Posts by oEffy


    getting a bit used to using photoshop, so here is a Dogi I did for training.

    If you want to use it you need to replace the textures of the hls_cos_309 dogi and since it isn't released you also need to switch the dogi in the obj.pak. In the zip I attached it is renamed for the token goku dogi.




    DDS files are texture files and not 3ds files. I am working on a program that lets the user edit 3d models and animations specifically made for dbo. It is not finished yet but when it is, i will only release it to the members in my team though. You got enough skill to join, and your latest mods have shown it pretty clear that you have amazing creative skills. Sorry that i am answering this post a month later, i never got a notification and i just looked at this thread.


    Nps and thanks for the information. Too bad I hoped there already was a programm^^ Yeah if you write someting on your own it is understandable. Thanks again for the compliment, still my work doesn't give me the time. I haven't had time to log in dbo since sunday, so I would just be the guy who asks questions from time to time and whom you can't give parts of projects cause he would need decades for even starting it and I can't come online once a day.

    Well believe it or not, but my first mods where also made by copying items and repositioning them on different dogi's. Feel free to add me on discord if you want to join the team. You certainly have a good skill set already and i am sure it will become even better in the future.


    Thanks for the nice words^^

    I really do feel flattered but I lack the time and you are on a whole nother lvl. I will continue tho as soon as I have another Idea

    Nah i don't have any basics, since it seems you want to do that stuff too, I just opened the dogi on first layer and then the saiyan armor item on the next layer removing and copying parts of it to another position. You can easily try it yourself


    so I had this idea and it went okayish enough to share with you guys.

    I don't really have any skills in picture editing, this even was my first time using and it was more or less trial and error, but it got to a point where I will use it for my self, not trying anymore stuff for it.

    If you like it and know your stuff, feel free to use it and improve it.

    It replaces the green sayaman dogi for females.




    Dann hast du schon deine Antwort. Es ist nicht trotzdem sondern höchstwahrscheinlich deswegen.

    Eine texture falsch in der tex.pak oder obj.pak verlinkt. (Wenn ich raten müsste hast du ein SSJ Haar oder Gesicht vertauscht und dort wohl einen Fehler gemacht)

    Am besten dein Backup nehmen und den pak ordner auf Originalzustand bringen.

    Good Idea, especially for the players just joining and not wanting to search through houndreds of threads to find a certain cap. Questions about that come all the time.

    Yeah there might be "cry babys" and those who silently accept everything they get. But see it as in real life, a company can't be succesfull without regular feedback and here at least half of it is with well-founded arguments.

    Both, especially a table for the item cap, could be done from players too. Might be hard to allways stay updated tho, since noone will come and say, hey update your list, there was an update.

    Wagu maschine. Evtl. später wieder im cash shop. Wissen noch nicht wie sie die in das Spiel bringen. (Auserdem bekommst 5 lvl40 aus der lvl box, damit kommst aber nicht weit)

    After I got bored with my current hands optic, I switched a few, finding something hilarious to share:

    Mufflers^^ The new must have for majins (if it isn't a bug...but doesn't look like it is...)


    I want to give you 5 likes for the second picture, made my day...

    I love the idea, I know it like that from the old game I played between dbo. It was suggested before, but back then we got laughed at because I guess those answering couldn't afford dogi balls or just didn't care. Dogi hiding

    Imo in any case something to have on the list to implement after the gameplay is open beta ready.

    Even better to have that option now with random wagu (I rarely like the hair and back dogis)

    You're not the first one to notice, but the more complain about it the better

    Here was a bigger one:


    Allways good to saying go easy on someone and then insulting someone at the end...As for me I rather had box answered than the other one on this old thread.

    As for the topic, yeah it should be capped, it is way to overpowered in the way you have to go full foc and still only have a decent chance to hit. Looking at budokai you see there are more MAs then other classes taken together, so great it is balanced.

    But then there are way to many fighters with way to big ego, I bet half of the dbog team playing fighters too and it seems the screeming for no nerf is just too big for nerfing something so logical.
