from chefs...
    aoe skills aint working always properly,by saying that,means the skills are getting cancelled when there isnt any target,which isnt right,they should always work with or without target(starts the animation with cast time etc and about in the middle of it,it gets frozen,cant use any skill until movement)...

    ultimate curing scent,banishing breeze,detoxifying breeze,can be used while in combat with no cursor pointed on target(those are not selfcast). also not working on teamates...

    also something is wrong with con,every time i log on i got less lp than i should and on each relog it gets fixed until next death or rebuff...

    also forgot to mention about mob debuffs, like bleed or speed reduction or attack...,no matter if duration is right or not,since you kill the mob you are not able to fly until duration expires,i think it wasnt like that in TW retail or the duration was like half time,i dont remember myself having problems to fly after being debuffed,idk if its intentional here but i find it disturbing...

    in old tw the correct is the limit lvl 30 master class or not if you have lvl 30 you can reset all skills on npc

    No,my dear friend,in old DBO was 29lvl with no master class,above 29lvl you couldnt reset on npc,but hell with it right?this is DBOG and i enjoy the fact with no master class you can reset as much as you wish...

    this is due to you using the arrow keys to move around. you have to use the left clicking, just left click right before the scene starts and it shouldn't happen anymore. This is mostly due to you being an adult (walking goes faster and isn't the same as a child) or if you use movement speed potions.

    If you use your mouse clicks to go further, there should be no problems at all and all of the cutscenes should work properly without the mobs starting to become agressive too early.

    kinda lost you there,my char aint an matter i do,this happens...i always do tlq by clicking,cause im bored.
    Once i saw this bug/problem,i did it with wasd keys...for first time lol.