S > +10 Claws level 70
Wm: Kuromi
Posts by Kuromi
Hello jlslukas,
Remove compatibility mode in compatibility settings for both dbo.exe and dbolauncher.exe
Regards -
Hello mitsuakiciryon,
We're sorry for the delay. Can you also send a screenshot of your internet connectivity speed? You can utilize this website to do so. Disable your firewall too, it might've been blocking your game all along.
(Nous sommes désolés pour le retard. Pouvez-vous également envoyer une capture d'écran de votre vitesse de connectivité Internet? Vous pouvez utiliser ce site pour le faire. Désactivez également votre pare-feu, cela pourrait avoir bloqué votre jeu tout au long.)
Regards -
Hello KingZeusOG,
I'd like to direct you here, that way you can explore and see what's the best build for you, in that section you will find several thread regarding Crane Hermits, and Guides from players.
Kuromi -
Then Kuromi Transformed
and Kamehameha Kiro
You're always welcome to submit suggestions such as this.
Regards -
Hello Tomekai.
Check your display settings, and double check if your scouter is turned On.
Kuromi -
You can try doing the suggestions from [MOD] Box-head(boxbox). Also, refrain yourself from running the game in compatibility mode, as it may cause further more complications in the future.
There are side effects on running the game in compatibility mode:- [errorbox] White screen on startup[/errorbox]
[errorbox]slow performance
Kuromi -
Hello Tomekai,
This is a known problem as many other players encounter these accidents day by day, I myself have encountered it by selling a dogi for 2z. Let this be a lesson to you and to all the other players out there including myself, that we should always double check our transactions in trade, auction house, and personal shops. Let us move on and continue to enjoy the game.
Kuromi -
Hi mitsuakiciryon,
Vérifiez les paramètres de compatibilité dbo.exe et dbolauncher.exe, si vous l'utilisez en mode compatibilité, puis désactivez-le. Si le problème persiste, pouvez-vous me dire quel miroir de téléchargement vous utilisez ?, pouvez-vous aussi me montrer une capture d'écran de votre lanceur?
Regards -
Hello Maskman,
You can always try to relaunch the game, If it still persist, maybe some of your files might've corrupted, due to your antivirus software. Here are some suggestion of which you can do to fix your problem.[infobox]Checklist:
Deactivate your Antivirus Software.
Remove Each and Every mods you've installed.
Remove compatibility mode in your compatibility settings for dbolauncher and dbo.exe.
Run the game as an administrator.[/infobox]
If all else fails, Reinstall the game without the mods. Remember to whitelist or add your DBOG to the exemption list on your antivirus software
Kuromi -
I likey. Keep it up Cakey :comcom19:
Called Box Box
When I try to login it says that my character is currently connected.
game name : mesin
Hi ycg8246 ,
Your character will be released in the next server reset. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Kuromi -
Button on Kuromi's
The DragonBalls Faded
And revived Krillin
B > Glove +10 above
Stats: 25-26% attack speed
B > Mask +10 above
Stats: 25-26% attack speed
B > Majin armors +10
Stats:(Top) Anticrit% FOC 28
(Pants / boots) CON 28
Pm me ign: Kuromi / DarkShenron / AvatarKioshi