Seems fixed to me
Ah the UI lol didn't read the title right.,
Seems fixed to me
Ah the UI lol didn't read the title right.,
Still not working for me.
Display MoreWould divide it more into something like:
NPC ( AH, merchants, special event merchants,...)
Something that would fit more in the logical section.
We need this because it's hard to find what's already been posted.
Just something I thought of to keep it more organized.
Time to reach 165 fps :^
Must be on crack.
Hi everyone, this is a new guild coming to DBOR. We hope to get mature and respectful members that are active.
We have experienced players from DBO that are more than willing to help you out.
Our Jr Masters are (Usama) and Obey.
Message me if you want to apply, I have to rework the whole site.
1.You can either join ingame or you can send a membership on the forums with your name and class you will play as in DBOG. If you do not put your class you will be ignored. Either the jrs above or me(Takaroku will accept the offer)
2.After the game is launched you have to wait until you hit the level cap to join.
3.Must be willing to do PVP and PVE.
What we have to offer
1.We will participate in PVP( Tournaments, Dojo Wars & Scramble, CC Rank ) and PVE (TMQ's, Ultimate Dungeons, Red Pants Dungeons, and CC Dungeons).
2.We hope to have much fun and be the best guild.
3.We will also have giveaways, guild photos, and guild tournaments just to pass the time.
4.We also have Discord, so if you want to chat on their with us, you're more than welcome. You have to be in the guild to join it of course.
5.We also have a Youtube page -->
like and sub
Display MoreCan someone tell me the benefits of creating a grand chef? other than being logged in to combine buffs with the ultimate.
This class is bad at all, lol.
no stun (useless candy)
lots of useless buffs.
less damage than the ultimate.
farm less than ultimate.
"aaah have a candy ball", okay, it does not have stun to keep your opponents standing while receiving the damage, and this lasts a lot compared to the ultimate, disrupts the farm, has a lot of coldown.
Grand Chef needs rework.
remove multi-client = 80% of the grand chefs disappear from the game.
Actually Kakarot has proven in his streams that Chef has more damage but lacks everything else. Less reliable basically.
Swordsman, but I will play all classes.
like on the side of those who voted yes, there are many illegitimate accounts
We have already taken out the Illegitimate accounts in both.
If you do not talk about what you think about why it should have been erased, a nice answer will arrive, so try harder, and without being sarcastic, 52% vs 48% and 5 days left, it's totally even, it's an approximate half, in Regarding the information, those who vote wipe, most are people who use the forum and cash payment in the game, not so the users who have never paid and who are not using the forum often
Sorry to butt in but the "no wipe" side has people that made multiple accounts to vote. We are up by almost half with legit votes.
They're probably afraid of the game being copyrighted and taken down.
So this game require that all us lvl our pjs a lot of times? xd when other guys will use a bug or some third sofware, will be neccesary other and other wipe xd is logic
Look at Supreme's comment, and sorry I can barely understand you. Daneos has said that he will remove multi client, and there will be some sort of hack prevention set in place hopefully.
First : the votes (not wiping data and wiping just items) are more than the votes with the wipe
Second : Dont be selfish here , if you are ready to start all over again , there is people that dont have time for that you know ? , i have a job , friends and plenty other things , i dont have time to start all over again , think about all hours spend on the game , LEARN TO VALUE YOUR TIME
Thank you !
This is an mmo. All of them require your time, game is already one of the easiest mmos in existance. The only thing that makes it somewhat, if at all challenging, is upgrading and brown boxes but those are both rng.
It's funny that most people that don't want a wipe are the people that multi cliented, bugged, or have done little to nothing in the game. The damage has already been done, the only way to not have a wipe is to ban and prevent the abusers from ever doing this again. Need some type of hack prevention set in place in order for that to happen. I doubt Daneos has that figured out yet so it seems hopeless atm.
We need the broken option back, even with buggers they won't have such an easy time upgrading to +15 without any effort. Don't know if you could duplicate items back in retail but you can sure as hell say there weren't even no where near as many high upgraded compared to this. You may want to deny it all you want but we need a broken option.
I honestly just want a fresh, clean restart. If I get CP back, great. If not, that's fine. I just want the game to get as clean as possible before we hit lvl 70 client.
I have this mentality honestly, some people might want their cp back but there's not going to be any point of having it back since you can't profit off it. Just get what you need and leave. Also screw the wagu machine.
- marriage system between all classes, genders and races and creating events such as married Budokai only etc. (just because I'd love to see hilarious pairings such as Dende with a Majin etc.)
Yeah man don’t get too offended by the responses. It’s just that we want the game back and this sounds silly to most of us because the game in its current state would never have this. Even if it did it would take like 3-5 years with all the things we need fixed and implemented in dbog.
Hes actually saying that:
- Even with the possibility of new security, the cashers, no lives, and the “good” will have godly gear again and the ones you consider bad players will stay bad. So basically whatever Daneos does, it will happen again and that everytime it does happen, you (wipe supporters i presume he’s talking about) will ask for Wipe until it goes your way. A wipe just slows them down (according to him).
Ok I've come to the conclusion that you have your head up your ass and any further comments from you should be ignored.